Welcome to Fitness Latinos. We were created to learn through activity-based learning. We promise to give you ideas to take learning to a whole new level. We want to challenge you physically, mentally, and relationally. Let’s be honest, everyone loves to see a fit person. It tells us he or she is committed to a task and the results are visible and appreciated by others. They inspire us. They started from point zero, studied, applied what they studied, and practiced, practiced, and practiced. The results became a lifestyle they can now enjoy for the rest of their lives. Isn’t it true that we sometimes overlook areas we know we need to improve upon until we fall in love with something (or someone) and then we begin to work toward that goal?
Foreign language is one of those areas that can help improve our quality of life. Simply put, being bilingual helps open doors to a whole new world. The study of a new language helps us improve our memory, problem-solving skills, concentration, and critical thinking skills, we can multitask better and we become better listeners. We become someone who is able to connect at a deeper level with others simply because we are more in tune with the differences we each possess. We begin to appreciate other traditions, mannerisms, and cultures. We develop a greater acceptance of others and we learn to have empathy for humanity. We will feel more connected to others because we appreciate their differences as well as choose to connect based on the similarities we share. As a natural progression, we end up teaching and learning from one another.
We are excited you chose us to help you with your foreign language needs but more importantly, we thank you for choosing us to encourage you to transform in other areas of your life. We hope you will follow us on our social media and feed your mind with our positive thoughts and return the love by sharing the positivity with someone else. We would appreciate it if you shared our hashtags #FitnessLatinosTribe and #FitnessLatinosTribu.