9-12 Years Old

6 minutes
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Now, as your child goes through puberty, emphasize that all bodies develop differently and at their own pace. Have detailed conversations about all the body changes before your child experiences them. This will help them know what is normal and ensure they are talking to you throughout this phase of development. It is likely you'll notice mood changes at this stage. This may begin with more attitude, tears, or aggression. Be patient with your children and try to remember that hormones are kicking off all of the physical and emotional changes their bodies will go through during puberty. Reinforce that masturbation is natural and healthy but should be done privately. Share personal experiences or use examples from popular media to discuss what healthy relationships look and feel like. TV and movies can be great conversation starters. Discuss your family’s expectations and values about dating and sexual activity as well. It is helpful to take a course together or watch videos or read a book explaining what sex is and why it is for adults.

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