In “The Soul,” we learn how the soul’s progress is charted and how the different incarnations are planned in the birthing-computer rooms. The processes of birth into the physical realm and birth into the spiritual worlds (death) are explained. We are told of the many opportunities for growth that are present in between lives on earth. We also learn of the requirements to achieve eternal life. Someday the animals will evolve to the same stage as a human who is not expressing their soul. Without allowing the growth of the soul to take place humans are not much higher on the evolutionary pole than animals. When people begin to understand this, they will start to look at life differently and will be more willing to stay on the spiritual path of progress.
The soul is that part of a person that has reincarnated over and over again to constantly perfect itself. This is its only concern – absolute perfection. Your immediate concern is your personal soul, your piece of the Creator that is infused in you and goes with you when you cross over.
The best way of determining soul growth is a very private thing between a man and his soul. He, alone, will know if a concept rings true for him or not. If it doesn’t ring true he must determine if he has moved past the truth of this particular concept or if it is beyond his understanding at that time.
The whole path of progress, the whole picture, would “blow the circuits” of most people on earth. The soul is a necessary part of the physical form that is used on planet four, earth but was not present on the first, second, or third planet and is not present after planet number four. This is a concept that will be difficult for people to understand at their stage of evolution.
Humans are not a simple project. They are of a very, very complicated makeup. The soul is spun off the seed core which is what is used over and over again on planet four with new physical forms and personalities for every incarnation. When that incarnation is finished, the one that crossed over into the inner planes remains (on the inner planes) the spirit of that one who was and continues on the evolutionary journey as a third stage, so to speak, of the seed core - a stage of spirit.
The soul is something entirely different from than spirit. The soul is of manifested matter. Spirit is not. Spirit is not able to be caught and scientifically documented, whereas the soul is and will be in the future.
I am a professional musician. I play and teach six instruments and compose music. I have been an organist and choir director for many different spiritual denominations and have also taught vocal music in private elementary and pre-schools. In the past I played in the pit orchestra for a musical theater group and also in a dance band, eventually...