AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, AWS provides us the web servers computer, robotics, analytics, business applications, storage, management and governance, security, identity, and compliance, internet of things, databases, game development, migration and transfer, media services, mobile AR and VR, networking and content delivery, machine learning, application integration, developer tools, WS cost management, customer engagement and much more.
AWS Lightsail is the easy to use cloud platform many things you need to create/design/build your application or websites with a minimum price every month. You can start your application/website within a minute. Why you use AWS? AWS Lightsail is perfect for the easier workloads, quick deployments.
We only focus on some services in this series like Lightsail, route 53. We start from the basics like how to create the AWS account, how to verify the AWS account, what are the prerequisites to create the account and manage the Lightsail. You are going to learn how to install the WordPress in AWS, how to point your GoDaddy domain to your Lightsail instance, how to use the AWS routes 53.
We also discuss the AWS routes 53 so you can easily learn how to point out your domain to your instance. You are going to learn how to connect your instance with your text editor PHPStrom, and we also cover how to connect your AWS instance using Filezilla. You will learn how to create the instance in Lightsail, how to configure the WordPress in Lightsail, and how to get WordPress credentials for WordPress.
What will you learn in this course?