Are you ready for the next part? We already talked about recruitment as the first organizational process that is crucial, it plays a very significant role in assuring how you can systemize your organization culture to ensure the values and behaviors that you have designed can be internalized and implemented in the long term consistently by the majority or even better the whole population, all employees of your organization. Now, let's go into the next organizational process. appraisal system. If first we talk about recruitment, that is why when you formulate when you design the behavior, there's that criteria of hireable and fireable. Why?
Because the behavior that you design, you want to make sure it can be included, it can be incorporated into your recruitment process and then there's also measurable as one of the criteria of the behavior that you formulate that you designed. Why measurable because to ensure, how you systemize your culture, it needs to be also incorporated with your appraisal system. What does it mean? It means that the values the behaviors that the idea of design, your organizational performance appraisal or your appraisal system does not only measure the target or the productivity, but also it also measures appraise how, how far the employee How far is the person the individual is implementing the behavior of our organizational values. This means that the the common performance appraisal Usually is measuring the targets, the realization of the targets. And then that's it, but when it comes to ensuring the culture that we wanted to build this can be can be sustainable.
So, the appraisal system measures also values implementation. But how can you measure the behavior while that is why when we formulate the behavior, it also needs to be measurable. Why because if the behavior that you want to instill in the organization, you do not measure it, then the people will think it's not important. For example, let's use the same the same example from the previous the previous two videos. Providing a fast surface to the customers as a behavior, but you, but you never measure it. It's never a part of the appraisal system.
So later even though if you have an employee who, who's actually really fast in providing their service, and not just fast, but also like really good, that is fast, but actually the good quality. So this person will say, well, I've, I've been the fastest person in surfacing others, but apparently, it's never been even been measured. So I guess it's not important for this organization. So that's why you need to include the behavior of the value said that you want to build the behaviors that you want to internalize in your organization's if you want it to be, to be sustainable, to be consistent, implemented by everyone in the organization that you need to measure. It means the organization is taking action because it is important for the organization. Otherwise it means not important if you never measure it.
And that goes to the next two, and the third and the fourth one. But even actually, before we go here, let me go back a little bit there are how do you implement the value based appraisal system? Like I said, it's not it doesn't mean that you only do this and then you forgot about the targets of the productivity, of course not. It means you're adding another layer in your appraisal system. This the target, of course, is still very important. But then you also measure this.
And trust me, if you design the behavior, effectively, those who are actually and you design your appraisal system effectively as well. Those who have high score in implementing their values will be reflected in how their productivity is because that's the whole idea. There's a whole concept, isn't it? Why do we Why do we even design the behaviors that we want to see? Because we believe if people consistently implement those behaviors, it's going to affect the performance of the organization in in a positive way. Which means if someone ever even employee have a high score in their values, it should be reflected in their productivity.
What I mean is that it depends on how you design your appraisal system as well. So it needs to be just it also you need to also focus on how to ensure that the the measuring process is also effective as well. And different organizations do it different way. I'll just for some example, there are organizations that put different Wait, for each of this there. I know some companies who, who put, let's say, I think was 70% of their total the the employees score in the appraisal system is 70% of the weight is from the targets their productivity and, and 30% is from their value. Some companies put 5050, some at 20, it doesn't matter.
But the point is, well, not that it doesn't matter, but you don't want this to be 10% as well. There's too small then again, the employees will think it's not that important. But you want it to be significant enough. Of course, usually most companies have the, the the valuation or the appraisal of the target is have a bigger or bigger weight. And that's that's that makes sense. But you want to make sure that this gets enough attention as well.
How you measure and how much is being weighed in the appraisal system as well. So otherwise people will not think it is important. So after this we're going to talk on how, how actually the appraisal system affects the other two remaining organizational process. So basically if someone if someone from their appraisal system and by the way appraisal system if your organization still have once in a year appraisal, that's already obsolete, you need to have I would recommend at least twice a year at least twice a year to because when you do it just once a year, there's so so many things that you might forget so many halo effect if if you only do it once a year by the end of the year, let's say the appraisal process. Those who were not good in the first 678 months but really good in the last two months.
We'll we'll get a really good score, just because you remember them just the recent one. That's just how we are as human being, unless you get a documented tabulation or, or scoring throughout the year, then that's different. But if you did keep a score throughout throughout the year, then might as well make it at least twice a year. Again, like I said, because when a person get their resolve their appraisal result, let's say, after six months, then it can also give them an opportunity to improve as well, if there are some of their scores that are not good enough. So again, at least twice a year. And then you see how you can put the weight on the targets and the values and the result of the appraisal system when you already include the values.
Then you can also check if the person scores low in some of the values Some of the behaviors specifically then it can lead on how you develop your training and development system. Because, again, the appraisal leads to training and development and rewards and recognition. It's easy. Oh, it's easier to to know who's who's to reward when you have a good appraisal system, isn't it? The pert but if you if previously, your appraisal system only look at the target Support Activity without looking at the values, then you might reward those who actually provide the biggest result in the organization. When if you want your culture to flourish and to be sustainable in the long term, then by having the value based appraisal system, you can also see and identify who are the employees who are also implementing those behaviors consistently.
Who become a role model and then you can include that in your reward and recognition system. It means besides giving rewards or recognition and or recognition, can be both can be one of them depends on your resources that you have. But based on that, then you can also include in your reward admission system on those who actually become a good role model in implementing the organizational values, the behaviors of the organization, the culture of the organization, because, again, otherwise, people will not think it's important. If, if someone again, is providing a fast surface, it is being measured, but it's never even been. Nobody even recognized the company or the organization never recognized those who are actually fast in providing service then again, the employees will think was not important. I've been doing as fast as I can, but I've not even recognized Don't worry about rewards not even a recognition.
So that's why it's also crucial to ensure to include a value based reward and a recognition system to ensure that the culture that you want to build can be sustainable as well in the long term, and from having a value based appraisal, then you can see who were who which employees that that needs to be developed further on this behavior or that behavior. For example, going back to the same behavior, providing a fast surface, if someone someone's score in that behavior is not that high, then you have you can get an idea of what kind of training and development process that that this person needs. Because you have an idea on their score on their implementation of of the behaviors that are related to the violence of the culture. So that is why this this Organizational Process becomes very, very crucial in ensuring the internalization of your organizational values, particularly the behaviors of the values.
If one of these four is missing, then it will be imbalanced and it's going to be difficult to to ensure sustainability of that culture. When one of these is missing, and then the CEO or the leader of the organization change for whatever reason, then a new leader can can influence a different bringing a different culture different characteristic and can change the culture of the organization as well. And then you will have different culture every time there's a new leader in the in the organization. That is why it's important to systemize the culture. So regardless who is the leader, you have a system in place to ensure the culture sustains last but Not least, there's one extra thing that I want to share, besides this four organizational process, this is how you systemize your culture, these are the organizational processes that then will help you to systemize and ensure the sustainability of your culture.
And the other one is, let me make it very clear here. It's the socialization there we go, sources socialization of your cotton is how you communicate. And this last part, I want to share with you by socialization does not mean announcement. Let me tell you, a lot of companies. Well, this is the company the organization's vision mission, and the values that the culture that we have, and they create a book. I'm not saying this, but this actually really good.
But that also that that only function as a reminder, if you just give, okay? Go ahead with this, this is when you make a presentation, this is our values, these are the behaviors of our company or the culture that we have. And then Okay, now, you know, go ahead implemented. Let me tell you something, it's not going to work in the long term, that is not communication, that is an announcement. So again, communication, and when you want to socialize, you want you want people to internalize the behaviors, you need to make it two ways you need to be more interactive in how you communicate. And you need to do regularly meant just one time at the beginning when the person enters the organization.
There needs to be many different strategies on how you communicate, create discussions around create discussion around around the behaviors around the values regularly. So there are many different ways that you can do this, but just let me know Highlights dresses one last time. It's not announcement. But it's communicating and socializing the behaviors of the organization. That's how you can get people to internalize it. Otherwise, it's just an announcement.
It's not going to work. And that's what a lot of organization did. And yet, they're wondering why people are not implementing, of course, they aren't implementing, of course, they're not consistent in implementing the behaviors of the organization. Because they're just announcing and expecting people to suddenly implemented consistently doesn't, it doesn't work. Even worse. It might make people who, when they enter the organization, they're actively engaged.
But because they didn't, the organization does not communicate the values regular regularly. Then it's thought they start to deteriorate, from becoming from being actively engaged to just being engaged and then be even worse it can be they can even become active. disengage when they start to feel uncomfortable with how the environment on the organization is. So again, it's not announcement, you need to communicate, you need to be more interactive and you need to be more regular in how you communicate in the frequency of how you communicate your organizational values and culture. You see how excited passionate I am, like I said at the very beginning, this is one of my passions, helping organizations to build and sustain their culture. So again, recruitment appraisal system for learning and development, rewards and recognition needs to be value based.
And last but not least, how you socialize how you communicate regularly on the behaviors that you want to see in your organization. So I'll see you in the next video. I hope this, this this, inside this process gives you an idea and make you reflect as well on what changes that you can make in your organization. And there's a few last note that I want to share but this has been a long video already. So let me just share with you in the in the next video, I'll see you in the next one