There are two ways that I feel my source books. The first is obvious when I have a specific job or goal, say to draw bananas. I'll make some quick sketches of that particular image from different views. I'll sketch them in different colors and orientations and outline them using my fine line marker. I don't spend too much time on one sketch. I feel I've had enough.
And this can be after three sketches or 23 sketches. I'll go back and make a slightly more detailed image. I'll add a few more colors and again, outline it with marker. I may also jot down a few notes as well. The second way that I fill my source book is to spend a few moments when I have time. Or if I designate that time as my warm up for the day, and I just sketch a variety of things that intrigued me that day.
It may be lots of the same image, or one image may lead to another image. But there is nothing pressing about sketching these images. It's purely intuitive. So I add to my source books and fill them in ways that are quick and easy. My sketches aren't perfect, but they're helpful. And my intention is to get ideas down on paper that I can explore further and refer back to when I need them.