Alright guys, so now we are ready to finally start painting our super good cat. Feel free to take a sip of coffee or tea, whatever makes you feel comfortable and let's dive into it. So, as I mentioned earlier, we should start Well, there's a common rule in watercolor that we should start from the lightest tone and move layer by layer to the darker stone. So, when you look at your further reference, you need to decide for yourself what color is the lightest one and this is the color you will be starting from. So in my case I will start from Cadmium Yellow And I will add a tiny bit of a violet just a tiny to make my my cadmium less bright but it is still pretty nice yellow color. This will be my base color and I will start from it.
So I'm applying my first transparent layer on the face of the cat. The white areas I will keep white as a piece of paper. So instead of using white pigment, I use white whiteness of the paper itself to show the color that we see since I'm painting on a cylinder paper, the colors get dry really fast. So this is your job to make sure that when the wash gets dry, it doesn't leave sharp edges. If it does, you need to take a semi wet brush and basically just wash out the rough rough edges of the wash that you've created. So my first layer is very light.
I'm not looking for any details anything specific just to very generalistic first layer first wash Alright, next, I will add, I will take my ttn red dish in red and a little bit of cadmium yellow to make my color more golden light and less orange. In our ad This makes in the places where I see a little bit of a change of the tone. So where a very light for becomes a little bit more orangey but not too much yet. This is the place where I'm going to add this collar right away I will take a little bit of carbon which is called being kind of pinkish color. Well technically it's, it's red but the way we see it is looks like it looks like pink. And I added on the nose to show the nose bridge and I just want to make sure that the, the way how the color spreads is very soft and smooth.
And I take a very transparent clamoring to just add a little bit here to create the shadow that the nose bridge creates naturally just smoke And I keep going with my teaching read mix with cotton on yellow and just apply it in the places where I see a slightly darker tone comparing to the very first one he applied. Now, right underneath the eye there is a noticeable orange orangey kind of outline which I'm making right now with Very light layer so I don't want it to be sharp or very noticeable because my brush is natural and it really absorbs a lot of water and release a lot of water. So all my layers are very watery and wet, which helps to basically mix colors the way I need and move them as much as I need to do that. And I'm doing the same over here I create this sort of an outline Oreo underneath the eye, but I don't just leave it sharp and dry.
I want it a little bit so it looks more rather like a shadow then like on tour All right, as we speak of the IRS, I would like us to a little bit discuss it. So ears are very fluffy. There's some hair growing out in this place and it's super soft. So if you just draw it like sharp lines, it will look very noticeable and dry and sharp obviously. So the way to demonstrate this sir hair, the soft hair Gross here. Instead of drawing the hair, we need to draw something that is darker than the hair.
So basically create negative space negative painting, meaning that we will instead of painting the hair, we will paint the area around the hair but outlining the shape of the hair. So to make it more visual, I will mix my orange, Mighty 10 red with a little bit of alternating to get kind of grayish tone, but linnaean still turnovers the orange and with this I am applying the natural color of this hair that we see over here in a very very transparent layer, so do not do not overdo it. Be very careful At the same time I'm mixing ultramarine blue with violet to have some back down at a little bit of Marsh brown or any brown that you have in your palette to achieve a pretty dark color with a little bit of blue purple undertone and with this, we will create the shadow in between this the hair which is ultimately the year so here instead of trying to paint everything single hair, we are painting the darker space between the hair outline in it in this way, creating this feeling of puffy hair.
So because our layers are pretty humid, it allows us to to move the layers basically forming the shape of each hair the way we need it. And here in the bottom the hair gets slightly darker so while it's wet, I'm adding this darker tone Over here and adding a little bit of a contrast with my T 10 read over here so don't worry it looks a bit weird for now but this is our first layer. It's called the underpainting and they will add more details soon enough so it will look more realistic. For now we need to prepare the basic tonal work so we have the material to work with Alright, so now we can do the same thing with the left here. First, I will prepare this grayish mix. And also have my little purple bound mix as well ready so I don't lose time mixing this colors since the last paper gets some dry really fast, so we need to act fast.
All right, so let's start First week mark, the hair itself is always a win win when you add a little bit of fresh tone and play with stones, so they're not all identical but they change and flow. So that adds some sort of freshness to the painting. And now let's be inside the darker part of the ear. And this way outline basically the shape of the ear. I will take a synthetic brush and lift the pigment In some places where the hair is much lighter you can only do it while your layers are but relatively wet. Otherwise, if your paper is too dry, it will be much harder to lift the pigment and try it away.
I will mark this outline of the year over here. Little precious to small Also notice that my moves are more like the chin dots. I'm kind of trying to just leave the marks over here instead of just covering everything with one move right. And now we need to wait that our first underpainting is fully dry and we can move to our next step to apply new fresh lips.