Hello everyone. So in this tutorial we are going to develop our first dap which is the distributed application on aetherium We call this dap pet shop. So this Pet Shop basically is an end to end distributed application which gives you a user interface through which you can adopt various pets. Okay, so this entire dap development will be divided into four session four parts in the first part we will cover the development and deployment of our contract. In the second part we will do a testing of our contract. Third part will cover the user interface for the DAP.
And finally we will do or we will configure and do complete end to end testing of our dap from The user interface okay. So, before we jump on to that, let me just show you what we will end up at the end of the session. So, this is the user interface I am talking about. And occasion consists of a contract call an option in this contract will have the logic for adopting the pet and getting the details of all adopted pets. So, there will be two methods. Then, we are going to have our test RPC okay with this contract will be deployed but instead of using the console based test RPC, we are going to use Ganesha.
Ganesha is going to give you a user interface wherein you can get a lot more information about the blockchain. This will be running on C 1545. are not local Then we are going to have some unit test cases to test our logic that you can see it in the test folder. So this will have all the test cases. Then we are going to have the user interface so everything is built. In this particular folder, the src folder contain logic for the entire user interface. We are going to focus on app.gs, where we are going to put the logic for interacting with the blockchain and adopting the pet.
And finally, we will deploy our user interface on a light server. And that light server will then give us this user interface through which we can interact with our deployed adoption contract on the blockchain. And finally, we are going to do the testing of our application. So, as as soon as I click on a dock or application through something called as meta mask, which we will discuss, we will submit a transaction to the blockchain and on the blockchain we will have that transaction getting executed and we will have the pet being adopted by us. Okay, so this is the objective of this entire Pet Shop tutorial to help you develop an end to end application along with the user interface.