Not good, not excellent. Your career has to be just right. Yes, welcome to module six of Step three, the final module of this course. During my research, I questioned hundreds of young people about the challenges in dead jobs and careers. Most of them said they wished for a good or excellent career. Are you the same?
There is an enormous difference between a good career and the right career. One will leave you satisfied while other will have you drained out. There is the possibility that any and every career is the right one. It just depends on you. It is far easier to find the right career than a good or excellent career. I spent years finding good career I started out as lowly office assistant climbed my way to become a highly paid professional.
But then why did I quit? I quit because I never felt satisfied. You may be in a decent career. But the very fact that you have taken this course is the proof that you are still in such satisfaction. My advice, don't make the same mistake that the Miss thority of people do. distinguish yourself from the rest of the world right now.
Have a clear vision in life. You don't need to search for a good or excellent career. All you need to do is to find the right career for you. That's where your search ends. Congratulations. I am so happy that you have completed this course and found your right career.
As I said, you can refer back to this course any time and do you do the exercises. If you have any doubt, though, I suggest To repeat it till you fully realized your most profitable passion and choose the right career accordingly. Remember, we are like fruits and our passions and potentials are like juice. You will never get to have the juice until you apply pressure on the group. All the very best for your future. Ama Vina saw your instructor here saying you goodbye.
Go live a life you want