This course teaches the health-giving alignments of 24 key yoga poses.
Apply the health-giving alignments in your yoga routine and gain healing benefits from your practice. Become fully aware of, how to align your body correctly. Understand why your own body and breath can be a great teacher for you. Watch the videos as often as needed. Become more conscious of your inner self during your practice.
The student will gain a fundamental understanding of how to align the body; gaining a strong foundation that helps to flower as a beautiful human being.
What will you learn in this course?
Standing poses and hip openers:
Benefits of practicing standing poses and hip openers:
Gives flexibility to the hip joints and stretches the lower back muscles, strengthens the legs, and corrects minor leg deformities; improves the sense of balance. Opens the chest area and lengthens the spine and arms. It encourages a sense of focus and calm in the practitioner.
Sitting poses and forward-bending postures:
The benefits of practicing sitting poses and forward-bending postures:
Strengthen the spinal muscles, increase lumbar spine plasticity increase hamstring flexibility, and relieve compression of spine and sciatica. Tones the hamstring muscles and increases the flexibility of the hip joints. Increases vitality, and removes mild anxiety, headache, and fatigue.
Backward-bending postures and shoulder openers:
Benefits of backward-bending postures and shoulder openers:
Increases spinal flexibility and strength. It also strengthens and tones the back muscles. This pose helps with a slipped disc and minor lower back pain and injury. It also fully opens the chest, giving strength and elasticity to the lungs. Tones the muscles of the back, shoulders, neck, and buttocks.
Relieving stiff shoulders and neck, while strengthening the back muscles and toning the arms. This calms the mind and helps to relieve mild depression.
Twisting postures:
Benefits of practicing twisting postures:
Tones the abdominal organs help relieve lower back stiffness and also keep the intervertebral discs supple. It also stretches the shoulders and stimulates the brain. Calms the mind and reduces anxiety.
Inversions and core-strengthening postures:
Benefits of practicing inversions and core-strengthening postures:
Increases blood supply to the throat maintains the health of the thyroid gland and is the best pose to prepare the lungs and diaphragm for Pranayama practices. It also stretches the spine while encouraging blood circulation, relieving varicose veins, and preventing blood stagnation. Tones and strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, lower back, and pelvis. It helps tremendously with digestion, and with blood circulation.
Relaxation postures:
Benefits of practicing relaxation postures:
Releasing any unnecessary tension they were exerting on other structures such as the bones, nerves, and joints. It also helps relieve stress, mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
Who should take this course?
You should have at least three months of experience in yoga practice.