Hello again, we are going to talk about the materials we need and where to get them. The first material that we are going to talk about our color papers trips. The easy choice is to buy them directly from eBay or from Amazon or format quilling craft store to just need to to write quilling color paper strips and you will get a lot of options. The other option is to make the color paper strips with a cutter and with some cardboard We can make these trips. other option is to use a paper cutter or the option that that I like and I use is with a shredder machine. I bought my children machine in a supermarket and it cost me just $13 the shredder machine makes to this trip, if funny jack and that I'm showing you in this video that I kind of like it.
The important thing to know about paper strips is that they have to be 135 grams copper and six millimeter with 38 pounds a quarter inch. Also we need transparent glue for craft scissors, cotter pins and poly foam and a quilling tool about the quilling tool, we can buy them the same thing as color paper strips in eBay, Amazon or in a quilting craft store or we can try to make something to help us to make these rolls. This could be for example, with a very thin screwdriver Or for example with a needle poke in a cork. It won't be the same because we won't replace the equivalent tool but it will help us to start and to try it. Also, it will be great if you have tweezers and if you have a calm because we are going to use them in this assignment. And now we are going to see the list of material that we are going to use and we are going to need for the assignment.
You will see that too. Last Words are in great because they are not essential for this project. But if you have it, it will help you