The stage of Atlantis was a mess. The thought forms were unisexual and the forms they tried to enter were either male or female. With both sexes in the male forms and both sexes in the female forms, there were fights like you wouldn’t believe.
Michael couldn’t control it and made the decision to start the experiment over. With help from an older brother, the earth was flooded
The story of Noah and Ark. When the survivors had children, they had sparks enter them that had been separated before entering the bodies.
This was considered the Fall of Man. One half of the spark had to stay on the inner planes to guide the half in incarnation.
This was the true meaning of the story of Adam and Eve. Eventually, the Garden of Eden was begun to help with the nutrition of the evolving animals.
It was also found that with the addition of seaweed, the process of thinking was speeded up even more. This brought about the Biblical tale of Jonah and the Whale.
There was both the male and female spark in the male body; and also, the male and female spark both in the female body.
In the same body were genius qualities and, at the same time, the most retarded in this one area of development, the sexual drive.
To clean up the mess that was Atlantis, Michael asked for help again from an even older brother who had gone on to another galaxy. This brother sent help in the form of storms that practically destroyed this beautiful earth.
The Garden of Eden was an experimental growing station to give more nourishment for the evolving animals.
When we go into the fourth dimension, there will be much experimentation with food products, food growing, and with food interchanging of components, etc. in a new experimental garden – “Nature’s Mineral Garden.