Question How many times do I have to solve multiple choice? Answer ease at least three times. Many people face three times. Many people who has passed the examination. See, you have to do three times. So answer is three times.
My case, I have done seven times. I have done seven times during five months. I certify most of the time. I didn't work. So I can do that. You have to to seven times.
No, my answer is no. If you concentrate, maybe two times Okay. Why is that? Seven times because I have time although I was not so confident, I tell you I have done big mistake, I pursued perfect too much. For example, multiple choice is you have to choose one correct answer out of four question. They say a is correct, the CD is not correct.
I always try to understand why a is correct, why B is not correct. Why C D is not correct. I try to understand ABC. So, I spent a lot of time to understand all explanation in the multiple choice answer. Don't do the same mistake like me. You don't have to be perfect Because you don't have time.
If you take exam while you walk, you don't have time. So you have to solve minimum three times. If possible, you can do more. How save your time? just focusing on correct answer, focusing on correct answer explanation in the perfect choice answering section. You can save time.
If you try to understand everything, Why be Y B, C, D or not for some time you waste your time. If you understand why I'm Japanese, I'm not English native. I don't think you have any accounting background. It is very it was very very difficult for me to understand. Okay. Three times.
Don't pass public too much. The more you do, the more you have chance to pass. Thank you