What is mental health there are different descriptions or definitions of mental health. But I'm going to be looking at the definition by the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization's describes mental health as a set of obey, in which every individual realizes his or her own potential and can cope with normal stresses of life can work productively and fulfillment fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community now, bringing it to the children of a child, what would be their mental health, you know, in terms of that definition? To me, I understand it as where a child is able to cope with the normal stresses in school at home, the mental stresses where they're able to realize their potential, be creative, because children know that they have that potential and you can see that if there is in good form, you can see that they can be part of their community which is their own, you know, their own friends and people that they hate the people around them, you can see that they can be part of and you can get that sense that a child is in good mental health.
So, that is, you know, what it would be, you know, for a child having good mental health well being okay, but what what could it be? You know, to me, I go on further to understand what mental health with regards to children as increased learning where they learn in a progressive way where we can measure the learning, we can see that they've done something we can observe and we can, you know, practically measure it. So that would be to me, you know, childhood Good mental health, also their creative, there will be so creative, you'd see them to draw things, they'll come up with things, they could say things, they, they communicate things. And, you know, you can know when a child, you know, is in good form, because they're very, very productive. They do everything very fast they can challenge themselves, the you know, they they get a sense of achievement when they do something.
And you can also notice that they are pro social, they're, they engage with other children really well they engage and communicate with adults really well. Now we have to remember that they their communication is not world evolved for them to be able to tell us how they're feeling and everything. You don't have that much ability, although some children can do what they can to communicate, but you know, at least we can pick up on that as well. They interact Whoa, they communicate well, you know, that that that battle, they feel that sense of belonging and they The take part in in activities in the play ground, you'd see them walking, you know, with other children and, you know, in groups and joining me in and forming relationships, you can see that and you can know this child is in good health, you know, as well, physically they can play they can do things, and which is very, very important because the child is not mentally well will have physical pains, they'll have temperatures, headaches, this is exercise, aching, and that is something that you would also see in adults that is, you know, something that happens with adults as well that they get x and explain x.
So a child who has good mental health will not have those pains, you know, and now, on the other hand, if a child is experiencing poor mental health, they'll, you know, experience emotional distress, you'd see them as heart. You know, you'd see That, you know, they, they're angry, they're irritable, they fear for these few isolated, they feel no one likes them, they can't control what is going on around them. So, their tolerance is So, you know is so low, they cannot tolerate things you can pick up on that they cannot, you know, interact well with the rest of the group. If, say for instance they're in, in the homework club, you would see that they don't want to do whatever they're told or they don't want to engage well, or if there were, say, for instance, and in the playground, or they're even at home with their siblings, you know, because it is easier for them probably to withdraw and be by themselves.
They just can't stand people around them. You just know that child is mental health is not cute, you know? And if you're unable to pick up on things Like that, I'm also going to be discussing more signs and symptoms, because it all starts by recognizing what this children is experiencing, and us being able to tune in and pick onto those signs and be able to give them or offer them the support that they need at that time. So I'll go on to the next topic.