Anyone under 35, or who parents under 35s, needs to know how to celebrate meta-sustainability networking.
We study -with a little help from Ai (Artificial intelligence) curators -eg conversations with founders of and brainstorming with as the best way to exponentially scale your (and your peers') sustainability progress through the student year 2022-23
Unit 1 Getting started at SMVP choose one of UN's 17 sustainability dev goals; assemble a team between 2-6.-people.
The team should be either over 18 or under 18 - if under 18 ensure at least 1 passionate user of virtual reality
Register team by December 2022. We journey through the prize resources and prior experience eg nearly 20 Xprizes including one on Avatars whose winners will be celebrated before SMVP registration ends.
Unit includes a library of how digital UN2.0 became UN leader Guterres's main purpose 2015-2025 and how Geneva ITU, the tech twin of UN multilateral since 1946, has connected over 50 UN ops branches eg food, health, edu in AI projects
We aim to celebrate the next diary events- eg NY Sept 2022 worldwide UN assembly on education not serving millennials' needs as first S-generation
Sept 2023 UN Assembly aims to maximize youth's future networks - prize winners may become Greatest of All Time. Linkin digital natives who start to twin eg sporting and fashion heroines with SDG connectors. We also discuss how to use an AI matching platform like if you aim to be one of your place's most trusted entrepreneurs
Unit 2 we discuss NFT funding of SDGs, and the minimum needed ideas of blockchain. Frankly, this is a huge co-search area - we will monitor fast-moving cases such as ED3 the first 6000 teachers to connect education DAO, as well promote Q&A on what a trusted DAO -
Distributed Autonomous Organisation needs to be examined round. - It's important that students and teachers join in the testing and piloting.2020s leaps.
We will also add to the 13-year debate on 21st C new open universities began with the oil company engineer who did most to empower a billion female builders of action learning microfranchsies
Unit 3 we will start to share worldwide maps - both by region and goal. For example, here is a map of nearly million students chatting about climate hosted by hundreds of colleges in March 2022
- but how might this be turned into a fund? Or a youth employment agency, or a zoom connecting smart citizens everywhere.
We would like to expand units every 4 months or so to connect eg mentor panels team SMVP players most want and to maximize open learning democracy for under 35s as the first sustainability generation
-if this is your kind of education and collaboration game please contact
I shuttle between new york flatiron and the Washington DC region. I am editing the final edition of www.2025report, com first co-authored with Economist Journalists 1984.
Let's search and celebrate Sustainability's Greatest of All Time - Now
NB To play as interns or early-stage climate collab entrepreneurs or speed/scale, youth may need to turn media into the smartest most joyful way to the metaverse, not the most argumentative or bossy.
Ref lgenere World Class Brands which I began in 1990 during a decade working for Big 5 Accountancies and the world's largest Ad Agencies.
We adopt open space facilitation rules - basically bring your positive energy to any interaction; query and do and learn; minimize examining each other; maximize collaboration; nature is infinitely diverse locally and when we humans race to globalization while forgetting nature's evolutionary auditing we get into scary messes. We try to clarify the pattern rules of broken systems. 30-year listings include: when a system is broken the harder a historic expert tries, the more mess he makes. My dad met von Neumann back in 1951 and was taught to journalize the question (applied through half a century at The Economist -see eg his surveys at
- what to do with 100 times more tech per decade?. These can be the greatest times to learn or be, to innovate- but only by maximizing curiosity and possive collaboration intel. We are all relative beginners at this, especially where rapid change requires the greatest expert of the past to relearn and leap out of silos. The metaverse will only be the greaest game ever played.
If cultural bridges include everyone's safest self. We may gain from looking at cultures of servant leaders webs' like doctors without borders and engineers without borders.