Witness and Look

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Reflect on the money relationship meditation.

Who was in control? 

You can look at money as if it was your partner or child. Do you love them? Do you look at them, give them attention, respect them? 

The act of witnessing is powerful

1. Look at your bills

2. Look at all your expenses. Write 2 lists. 

a. How much do you spend on things you need- Basic needs (food, shelter, clothes, electricity, water) 

b. What you spend on things you want- all your luxuries. No guilt, or regret, be THANKFUL for those purchases and/or experiences.

3. Bless your bills 

Bless your bills. Yes, bless them. You have so much more than millions of people on Earth. A bill can be hard to see as a blessing if you are struggling but think of those who do not have electricity, running water, lights, heat, or a roof over their heads. You are far more wealthy than you think. Have gratitude and bless those bills.

If you receive paper bills, place them over your heart and say "Thank You" 

If your bills appear on the screen, you can place one hand on the number, the other on your heart, and again, say, " Thank You"The powers of love and gratitude are far more potent than fear, struggle, and frustration. You are taking the necessary steps to shift your vibration and appreciation.

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