There are 12 Sun signs and ten planets, so what does the Sun in Aries mean and the Moon in Taurus or Mercury in Leo or Venus in Scorpio. All these combinations and more are covered in this class. There are lots of videos to this class, and I include handouts for you to fill out as we go through the videos. You will then have a reference to refer back to as you move through the classes. You don't have to learn them all at once. As you start to do astrology birth charts, you can refer back to your handout, and in this way, you will begin to cement the meanings in your head. When you get to Neptune, you will see there are no interpretations for Neptune in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. This is due to Neptune being discovered in 1846 and as it stays in a sign for about 14 years for this course there are only interpretations given from the year 1900. As you will see with Pluto in the signs there are no interpretations for Pluto in Aquarius, Pisces. Aries and Taurus as Pluto stays in a sign for approximately 13 to 30 years. Pluto was in Gemini in 1884 until 1914, so the interpretations for this course start from Pluto in Gemini up to the present day of Pluto in Capricorn.