In this section of the workshop, we're going to build out our reporting and charting components. So picking up where we left off from in 10.1. Let's actually start by quickly tidying up our workflow. So we'll probably just move all the Browse tools to the top here we go that looks a bit more legible. And then we'll go to the transform tab and drag in the summarize tool. Make sure to connect this to the output of our formula tool.
The summarize tool allows us to group some count and do some basic processing on our data. Let's start with adding section into our summary and select group by as the action we also want to report on total revenue. Total Cost of Goods Sold profit margin and profit The bull flag, so let's add them into. For the totals and profit margin, we'll select some, and then for items or select count. And finally for profitable, we'll choose count non null because the values are only going to be one or not. Add a browse tool to the end of this and run the workflow.
And you can see that we have our pivot table here which summarizes the revenue, cost of goods sold and profitability details. So now it's time to create some reports. Let's go to the reporting tab and drag in three interactive charts. We'll start with the first chart. By creating a comparison of total revenue and total cost of goods sold, so let's add a new layer and give it a title of total revenue by section we want the bar chart, the x axis will be our section, and the y axis will be total revenue. We'll then create a new layer and call this one total cost of goods sold by section.
And we'll select bar chart again. x axis is section and then this time we'll choose sum of total cost of goods sold. As you can see, we have our two columns side by side in the chart. Let's close this window and open up the second chart. For this chart, We'll title it as profit margin by section and make it a pie graph and add section as the labels, and the profit margin as the details, you know a pie graph. For the third chart, we want to show the number of items per section, and how many of them were profitable.
So let's click into it and add a new layer. And we'll call this one number of items. We'll select it as a bar chart, and the x axis will serve as our section and y will be the count of items. We'll add a second layer and call this number of profitable items. We'll choose scatter this time we have section again on our x axis. And why we'll be the count of profitable items.
Now that we've created three separate graphs, we now need to join them together so we can put them into one report. So we'll go to the join tab and drag in a join multiple tool and connect this to our interactive charts in the configuration pane on the left, who will join by record position, and then we'll also drag in a Report Header and report footer to give our report a more professional look and feel. Once we've done that, who will then go to layout and configure our report to be vertical orientation. And we'll put our header at the top chart one chart to chart three and then footer will then finish off this section of the workshop by adding a row The tool and outputting it to a HTML file. I'll put mine in my course files, call it 10 reporting. And then we'll run our workflow and check the output of our report.
And we now have a supermarket report with our charts completed. This pretty much finishes up our workshop, but I've added an extra video in here for creating a pivot table with a grand total at the bottom. You will notice that the summarize tab doesn't include a grand total so I'll demonstrate a workaround in the next video.