Hello and welcome to Al's electronic classroom. Alan best here. And we've put up a new course here on this platform called Advanced circuit theory. And this is a in advance a circuit analysis course. Some of the topics that we cover or our current chops, law, voltage and current the super positioning theorem, feminine and Norton conversions and we also talk about if I've got more than two supplies in the circuit cutting analyze that. All right now this this course here is it it is a bit of an advanced topic.
All right. So if you don't have an understanding of voltage current resistance and how their relationships are. I suggest that maybe you regress back, I've got a basic circuit analysis course I suggest you take that first. I've also got a brief history of electronics with electronic basics and electronic fundamentals. So if if, if, if this is something that you that you feel as though you'd like to take, that's fine. But you need to have a background on a bit of a background on current flow, what AC DC voltages that type of thing to go in there and and really get the maximum benefit out of that course.
All right. So with that said, before I go on, everybody knows here that I'm about my little luck and panning here, Vass. She's a rescue dog. And again, I suggest that if you're looking for a dog for a pet, think about buying a rescue dog or adopting a rescue dog. I've had best for two years. She's a wonderful, wonderful companion.
I love her very much. And there's many sites out there on the internet. Just go to Google, go to Bing, search on rescue dogs adopt a rescue dog and so forth. And I'm sure you'll come up with many, many different sites best was adopted from great dog rescue out of Acton, Massachusetts. That was they were great. I mean, they were great.
But if you're looking, you know, if you're another part of the country or another, another part of the world, you may want to find someplace that's a little bit closer. So please, please, if you're looking for a dog, please take the opportunity and see if there's a rescue dog often or adoption service near you. With that said, this is Alan vest from Al's electronic classroom saying we'll see in the course. Take care now.