Like a variety of bracing flaps, those are the brushes that have a square top. I've got an arrangement of hardcore bristle brushes and synthetic brushes. And I really like to break them the flat because they create a nice chiseled sculptural stroke. And you can do a lot of variety with these brushes you can use the wide part to create a nice six stroke or the thin narrow edge to create a thin line. And you can use even the corner points to create like a white dot about an arrangement of brightened flat oil. And for the oil paint Today we'll be using for copper.
That's the only color you'll need today and yeah, we'll just be using the burn conversely, I also use walnut oil, cadmium as the medium in the paint and make it go on a little bit more transparently. It will also help the paint dry quicker so it'll be ready to work on in color. You In your team and you just got a little trade for the oil to go into and I use a rag, wipe my brush off in between brush strokes and keep it clean and also to wipe out mistakes. And we've got a mid tone color palette. You can get even like a great paper pallets or you know or this wooden midtone one works it helps us just a little bit better than just using a white glove