The Environment for the 21st Century Learner- Special Edition focuses on air, water, and plastic pollution, climate change denial, and even activists like Greta Thunberg’s impact on the world.
To create a new account and order a book:
You need to order at least one e-book to be able to access that e-book within your account.
Once you have purchased your e-book(s), you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
The e-mail will be a purchase confirmation (you will receive one purchase confirmation e-mail for each e-book you buy).
There will also be a link to access your account in the e-mail near the bottom.
You will always need to log in in order to access your e-book(s) (listed as “Courses”), so make note of your username and password and keep them handy.
You can log in anytime by clicking on “My e-Books” on the EAL Café website or through the ‘My Account link in your Welcome e-mail and entering your username and password.
Once logged in, you can access your e-book(s) at any time by clicking on the ‘My e-Books’ tab at the top of the website.
The e-books will be listed there, but you can only access the one(s) you have purchased.
If it is your first time accessing your e-book(s), you will need to click the “Click to Enroll” button under each Unit of the book(s) you purchased (starting with Unit 1).
This will bring you to the link for that particular Unit.
Once you click on the Unit link, you will see each page of the Unit listed.
Click on Page 1 to get started, and work through that Unit’s exercises, following the instructions for each activity and going through the pages in order.
Have fun.