Hello again, we are going to talk about or lemons. I choose for my my assignment, three different types of blue and we're going to start filling the empty space in the OLS. I recommend to make the center of it something dense in order to make the world more readable. So I will start making some Thai rolls. If you want to add another paper strip to make a Tyrol bigger, you have to make the join test in the place that ends the first paper strip you're going to see in this video Another way to make a pedals is light got many paper strips in the same lamp and then glue it in the end. With this you can make for example barrels for flour.
You can do double barrels, or whatever your imagination gives you. Hope so keep adding the ornaments to the name in order to see what else you can or you must make to complete it. This is the best part of the project because you create a lot of stuff and you Place it time and time again until you get the configuration we want. Now, I'm going to explain you how to make a no piece by piece. Last night US Tiger last time No. Do you see Last time guys Bye bye