Okay, so now we will look into test transformation. So in that transformation stage, we may usually prepare our P preprocessor. tests that may enclose are converting the text to uppercase, converting the test to lowercase, converting to tighter case. But does that mean remove stop words, remove whitespace and punctuation as straight using regular expressions. So in our Java code we'll be adding in these features. So, if option is to, then we asked to add a user want to convert a test to uppercase Then we asked our data user want to convert the test to the lowercase dairy printer and then asked whether the user want to remove stop words.
Okay, so this is our yeah well cool. So he option equal equal to t system Oh no. Bring lie to you on case okay. SC are nice I will say stream user so SPR one aka SC MCs okay. E SDR answer. So one equals yes and for data for integer I go to the car door then I brass brass Oh data I will see data i equal Do you want to convert to uppercase data I know to uppercase k okay there we ask the user whether you want to convert to lowercase system.
Although, do you want to convert to uppercase? Do you want to convert to lowercase? The string and so on no answer to history and so on. And so too for him. TGI is on dr lowercase K and we still you want to convert to uppercase Do you want to Stop or remove or do you want to remove star works? He finds two answers tree he finds those trees yes for each day tie okay.
Data I thought what is it I thought the brace is to empty key okay okay oh start with ah ah m two four k ah m two k four k okay so I will say after I process that I do want to see what Y de Alanna process test so I do for Kasia i equals zero i less than data darlin I prosperous di system da The green lie the tie okay. So you can try to see what happened to the program. Okay, test people see oh when we do this we need to import a file into the directory D drive. Okay. Okay. Do you want to exit the program though?
Now we do test reports See? Do you want to convert to uppercase? Yes. You want to convert to lowercase? No. You want to remove ours?
No. Okay, so you can see that it converts all the text to uppercase. Okay, so I fully Do you want to exit? Yes. Okay.