The most important task in this module to note is THE CELEBRATION Take time to celebrate with friends, family, and fans the accomplishment you just made. And once the celebration is over, it's back to work If you take the necessary steps to prepare for a successful book launch you will be able to genuinely marvel at what you have done.
The main reason why the book launch is tremendously important is that you are working to ensure that within the first 30-90 days of launching the book, as many people as possible visit your Amazon site. For the purpose of widespread success and ranking, Amazon is the leader in this department. Note: Just because it is on sale on Amazon doesn't mean it will sell on Amazon. There is a lot of work to do to ensure its success.
If your book launch is successful, Amazon will push your book higher and higher in the search results when readers search titles in your subject area and its algorithm cross-promotes with similar titles. The goal is to drive as much traffic to your book page as possible. This means, you will have to work on and offline to get your book's title and cover in front of as many interested readers as possible. channels. Pick two or three that you enjoy—but make sure you ask yourself, where are my readers If you wrote a young adult novel, you won’t have success promoting it on LinkedIn. Consider the demographics of each channel before devoting your time and energy to it.