Cardiac Arrest Rhythms

Basic Cardiac Rhythm Recognition Cardiac Arrest Rhythms
6 minutes
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Excellent. Now we're going to be discussing our cardiac arrest rhythms and our ability to identify what they are. So we'll start off with a system D, I think this is the easiest one. So II, Sicily is just indicated by a straight line, they also call it flatline. On the cardiac monitor, you may see a couple of little bumps here and there. But we're going to call this a system a now a system D is the cessation of everything that's happening within the cardiac system.

There's no electricity occurring and there's no mechanical beating of the heart. And that's what we're seeing on that cardiac monitor. So let's talk about cardiac monitors for a second. A cardiac monitors only show us electricity. They do not tell us that something is actually mechanically happening. All it's looking for is electricity in every single case, they will never tell us that something is mechanically happening with a heartbeat, only electricity So once again a sisterly or flatline, no electrical activity, no mechanical activity, patients pretty much dead at this point flatline.

Now this next one is really hard to identify this one is going to be called PE a or pulseless electrical activity. Now let's break down those three words. pulseless means the patient does not have a pulse. And electrical activity is what we're seeing on the cardiac monitor. So pa or pulseless electrical activity is any rhythm that we think can perfuse life in a patient, but the patient remains pulseless. It can be.

It can be normal sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, a fib a flutter, all of the rhythms that we just discussed earlier can show up on that cardiac monitor, but the patient can also not present with a pulse. So anytime we see a rhythm that we think is perfusing on the cardiac monitor, but the patient remains pulseless. We're going To call that pa or pulseless electrical activity. Now the next one we'll discuss is going to be V fib or ventricular fibrillation. As you can see here, we can't even ask ourselves those six questions that we've been talking about during the entire course. all we see is a very chaotic set of squiggly lines running across that cardiac monitor.

Now, ventricular fibrillation is actually one of the better rhythms to be in if you're dead, to be quite honest. So what's happening here is the bottom of the heart is just quivering. picture it as you're hooking up electrodes to a bowl full of jello, and you're shaking the jello on your table. That's what the monitor is picking up is that shaking or that quivering that fibrillation? So what's happening here, once again, the hardest quivering but it's not producing blood flow. There's lots of electricity going on, but it's not producing Mechanical pulse and therefore not producing blood flow.

So with V fib during cardiac arrest, we can actually defibrillate this particular arrhythmia, and allow it to kind of stop and think about what it's done. And then start producing a pulse. So v fib very chaotic, no organization, lots of electricity, but no mechanical beating of the heart. Now the second to the last rhythm we'll be speaking about for cardiac arrest is V tack. Now we spoke about v tech earlier in the course. But in this particular case, when V tech presents typically doesn't present with a pulse for cardiac arrest, so we'll call this rhythm pulseless v. Tak.

Pulseless. v tech is very similar to V tack or ventricular tachycardia. But once again, it's not producing a pulse, and this rhythm is defibrillator double as well. Here's what's happening with the tack. So the bottom of the heart is just banging away, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, a lots of electricity going on, and the electricity looks very organized. But when we check the pulse on our patient, there's no pulse.

So once again, pulseless v tack, it's not producing a pulse, only electricity. This is our second and only other defibrillator double rhythm during cardiac arrest. So can you ask yourself six questions about pulseless v tech? All right, let's do it. So is it fast? Or is it slow?

Is it regular? Or is it irregular? Is your QRS complex narrow? Or is your QRS complex? wide? Do we see a P wave?

If we don't see a P wave, we can't ask ourselves the remaining questions. So this tells us once again, that it's v tac, and the mere fact that the patient doesn't have a pulse will allow us to call it pulseless feedback. I think you're doing fantastic. Nicely done. So, the last one we'll talk about is tore solids. And we did mention this earlier in the course when we were talking about our wide complex tech accardi is not to Assad's can present both while the patient is alive, and while the patient is dead.

If the patient does not present with a pulse during cardiac arrest, and they're in tour sods, this is a shockable rhythm as well. We're going to treat it just like v fib or pulses v Tak. Now let's identify Tor sods. Once again, let's ask ourselves those six questions if we can. So the first question is, is it fast or is it slow? is fast?

Is it regular? Or is it irregular? Definitely irregular. Is your QRS complex wide, or is your QRS complex narrow? Well, it is wide. Do we see a P wave?

See a P wave to you. Once again, if we can't see a P wave, we can't ask ourself the remaining questions. About how to identify this arrhythmia. So based on the answers that I've asked myself, this is four sides towards thoughts, the point

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