The New Millennium NoteBooks tell us there is hardly a starting point for restructuring our education system without a totally new beginning. The Chrysalis Schools propose that this new beginning be bringing the arts back into education.
The education scene in our country is in a state of flux. The system we have been using for educational standards and guidelines is no longer applicable for today’s times. It served most people well in the past, but it is time for a change.
The children entering schools now are much more evolved than the present generation which is in charge of the schools. An entirely new approach must be put into place.
This is hardly possible without insight into some of the facts of man’s evolution coming to light.
Young children will relate to the truth about their beginnings immediately because they will still “remember” the past. It will be the parents who will set up an outcry. There is much fear and guilt that will eat away at the parents because of closed minds in the higher realms of organized religion.
I am a professional musician. I play and teach six instruments and compose music. I have been an organist and choir director for many different spiritual denominations and have also taught vocal music in private elementary and pre-schools. In the past I played in the pit orchestra for a musical theater group and also in a dance band, eventually...