What will you learn from this product?
You will learn C++ step by step by reading course lessons pdf files, doing lesson exercises, and doing homework assignments.
The course lessons are provided at no cost, we only charge $15 per hour for the instructor's time to clarify a topic or to help you with a or homework. question. For short questions, you can just send us an email at no charge. If you took a course at college or university and you had to drop out because they were going too fast and there was no instructor to help you, then this course is for you. There is always someone here to help you.
When you need help just send us an email at students@cstutoring.com to book a day and time and someone will help you on Skype or Zoom at $15 per hour. This is a complete course. Students do these lessons to prepare them before or while they are going to school to get higher marks. Working people do these lessons to do well at work. Other people do these lessons for interest and fun. A certificate is awarded when you completed all the homework questions and demonstrated a working project.
There are 15 lessons in the C++ course and the last lesson is a project. You do each lesson one by one. It works like this, You download a lesson pdf file, you read the lesson, and you do the lesson exercises by following step-by-step examples. You do the homework questions, you then send in your homework solutions for credit, and then start the next lesson. Contact details are given in each lesson pdf file,
Here is the C++ course outline:
Who should take this product?
We look forward to helping you learn C++