Lesson 3 Video Lesson

Introduction to Biblical Life Coaching Course Basic Biblical Life Coaching Class 3
1 hour 28 minutes
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Want to thank you for joining us for class number three of dream mentors, basic biblical life coaching. And tonight we're going to be covering the destiny determinants model and motivational theory and the get principle. Before we began the session tonight, we would like to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to come and minister to us while we are going through these slides. Join me in prayer. Father, I thank you for getting us to this point of our day. And we thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit presence here to be alive and active in each one of us.

So that we receive this father that it'll help us to transform ourselves, to align ourselves with your word as our foundation to reveal things to us so that we don't run in high but that we admit those things, Lord, and that we can be better tools that you've created in your family. to manufacture the Holy Spirit light in this area that we're at, we thank You Father God for this opportunity in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. At certain points, we'll stop and ask if there's any questions or comments. The microphone is right there.

And you can come up to the microphone and state your question or your comment. All right, let's start with class number three. Let's begin with the destiny determinants model. This is a Christian coaching model that helps us be able to work with those people that we're helping it's kind of frames into four key points, determinants for abundant living. And so if you're helping people, as a coach or as a good disciple, or this is one model that you can use to work with your clients, this will help them be able to focus on the destiny that God has called them to. These key determinants are discovering, depth, determination, and then ultimately, destiny.

Just discoveries. The first determinant, here is where the client discovers who they are in Christ. This takes them from a lack mentality of Who am I to have an abundant mentality of I know who I am in Christ. In other words, throughout your lifetime, you're going to ask this question of the Lord, who am I? You're going to ask that on various points various times and seasons in your walk with God? But who am i is a question that can only be answered in its totality through understanding who am I in Christ.

And so we want to help people discover who they are in Christ. And when they discover this, they will then have a more intimate connection with God. Your relationship with him is the center of your being. And so when you begin to ask Who am I? It is the job of the coach or the disciple er to help you be able to come from that personal question with a an answer that is limited to a god answer, which is very expansive, and a god answer would be a truth of of knowing who we are in him. So we begin with understanding who we are in Christ by looking at Romans chapter six as the basis so Romans chapter six, verses three through five, which is up on the screen.

This is what Paul brought forth in the book of Romans. Paul, the apostle Paul asked some of the very same questions that we ask Who am I and God began to speak to him in a variety of different ways. which brought together the truths that he shares in the book of Romans about the fact that you don't really know who you are until you know who you are in Christ. And so he begins to start asking these questions. He says, Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ were baptized into His death, we were buried with Him through baptism into death in order that justice Christ was raised from the dead to the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we've been united with Him like this in his death, we will certainly be united with Him in his in his resurrection.

We're going to go more into that later. We have some diagrams that we're going to be showing you. But basically what this whole concept means is that you died with Christ. You were buried with him in Him and you Rose with him and in him, okay. And so we're going to explain to you throughout this entire course what actually dies, what dies is the unregenerate man that's on the inside of you dies, okay and is buried and what's resurrected is a regenerate person, a person who in the spirit is alive in Christ. And so we all start out dead in our spirit, and then we raise and become alive in our spirit and that's the baptism through death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

So, so grass was to see, we are created in the image of God. In the beginning, it said, the word says, we're going to make man in our likeness, so there's already an existing family. And, and the creator said, we're gonna make man in our image. So when we were made initially, we were spirit. It was only once they ate and partake of the forbidden fruit that they saw their nakedness. Right.

They didn't, it didn't matter to them before. Because as a spirit, they didn't notice it or whatever was going on. It's not applicable, all of a sudden, so you've got to grasp. So, Jesus count comes to get us back to that spirit form, so that we can eternally live with the god family, because we are made in His image. So in other words, we're little eloheem. It's in the Hebrew, that's what it means.

And Elohim is God. And then there's these other gods and these other gods rebelled against the God and He wants his likeness to live with Him forever. Now, that's a little bit more in depth of what's going on here. But, but that's how it kind of like got me very interested in this because when you study the Hebrew, you study the Greek and Aramaic. This is what it gets into so that you understand there's really something to this like, I'm god, I'm like him, I'm in his family I made in His image, not that you are to supplant him. You are one of his though you're his family.

Okay? And that truly is an identity issue. It's knowing who we are in Christ is, is part of knowing our true identity. Romans chapter seven, verse four says, brothers, you die to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another to him who was raised from the dead in order that we might bear fruit to God. In other words, you're in your ability to be able to carry out the purpose and destiny that God has for you is directly attached to you understanding who you are in Christ, you will not be able to fulfill your destiny and to you get that question answered. And so that's kind of the basics of dream mentors is developing an understanding of that basic question to help people be able to go on to next levels Galatians Chapter two verses.

Verse 20 says, I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. A little technical difficulty going on here. We're gonna get this together. The signals out there somewhere, okay, I'm just gonna keep talking and we'll work on getting that together. Second Corinthians chapter five, verse 17, says, If anyone is in Christ, he's a new creature, the old is gone, and the new has come. So when we understand the scriptures and understand that they're relevant to who we are in Christ, we can then begin to step into the plan and purpose that God has for us, which takes us to the next determinant.

There's four of them. The next one, the first one is discovery. Second one is the depth. This determinant we began to ask God for The client, why? Why was the client created, we were created for a purpose. And the more that we get to know who we are in him, the more we tap into why He created us.

So the big question that we asked at the depth level is, why am I here? And so when you're helping somebody, not only do you want to be able to help them to understand who they are in Christ, but you want to help them answer the question, why am I here? Why did God care so much that he put me on this planet? What is the reason for that? So the client begins to take their level of understanding to a deeper place, wondering and asking the question of God, Lord, why did you create me and here's some scriptures that help support that. Psalm chapter 139, verses 13 through 16. read for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb, I praise you because I'm fearful.

And wonderfully made your works are wonderful. I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be understanding these kinds of truths, helps us answer the question as we're asking God, why am I here? When we understand scripture, and we can read into the Scripture, we begin to realize that we were a thought in God's mind and in his heart, long before we ever came to be on the planet. In Jeremiah chapter one, verses four through 10.

Jeremiah begins to talk to the Lord and, and God speaks to him and says, look, Jeremiah, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. In other words, you are not an afterthought. You are not mistake, you are not just your parents decided that one day you were going to be here or maybe you weren't even planned in an art from an earthly standpoint between male and a female. But God planned you to be in existence until he begins to speak to the prophet and he said, Listen, I formed you in the womb, the womb before I knew you before this, I set you apart, I appointed you for a duty that was to be a prophet to the nation's. And then he says, Sovereign Lord, I do not know how to speak I'm only a child and the Lord says, Do not say I am only a child.

You must go to everyone I send to you and say whatever I command you, do not be afraid of them for I am with you and I will rescue you declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touch the mouth of Jeremiah and said to him now I put my words in your mouth see today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot tear down, destroy, overthrow build and two planets. And so you weren't you thought about before the foundation of the world every day of your life was ordained before any one of them came to be. And God decided that he had a plan for you and he stated that plan and now it's your job to find out what that is and with a good coach or a good disciple, or you can journey together to find out these answers.

We can also read in Jeremiah 2029 11. A lot of us know this particular scripture for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you, to give you hope, and a future. In Genesis chapter two, verse 19. The Scripture talks about desire. And I mentioned this last week, but in the Latin de de means of the word of and the Latin sire means father. So when God gives us a desire, that desire that have of our heart is a desire that the Father has for us.

Now this should help give you an increase in your heart and your whole being about the fact that you should have more confidence and the desires that God has given you and stop beating yourself up about it Am I called to do this? Am I set apart from this and just begin to step out believing that God has positioned you properly for a purpose and a destiny? I want to? I want to just pause here and share a little story from the Bible to remind you of this many times. We think we're not qualified. Because we haven't gone through certain practices or been told our whole life or you know that we're nothing like we're talking to God has a plan for you.

So if you know anything about this guy named Saul, King Saul now and when he Started out. This is recorded in First Kings. I believe it's in chapter eight, when we're kind of meeting him, he's the first king. And the way King Saul started out was right. He ended wrong. He started right.

And his desire he meets, you know, he gets this anointing on him to be king, from Samuel, the prophet. And he is he's now acting as the King and the people are being attacked. The Jewish, the Hebrews are being attacked, and he finds out about it, and he's kind of like out in the field. The Word of God says, and all of a sudden, it says, like, the spirit comes on him. And it's like, it's the he's told, do what you think is right. Now, have you ever been in that spot in your life?

When you've been given like an S, you've been put in a position And you're not really sure. And you know that this is the way that everybody has done it before you. But if you have some kind of position of authority, and you have a heart that is following God, you are other In other words, humble, you are sure you're not looking for self glory, all these kinds of things. And you may and it's like a piece comes over you and you go, I just gonna do this. And I know it seems weird, but this is what I believe the Lord is telling me has has that come over you at any time, something like that? Well, that's what happens to Saul.

In this case, it's not like he's given the instruction from the Prophet. And what we read in the word is do what you think is right. Whatever you do, because your hearts for me right now. I'm going to go with you guys. Like I'm going with you. Whatever you're doing, because I want these people destroyed and saw you're going to destroy him.

Do it any way you want. Because I'm going to be with you. We're Solomon. is a few chapters down the road he didn't destroy the Amalekites, he decided for a better plan going, I know you told me to wipe them all out God, but I got a better plan. I'm going to spare the king and give you an offering. And the Prophet said, you're done, pal.

Gosh, you don't obey. And so that's where we have to watch it. But when we're talking about desire here, we have to be very careful that we have a heart for God in the desire we have not a heart for pleasing man. Because if we have a heart for getting accolades, and applause and all those things that is not of God, it's to further the kingdom of God. And usually that means we have to go lower. God has to get all the glory.

Okay, so just try I'm trying to give us practical application that we read in the Word of God to apply this. The third determinant is simply determination. You have to be determined to be all God has called you to be and that is a personal Free Will choice. It's a choice, it's going that can either take you closer to Your destiny, or farther from it. It's at this level that God will speak and tell us why we are here. And then we have to make lifestyle, lifestyle choices to move in the direction of the destiny.

It's here that we begin to ask the question, Where am I going? And how will I get there? And these are deep rooted questions that we ask God, okay, we've determined we know who we are in Christ, we begin to ask those questions. We began to seek the Lord for why am I here? And now we start saying, well, where am I going in? How am I going to get there?

And there's a variety of different scriptures that connect with this truth. I'm going to go through them really, really quickly. Obviously, Psalm chapter 20, verse four, May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed out, of course, is a confident one. Psalm 33 eight. You can read that on your own property. 16 three, commit to the Lord, whatever you do and your plans will succeed.

We know from Hebrews 12 one that's we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses that are watching what's happening. We also know from First Corinthians chapter nine, verse 24, that we run the race to when we run to get the prize, we have to train and compete with strict standards. And so all of those scriptures are leading us to the fact that we have got to be determined in the goals and plans and purposes that that Christ has for us. Philippians chapter two, verse 16, as you hold out the word of life in order that and Paul was saying that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. In other words, your words speak of your level of faith. Now the final determinant is destiny.

Okay, so destiny is not a destination, okay? It is the fourth determinant toward the journey of living an abundant life. And as we begin to answer these, the all of these different questions, we begin to then get to the question of when will I in other? In other words, when will this actually happened for me? And that's a great question that we will ask numerous times in our walk with God, you're going to cycle through all four of these determinants, and then you'll probably cycle through them again. And you'll cycle through them again, as you're growing and growing and growing in the Lord until you hit what's called convergence.

And convergence is that Kairos time and moment where your plan purpose and destiny has now entered into a time where it can actually fully take place. In other words, you're not just dabbling in it. God isn't just giving you cookies along the way to encourage you to keep moving toward this, but you're actually completely walking in the plan and purposes of God, it's a very fulfilling time in our life. And if we follow after these determinants, we will hit convergence at some point. So destiny is a process. And as coaches or as good disciples, we have to encourage our people.

From that standpoint, we have to let them know that listen, God has a plan and purpose. It's been written before the foundation of the world. Your job is to know who you are in Christ, and be determined enough to carry that out believing that God has revealed to you what your purpose and destiny is, and you're going to go at all lengths to cooperate with God participate with him to bring this to pass. If we go to Acts chapter nine, verses 10 through 14, we can read the story of how I saw was actually touched by the law I'm on his way to Damascus. And, and yes, this is a different soul than what pastor Adam was sharing. This is actually Saul to Paul experience in the New Testament, not in the Old Testament.

And here there was a man name on an iOS and the Lord told him to go to a man who was a chosen instrument to carry out the name of the Lord before the Gentiles and their kings. And this man was Saul and he was on the road to Damascus, and he actually got struck by lightning, per se. You know, we don't know if lightning came down from heaven or if it rose from from the earth, but nonetheless, it was such then at that time, I saw was filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately the scales fell off of his eyes and he could see again, so he was blind and then all of a sudden he could see After a period of time, and it's there that he's that the word says he got up and he was baptized, he took some food he regained his strength.

This is verse 18, and 19. And he began his journey, wondering, who am I now I was blind. But now I can see. And all of us come to that place when we come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior for the very first time we are blind, but now we can see. And once you can see, then the whole world opens up to you the whole the whole heavenly realms opened up to you, and you begin to step into understanding what is your true purpose and destiny and so this happened for Saul, who then became Paul at this particular moment. We also see this in Luke chapter 24, verse 25.

The word says that Christ had to suffer these things and then enter His glory. In other words, um, it was the purpose of Jesus Christ. The plan and purpose written In the scrolls of heaven, before he was even born, that he would die and suffer for us that we might be saved and that we might live the abundant life. This is why it's so very important for us to learn who we are in Christ. Because when Jesus went to the cross for us, he didn't just go for salvation. He went for you to fulfill your purpose and destiny.

See, this is a different way of looking at things. See, we can say that Jesus went on the cross simply so that you would spend eternity in heaven. But that what that does is that only says that there was only one reason why he came. There wasn't just one reason why he came, he came for a many, many reasons. So we when we think about salvation, salvation is all encompassing includes sanctification and includes glorification includes a whole lot of elements so he did not just come to die that you might be saved. He came to die that you might live in the here and now and fulfill the planet purpose of God for you.

Notice here, we have bolded to suffer these things. Here's one of the challenges that I've witnessed in our generation or the last few generations, we tend to be very, very focused on being authentic, which is awesome. But what we tend to do is not have a faith component of remembering, just like we just read about Saul to Paul conversion, you have to have a death experience. You have to have which is, which is a faith component has to reside with your death experience to the old, you, you died, that that born again, experience is bringing to life something and something died and your faith is is is at that moment. Faith has to reside with that being authentic because you just can't have an emotional feeling thing without a dying to something because when going gets tough, you'll quit. when the going gets tough, you weren't persevere and you won't make convergence.

So in other words, you have to have a personal one. You can't reside on your spouse's. You can't reside on your friend, you can't your as a child, you can't rely on your parents and vice versa, all these things, you have to have your own personal death. You have to suffer. You have to bear your cross. And if you don't grasp that, if you say, Well, Jesus took it all for me, then you have no faith, because you have to have the faith because without God, you can't please have you as a kid of God just like his son Jesus.

You have to go through this. And you should be excited because you have been called great because you are going through it, just like Jesus. So there has to be some understanding Have this faith, that equivalent that is at the same moment you're having this, born again, understanding something's dying, as something's being burst. And every time something dies, there's like a fresh kill, that equates to the we need a new skin for the new wine to hold that you need a new container that can hold the new spirit. Your old container cannot hold the Spirit of God. And so that's what's going on.

There's so many of these in unbelievable things going on in the supernatural. But in the natural there has to be for each of us. It cannot be your friends. It cannot be your neighbors. It cannot be your spouse's, it has to be yours. What did you finally, what experience Did you have that you're saying?

Now that part of me died because I'm born again. And in that and that's there has to be a faith equated to that That's why Paul was able after three days is like what the heck happened to me? You know when I think about a nice, a nice is the Christian in the town going you he gets this word, go to this guy, this guy's coming to persecute me. He's well known he's stone and he's there when Steven stone he's coming here to kill me and you want me to go to Him Lord n is had to have faith going, Oh gosh, but he did because he knew Hey, I'm already dead doesn't matter. I know where my eternal destiny is. It doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter if he's killing me. Now I'm over it. I'm not gonna be afraid of this dude. And then what happens? So he tells solace, and so I was like, Yeah, I knew you were coming. Bingo.

Now Saul has his experience because n is obeyed. We have to Same responsibility. Many of us here in the room have experiences like that, you know, and maybe in a bit we can have you come up and share some of these things that you've experienced. All right, the last scripture that we're going to bring up with destiny trees to Genesis 45, which is obviously the story of Joseph, we all know the story just very well, from the pit, to the prison to the palace. And all through that he came out saying in Genesis 45, verse eight, it was not you need to speak into his brothers, who eventually he is reunited with the ones that put them in the pit to begin with. He said, it was not you who sent me here, but God, he made me father to Pharaoh, Lord of his entire household and Ruler of all of Egypt.

And then Joseph went and took his position which was his place now of convergence, and he went and extended it to his brothers and sent them mad. To go talk to his father and sent them with gifts and, and wanted to, to see his brother Benjamin. So when we get to that place of fulfilling our purpose and destiny after we cycle through these destiny determinants over and over and over again until we finally hit that place of convergence, it's there that we are positioned completely to be used of God to be a blessing to all of those whose lives that we touched. Now, as you're cycling through these throughout your life, you are called to be a blessing in every single one of those instances as well. But when you step into convergence, you really live out the totality of that. And here we see that Joseph was a blessing all along the way, no matter what happened to him.

He had the right attitude. He understood who he was. He knew that God was sovereign over what was happening to him. He didn't let bitterness and resentment take root in his heart, but he continued to believe in the love of God until God properly positioned him and he never would have made it to the palace if he hadn't gone to the pit. And see most of us have to remember this is we think we can chart our life out. But you can't charge her life out, don't even try and charge her life out.

You're always going to choose the best route that you think is the best route, but God has the best route for you. We just have to submit to that and be responsive to that and know that God has the best plan. Okay, I want to open up the microphone at this point before we go on to the next segment, which is motivational theory. And they get principle, if anybody has a question for pastor Adam and I would like to share a very quick comment. We will take a few we'll take about five minutes of a question or a quick testimony at this point. If we just come up to the microphone if anybody would like to say anything.

Any comments on what you've heard so far? So mine was more like a think it was a vision when I was younger. When I was really starting to get to Lord to know the Lord and who I wasn't him. So he gave me like I said he was a therapist. Is your dream but he was walking alongside me down this mountain. And he put his arm around me.

And I looked down and I saw this beautiful water that we're heading towards. And so the closer that we were walking there, I was asking him a question. I was like God, are you going to baptize now Lord, and he was like, I don't want you to be a robot. And that's to me, like, I felt later on through from that dream. But going back to that, as we walked closer towards the water, he kind of pushed me into it. And then when I was swimming, I was following my parents.

And then all of a sudden, I rose out of the water, and I sat on this beautiful gold rock and saw this paradise in front of me. And so from that dream, later on, as I was really growing in my faith, he reminded me that it's my life choice to follow him that he wants my heart He wants everything about me and I don't have to pretend or act a certain way or be kind of, you know, non human to him to relate to him and the intimacy that he has with me. So the more that you guys talk about this, and it was just something that the Holy Spirit reminded me to share. I don't know if that makes any sense, or anybody can relate to that. So just don't be a robot to God be genuine, have real fellowship and let him love you and give him who he created you to be with back to him.

So you'll figure that part of your identity out and your destiny all too so. Amen. Amen. Thank you, thank you so much. Know what I really love about what you just shared is the freedom that we have in Christ, the freedom of being intimate with him that he prepares a table for us, you know, and he anoints our head with oil and he, he wants to be in that relationship with us and it's us. That makes the choice.

To keep him out because of our own insecurities, or our weaknesses, or our guilt or condemnation or fear, whatever our issue is, we keep him out. But all the while he's saying, No, I love you so much. And I want to be in relationship with you, even more than you want to hold yourself back from me. I want to be in relationship with you. And so that dream just truly represents that element of just freedom and paradise that's abundant living and many times we don't feel like that is an option. For us.

We're always so critical of ourselves. We are so critical of our environments. We are so judgmental. If we would remove those things we would be able to see our life and the life of others through his eyes, and His eyes are so much more beautiful than what we can see on our own. So thank you for that. Anybody else that one more comment.

Question before we move forward. Okay, we'll take some more here at the end, we just want to make sure we're keeping up with these slides. Okay, let's talk about motivational theory and the get principle, what's very, very important when you're helping others. And also when you're growing yourself and you're in your understanding of who you are in Christ, you have to know what motivates you. If you don't know what makes your flesh tick, then you don't know how you become a bait for the enemy's destructive tactics. And so what we want to do here is we want to fill you with some wisdom and some knowledge and understanding about what motivates you in accordance with the Scriptures.

And so we have quite a few scriptures here, that that you're going to see truths that God has deposited into his people of what causes them to do the very things they do the crazy absurd things that we do. As humans, and so let's go to Genesis chapter three. The first scriptures to bring out here that help us understand what motivates man is Genesis chapter three, verse six. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. All right, now, I'm going to read you a couple more scriptures here because these are all going to tie in this ties in to first john chapter two verses 15 through 17.

There is a direct correlation between the Old Testament Genesis chapter three verse six and first john chapter two, verses 15 through 17, which read, do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world, the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father but from the world. The world. desires pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever. Okay?

Here's how the scriptures connect with each other as Eve was attracted to the apple and she was drawn because she thought it was good for food pleasing to the eye and desirable for gaining wisdom. What she when she saw those things, okay, that was just like first john chapter two verse 15. Through 17, which was the good for food was the cravings of sinful man pleasing to the eye was like the listing of his eyes and desirable for gaining wisdom was like the boasting of what he has and does. All of these three things can be categorized into a need need because we are need based people and we function out of need, can can be put into three categories, provision, protection and acceptance. Okay. before the foundation of the world.

You were designed to have your needs met by being in relationship with the Father. But when Adam and Eve chose to eat of the apple and that string of sin came into our DNA, what happened to us is it caused us to seek after those three things, apart from our relationship with God, because the curse was to cast them in outside the garden and into the land to toil and work it themselves with that they were going to have to find their food, they were going to have to find a way to meet their needs in the garden. They had everything meant for them. All right. So when you tells us not to love the things of the world, what he's saying is, humanity is focused on what humanity can get in the areas of cravings, our needs for food, our needs, for provision, our needs, for protection, our needs for money, our needs, for acceptance, our needs, for sex, our needs for all different kinds of things.

And so the enemy has as hoodwinked because he's got a hold of our flesh. And he's yanking us in those directions all the time. And so you can see the correlation between the Old Testament and the New Testament because when Adam and Eve ate that Apple, they were immediately put into a position where they were going to have to find those things apart from God. Now, good news is that they don't have to find those things apart from God. We don't have to find those things apart from God, because who did God send He sent Jesus. And so after the curse that happened, when they got cast out, there was only one way back into the garden and that was back through the flaming sword, the flaming sword of Jesus Christ.

In other words, you can enter back into the garden when you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. When we know Him as our Savior from the curse having taken the curse having gone all upon him and his flesh, we're now entered into the state of living an abundant life. We're now we don't have to have meat for any of those things, or malicious, crazy controlling freakazoid ways of getting those things. But we can now make the choice of being in a relationship with him and trust him that he will provide all that we need in the areas of provision, protection and acceptance. And that will then enable us to be the people that reach our purpose and destiny. So you can't reach your purpose and destiny.

If you're still trying to get your needs for provision, protection and acceptance met all the time. That just makes you somebody who's trying to get see people that work for their purpose and destiny. They're givers. They've learned how to give, which means they've learned how to overcome their need to get and we're going to talk more about that later. Okay. Like get principle.

This is something that runs in our flesh every day and every second of the day. It's your need for provision, protection and acceptance. It's my need for that. When I say your name, it's our need as well. Human Nature has to get their needs met. This is subconsciously a principle that's in the heart of man.

It causes us to move in directions that are away from God. We can see this in Romans chapter five verses 16 through 19. In the case of Adam one versus Adam to who's Adam, one Adam, one was in the garden who's Adam to Jesus Christ is Adam to in Romans chapter five. We read that Paul is trying to explain this concept to the people. He says the gift of God is not like the result of one man's sin of the first item. The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation but the gift followed many sins many trespasses and brought justification for if by the trespass of the one man Adam, a death range through that one man, how much more will those two receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness Rain, rain, this is where your purpose and destiny come in.

Right? Through the one man Jesus Christ, consequently, just as the result of one trespass from Adam one condemnation for all men, so the result of one act of righteousness through Jesus's death, burial and resurrection on the cross, justification came, that brings life for all men for justice through the disappearance of the one man the first item, the many were made sinners, which is all of us in our DNA, so also through the obedience of one man, Jesus Christ, and many all of us who receive Him will be made righteous Can I get an amen? See, people don't understand when they get saved, that there's been an entire identity change that has happened to the state of humanity. See, you're not the same person. We as the church are not the same people. As what happened when Adam and Eve ate the apple.

When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You are on a totally different track. You get new DNA In a, you have a new identity. Now, this new identity means you can now say no to the things of the flesh that you couldn't before. And we're going to explain that to you as we continue on with this class. This is why you've got to keep coming, because this is just the beginning.

Wait till we start to uncover more of these diagrams and you can understand how the chord of sin has been broken in your life. And now you have been united with Him to bear fruit for God. So this is why I've always heard those coming a long time. My favorite scripture is to understand that so that's why Roman 12 to always hear from me. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind to what you just heard. Because then when you renew your mind to who you are now, after you receive Jesus Christ, then and only then will you be able to trust and obey that good pleasing, perfect will of God.

See if you renew your mind to what happened by what Jesus Christ and we're going to talk about it some more here and in Luke, but when you understand what the second Adam, what Jesus Christ did that the first Adam failed that you should be doing cartwheels jumping over backwards doing all these incredible things all day long because you are righteous in what he did. But because because you are so grateful you're gonna stop doing the knucklehead things we do. So really what it comes down to if you continue to do knucklehead things, you're not really grateful. Hello, you don't really understand who you are, you don't understand your purpose. You don't understand that that stuff is a distraction to keep you away from the bigger picture which is not just to please yourself. It's to please help everybody else.

It's to lie down and die for somebody else and and be fine with that. That's the greatest no greater thing can a man do for you than to die for your friend? So that they can continue on and continue on the great masterpiece that God has. And we, as Christians need to understand and not live in so much shame and guilt. But just get back up repent, Sam sorry, receive forgiveness and march on. Amen.

Amen. Okay, here's some more scriptures to prove the point of the need for provision, protection, acceptance. We know that we have a high priest who was tempted as we are Jesus Christ, he suffered the same things that we have suffered. He walked that out and in Luke chapter four, we see him actually in the desert being tempted for 40 days. And what are the three things that he encountered in the flesh during that time of temptation and testing the same three things that we encounter on a consistent basis that the enemy has as hoodwinked, hoodwinked over until we become I'm so focused on who we are in Christ now that we can say Stop, stop feeding that to me. Now I understand.

And Jesus when he was tempted with these three things, he was able to say no. Now, you not only said no, but he also said, No, because this is who I am. Okay? And so when we say no to the enemy, we say no, because I have an identity change. I'm not going to do that thing, because that's not who I am anymore. See, people only act out who they think they are.

If you know you've changed, there's a whole lot you can say no to. So in Luke chapter four. The word says that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit, he returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert there for 40 days. He was tempted by the devil, he ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them, he was hungry, and the devil said to him, so now listen, he's hungry. He's in need. The devil says if you're the Son of God, tell the stone to become bread but Jesus answered with the Scripture.

It is written Man does not live on bread alone. In other words, here was his test to provision. The devil then led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant, all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor Jesus for it's been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to Jesus. A second test is test of acceptance. But his response was from Scripture, if Well, actually, the enemy said to him again, if you worship Me, it will be yours.

And Jesus's response from scripture was it is written, worship the Lord your God and serve him only. Then Luke chapter, chapter four, verse nine, the devil then led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here. Here is the last test the test of protection. And Jesus's response was from Scripture, he will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully, they will lift you up in their hands so that you won't Not strike your foot against a stone. That's what the devil said to him.

And then Jesus answered it says, Do not put the Lord your God to the test. When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. Jesus passed all three tests how he knew who he was, he knew what his purpose and destiny was. He knew it was not his time to die, he knew is his time to be tested on our behalf, so that he could show us that he could overcome and so can we, he was 100% God 100% man, he had a fleshlight guys though he did not have sin within him. But he had the ability to say no, when you come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that sin is broken off of your life, and now you have the power to say no to the things that the devil taught us. So we see there, the devil knows the word.

Mm hmm. So I bring this forefront Because there are many folks that we hang out with, that will recommend to us ungodly things using the word of God. And we are challenged to say before it is written, the Word of God says this too. So, I'm just telling you, that's the truth. That's, that's the way it's gonna come at you. Some of you may already be going, Oh, man, that's exactly what's happened to me.

There will be situations where I will make, it'll sound like it makes perfect sense. But it's totally against the will of God. It's totally against the Word of God. Because we don't understand it. The demonic will twist in turn, and use what's going on the choices you've made as well as the assignment in your life to get you off track. And we're always going to be challenged with provision protection and acceptance, three funnels, everything will go in it because that's what happened in the Garden of Eden and that's what happened in the desert.

It's what's going to happen us. It's all throughout Scripture, constant temptations constant challenges, will you fall for the trick of provision, protection and acceptance in buying that, and and believing that God does not provide, he does not accept me. And he doesn't protect me. That's, that's what's gonna happen. It's just kind of know that as you leave here tonight, and if anything is challenging that then you go, that's not God. That's not of God, then that is not of God because he's provided protection and he accepts me.

If you've received a son, then you can bank on that, regardless of what the natural circumstances show you. Because the devil is trying to get you to quit. He wants you to quit. You need to rise up and slay your lion slay your bear because you're going to be the king. You need to act Like it, that's the point, you need to believe it and you need to use the tools he's giving you because you don't need to use the same tools that they that the other people use. You may be a slingshot, slingshot, and a few smooth stones that everyone's gonna laugh at, man, you don't slay a giant like that.

Well, I've been training for this for a long time. Maybe you don't know how to do it, but I sure do. Does that make sense? This is what the Word of God says. I'm telling you people, this is reality. We need to grasp this that you have a purpose and a destiny.

The devil. Time is getting short. You just we just read it. He left Jesus because he's going to come back for another time. He's ticked off because the Son of God showed up. He knew who he was.

It's like, dang, I gotta try and get him off his game. He tries to get us off our game all the time. If he succeeds, just repent of it and get back up and get gone again. Just go Gosh, I'm sorry, Lord. not falling forward again, you know, put it in your toolbox. Share your testimony.

So somebody out there that might be real near making that same mistake won't fall for it. Okay, here's the final set of scriptures that help relate all of this need for provision protection acceptances. Luke chapter nine. We call these the Mrs. entanglements for PPA. So Luke chapter nine, verse 57. The word says that as they were walking along the road and man said to him, I will follow you wherever you go.

And Jesus replied, foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. Now, Jesus was talking to disciples, and he was asking them to come and follow Him and this was their response. So this person said, Listen, I'm gonna follow you wherever you go. And Jesus said, Listen, the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. In other words, son, you got a need for security, you got a need for protection? Are you sure you want to follow me?

Then Then he said to another man, follow me. And the manager said, Lord, first, let me go and bury my father. And Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God. That actually means that when someone used to die, a double portion used to be received by the sun that was going to be burying the dead. And so this represents a need for money. In other words, Jesus knew that there would be a temptation for the money.

So he says, You know what? Now listen, you said you want to go back and bury your father's because you'd rather go for money first, well, and see the oldest son would get a double portion because he had to take care of the entire family. So in this scenario, Jesus is showing many of us are tempted by this money thing. And so many people would rationalize, hey, I've been waiting for dad to die. I'm the oldest I got to take care of family, but I want I know what I want to do. wants to that money or whatever.

So the oldest son would get a double portion, the rest would go to the remaining sons. So, Jesus gone off, go do that, then you don't have, I don't have time for you. Because you you don't think I'm going to provide for you. Go get your natural. Go get your natural little coin. Then Luke chapter nine verse 61 and 62 another said, I'll follow you, Lord.

But first let me go back and say goodbye to my family. And Jesus said, no one puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. In other words, this is our need for relationships, or need for acceptance. Now, all of these things help us understand what motivates us. If you think about all the things in a day that come into your sphere of influence, that are crying out for you to respond to them in the area of provision, protection and acceptance, you would be in Okay, so we're going to coach you here, and wants you to go home and wants you to start thinking about your life and different entanglements that you have yourself involved in and you will be able to bring them down to one of those three things. In other words, you're doing certain things in your life to gain provision, protection, or acceptance.

And everyone does it, including pastor Adam and I, this is part of the curse of the fall of man, okay? It's something that is in our blood in our DNA, but it is overcome a ball because Jesus put the curse on the cross, and we've been resurrected in him, which means we don't have to respond to our needs for provision, protection and acceptance. So why is this important as disciples and coaches to be able to help another person, if you're going to help somebody walk through a valley or even walk through a mountaintop or walk through any process in their life, you have to be able to ask them, what's motivating Man, what's causing you to want to do that? I don't know. I don't know why I want to do that. Okay, we're gonna learn about how to do effective questioning here in this class.

But what you're trying to do is you're trying to drive them from coming from a place from the subconscious to the conscious, you're doing this action, because behind date is a need for one of these three things now began to ask God and you can coach yourself, Why do I do this thing? Lord, I know this thing is something you do not want me to do. Why do I do it? What need Am I trying to fulfill that the enemy has me stronghold it into believing if I do this, I'm going to gain provision, protection or acceptance through it. This helps break the stronghold of the enemy off of us. See, the enemy can't flee from you into your mind comes to a place of being able to repent of the things that you He has a grasp or a hold on you from okay.

And the only way we can do that is if we know how to ask the right questions of God. And so we've given you some really good questions you can start asking God, God, what motivates me to do this? Why do I keep doing this thing? Is it my need for provision, my need for protection, my need for acceptance that will help clean you out so you can repent but also help you work with another because as you've changed as you become a coach, you can then help others. I can tell you as being a pastor now for a dozen years. The number one issue, I've noticed that it's the majority is the relationship acceptance thing.

Many people will make decisions around other people because they want to be accepted by this person. But this other person most of the time does not have your best interests at heart and is not there for you. And the only reason they're there for you is To control you so that they have a friendship. And it's an IT deter and they're so in other words, they're not in your life because they can't, they're not in your life to give you any spiritual advice. They're there and they control you, and they manipulate you, because they themselves have been hurt. And they're not humble enough to be teachable to learn their own issues that they shouldn't be trying to impart on another person.

And I see this a lot with more so with women. I see this in a lot of relationships over the last 12 years with women and and if they will hang around me and Candice and then we share things, they come to the aha moment. And they'll, they'll go oh my gosh, that's like my relationship with so and so. And we'll listen and go. Why? And then they'll say things and I'm like, you're right.

And then they'll say, well, like so and so got mad at me when I did this. Okay, why is that because they couldn't control you because As you started saying no, because it wasn't in your best interest, because the only reason they were in your life is to control you. Now they claim, and then when you have social media thrown into the mix, it is very, very challenging to break away from this. Because then you feel like you have nobody, because then that person will say you're mean, they get on social media, and it's like the world knows in a matter of seconds, and you're like, what the Nikes now I'm the bad guy. Is this making sense? This this what goes on in our culture, and, and a lot of people are settling for so much less than what God wants for you.

Because you will not break away from improper relationships. And you need to put boundaries up and I'm hoping through this class, some of you in here will see this and go and have your aha moment and go oh, my That's so and so in my life. Hallelujah. It doesn't mean you can't hang out with them anymore. It means now you're going to be mature enough to know you're not in it for me. You're controlling me.

You're manipulating me. The only reason you're in my life. The only reason you come and do things with me is because you want to control me to keep me because you're hurting. Why don't you come and get cleanse and get free from the bondage of thinking you have no value? that's really what's going on folks. Okay, as a coach, your job is to guide but ultimately it's their decision.

This is the power of freewill, okay. So your job is to help coach another person but you cannot live their life for them. Okay? All you can do is help make them aware. So they come to that place of self discovery. Okay, we're going to, we only have a few more slides here and then we're going to take some comments or questions.

But I want us to look again at resurrection power, what happened to us on the cross when When we died with Christ who were buried with him and resurrected in him, then you've been given only Then have you been been given the power to overcome your basic desires for provision, protection and acceptance. And you get that from the scriptures. Romans chapter six, verses four through eight and we read those earlier, okay? your old self has to be crucified, what gets crucified, it's your spirit man. You had a dead spirit before you came to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And then when you receive Jesus, you go on the Word says that at that point, spiritually, a death occurs where you die on the cross with him well what dies, the dead man dies, the dead man is buried and then up comes the man who is alive which is the spirit.

This is all spirit language. Okay, this is not flesh language. This is not soul language. We are not saying that your mind dies. Your will dies and your emotions die they do not they are living. But when we train the mind the will and the emotions to understand the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus on the inside.

We then begin to understand who we are in Christ is an internal issue. When you say you have victory and crisis means you recognize that the person on the inside is right is a righteous person. It doesn't mean that you do righteous things. It because your mind your will and your emotions may be entangled in a need for provision, protection and acceptance and the enemy may have strongholds on you that are causing you to manifest behavior that is not part of who you are any longer. So the coach's job is to train the coach the client or the disciple or the disciple, ie how to understand who they are. This is why you got to drill in Romans five Six, seven and eight.

Those are the scriptures that help give the Enlightenment to the mind. They they retrain the mind the will and the emotions to understand who the person really is. Your spiritual being first she's saying those are chapters, Romans 567 and eight are chapter scriptures but the chapters in the book of Romans think six, seven and eight, okay? Okay, so take a look at this diagram here. Alright, so there's two people on that cross, Jesus and you there's two people being married, buried Jesus in you. There's two people that are being married in a covenant.

You and Jesus, okay, you're resurrected in him, you have come together with him. Now, this is the only way you're gonna bear fruit for God. This is it. You will not bear fruit for God until you come to know Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and until you understand who you are in Christ. This is why the church is carnal in all the respects. It is because people are saved and they don't even know what God saved.

All they know is they felt different in a moment they ran down to the altar, they had this open experience, but their mind hasn't caught up yet with the spiritual change that God has checked marked them as righteous and they don't even know it. So they spend the rest of their life trying to understand that now they're new creatures in Christ. Now, when you retrain your mind to who you really are, you're gonna stop doing a whole lot of things. Because you're gonna realize that your soul, your mind, your will, and your emotions were trained and appropriately and wrong, from the fact that you had these needs from the time that you were born and you establish patterns, habits, all kinds of things as a result of the fact that you were afraid you felt cast out, you felt separated from God, you needed to have secure attachment in him.

And now he says, Now we're secure and now for the rest of your life. You've got to believe it and live your life as a result. Go ahead, share out there, go ahead. You can share I see some of y'all first let's see, can I can I scream? It's okay to scream on the tape. So let's take some comments, because we only have a few extra slides that will close up with any comments or questions for pastor Adam and nine it is.

We have about 20 minutes. Just come on up to the mic. If you are watching the recording, you can continue to flip through some of the power the PowerPoints because a lot of what we have written is what we've already said without going through the slide. Okay. Pastor Adam said something. Only when you renew your mind to what the second Adam did, because of what the first Adam did.

You will rejoice and understand what happened to you. Last year was a very challenging year for me and something I did a long time ago from caught up with me. And he does Bible study, which was very hard. And I was stuck with unforgiveness. My I couldn't forgive myself for that. That was my thing throughout the entire I think that 14 weeks study that was for me.

And you have a ha moment sometimes, you know, I can sometimes take the kick on your behind to make you realize what it is. And he was put to me this way and I'm like somebody told, I said, do you do you believe in Jesus? I do. Do you know he died for you? I do. Why can't you get past this?

Why can't you forgive yourself? I don't deserve it. But he was horrible. And I don't think that I deserve it. So she looked In my eyes and tell me you are speeding on the cross and the cross. Well, Jesus King for you, he went to the jail cell, open this cell through only the key and set you free.

What right do you have to pick up the key, put yourself back in the cell and throw away the key yourself. You don't have that right. And I'm like, Really? I haven't thought about that way. And, you know, it was then that I realized that I could forgive myself that Thank You, Jesus for coming and doing that for me that I can be set free. And if this can happen anybody else that is listening If you're a second unforgiveness, you know, can't move on.

Amen, Amen. Glory to Glory to Glory. Hallelujah. Florida God. Thank you. Alright, somebody else comment or question.

Okay, so what I wanted to address was, in the beginning, you were talking about your heart, you have to have a heart for God and that he has to have the glory. Well, one of the things that I think that we touch base on and that we struggle with is our flesh. And when you have a purpose, and you have a calling, the flesh gets in the way of that. And so what I've learned throughout my walk is that every time I have a situation where I know my flesh is coming in, of course, you know, it hurts. It's very painful. But at the end of the day, once I've asked these questions once I've renewed my mind to it, I have an overwhelming sense of peace there is.

And it's nothing like that. It's almost like nothing else matters now, like you've, you've crossed that threshold, you're done with it, you put it in the box, it's in that cell that you're throwing the cue, you know, never going back to. So I just wanted to encourage people to know that, you know, the flesh is daily, I burned my flesh daily. And every time I do I have that sense of peace, that he's always there to catch me and say, You know what, now that you've overcome that, you're good now and I'm gonna give you that peace for that thing. And, yeah, the next thing is going to hurt still, you know, because you haven't overcome that, but it's going to be okay. Yeah, amen.

And, and I think one of the things that, that gives us the opportunity to talk about is, you know, sharing our testimony or admitting, publicly, not being ashamed to talk about our mistakes or whatever those things are. And when you do that, you have an over just like It's like, a horn of peace, like the oil just falls over you because you're like, I don't really care if you're, if you're gonna make fun of me, like because we've all sinned, and it always looks the same to the Lord. So, you know, that's why for me I you know, at one point I, you come here, or you've watched this before about my testimony, I mean, drunken fool, smoking, pornography, adultery. I know those are those are vehicles that demonic meant for bad that the God can use for good. And so that's why you know, and the guys I talked to, or the couples we talked to about that stuff.

They're like, really that happened to you? Yeah, we're knuckleheads. Okay, we've made mistakes but what we've done on our on our on these journeys, we know how to overcome a little quicker than most, we remember who we are. We know who we are. So and before we do some of the things we used to have a pattern of doing it I don't do that anymore because that leads so that's why I don't do that. Haha devil I'd fallen for that.

You know, so. So you so I just wanted to build on what we just heard about, you know if you're willing to be courageous, there are people that are going to go How did you don't even seem embarrassed about sharing it? No Why should I be Jesus took it on the cross? Why should I hold on to it anymore? That's like spitting on the grace. Oh, I've done something so bad people come up to me.

People have come up to me during church service when I'm on the altar, and they'll say, Oh, I can't tell you pastor what I've done. I'm such a terrible person. I'll be like, Okay, come on, you know, and then they'll be like, Well, no, I can't tell you and I'm like, do you actually think God is surprised by what you did? You know, and then they look at me like stunned, you know, the music's gone and they're like, What did you just say? Unlike God already knows, who do you think you're fooling? Why are you the one taking the you're taking all the attention?

Get rid of it. Let it go. Let God fix you. Right so Amen. Come on there's got to be some other people that have questions or want to share. Yes, sir.

I want to share is, through the knowledge I've been receiving and the closer I've got to God, the more he tends to be attacking me push, that's only making me want to get closer to God instead of pulling me away. Because if he's attacking me that hard, then there's something that I really need to know. Something that I don't know yet. So, you know, it's just just good. Yeah, amen. And, you know, as a military guy, I use this analogy you know, if you're, if you're in a in a company of people or whatever the Guys on the front line are going to take the shots the first, they'll be the first that'll have to face what the enemy is bringing, if you're in the back, you know.

So what what we just heard is what's going on is when we start to realize this, it's like we're saying I'm ready to, I'm ready to move up closer, I'm ready to get up closer. I'm ready to let's expand our front line. I'm ready to be in the game. Like I want to be first team. I'm done being on the bench I want to get in the game. Does this make sense?

And when you get in the game, there's a competition is there not? Okay, that's one of the reasons why sports in itself is very good for us because you learn how to deal with defeat. You can either sit there and have a pity party, which happens when you're younger. And if a good coach is going to go, Hey guys, let's get back up. We're going to go we're going to have practice tomorrow. We're going to learn we're going to review where we made our mistakes and We're going to practice Christians, we need to practice what we need to practice praying, reading the Word of God, fasting, giving them what?

Praying, reading the Word of God, fasting, giving, serving all these things, you practice them, it becomes your routine. You're not going to let anything like a cold or a sore throat stop you from preaching the Word of God. You're not going to let things stop you that the enemy wants to go, Oh, no, I'm not going to do it today because I don't feel you are going to press through, you're not going to quit. When a guy steals $45,000 to prevent this building from being done, you're going to keep going, yes, it might take a little longer, but we're going to do it as a body instead of waiting for somebody else. That's a professional to do it on. We're doing it.

That's a truth. Those are just real life examples for this body that we've done. And it's made us a tighter knit group that's went through some stuff. other ministries are like, how did you guys do that? Man, we just got a key and walked into our new building. Yeah, we had to build ours.

All right, the next slide. This is a good segue to the next slide, ever coming power? How do we ever come by the power of the Holy Spirit that's on the inside of us. And then our job is to make right choices and decisions in our soul to keep on going. The Holy Spirit will give us the power to, to connect with him in such a way that we can be overcomers in every area and as coaches and disciples, you need to learn to be that person. And so as you're traveling through the processes, you're going to be growing and changing so much that you're going to be able to come alongside somebody else and lift them up and move them forward.

That's why it's so important. What was just stated, hey, it seems like more things are coming against me. If you can believe you can believe in Your mind and in your heart, that what's on the other side is greater. And you're going to keep striving for the greater. You can get through the most difficult times that the enemy is throwing at you to get you to quit the race. He wants you to push you all the way back to the beginning again and you say no, no, I believe that what is before me what I'm learning and growing in who God is being intimate with him is more important than anything.

This is what we're talking about that destiny determinant of determination, you have got to be determined and committed not to quit. And the only person on the inside of you that can do that is the power of the Holy Spirit and you in union. That's why you need to go out to buy to that's why people work out to to have a spotter. That's why a lot of times you need somebody with you because you go I'm just done today. I don't want to do any more. Oh, we're going farther.

We're doing more we're pushing ourselves. And it helps to have a partner right? So it's just like walking out to buy to being a, as being a coach, you learn to be transformed, in that you learn to be a leader, where you can actually live out what you're experiencing in front of the people that are watching you. Good coaches don't need to hide because they know who they are. They just carry out their life in front of others to be able to watch what they're doing so that others will learn to lift themselves up and move forward. All choices that are made by the clients are the discipling or just that that's their choices, but they need a model.

They need somebody that they can watch that's walking through it. There is a difference in developing an attitude of being. Then just going to do something people that just do stuff. Sometimes they can fake it for a while. But if you be it you've been changed by Your mind you're well on your mission to remember I don't know it was 10 1520 years ago those bracelets that said, What would Jesus do? Right?

Well, we believe we believe this what would Jesus be? Be be righteous because he's righteous. Be a servant because he was a servant. Those kinds of things. It's a different mindset. It really is.

Coaches learn to get intimate with God themselves. They learn to work through these things. They learn to him to battle with the right tools. And when you walk through the fire yourself, then you're going to carry a special annoy, to help drag others out. Go back on, let God get in your stuff, and then you can more easily get another stuff. Yes.

Now listen, I get in your stuff a lot. You do. I do. I get in your stuff. But you know why? Because I've gotten in my stuff alive.

God's gotten in my stuff. I'm just sharing with you because it when you get real and honest, that's why I'm always saying repent. That's why I'm always saying, you know, come be honest. Just be honest about who you are. Don't snow God. He knows.

Don't try to snow your spouse. Just be honest. And if you know I like to see people because I just want to go and it happens, don't I just the Holy Spirit presence so break people down. It's like, dude, stop it. Just be honest. It's okay, let's get the best for you.

Let's get the best. That's why I'm doing it. I want. God wants the best for you and he wants he's using me to help you get the best and many times that agitates you. But, but frankly, if I'm not agitating your school, then then what's the point? Because then that would mean you're perfect.

None of us are. And I do it in a way where I try to lead. I try to show you listen, I'm going to ask you to work on this building. But I'm not asking you to do nothing I won't do because I was taught that on the farm and I was also taught that in the military so so I'm not asking you to do nothing I won't do I'm just asking Will you come with me? Let's go Let's be a real family and do this let's be a force in this community. We took back this bar let's just not let let's let's uh, stop there.

My goodness. Let's get Tanglewood you know, it's tangle hood. Come on, we got to take that we got to change that name. A lot of drugs. No, we're like, we got to be relentless. Gotta be overcoming.

Let's get this area. Let's get these people to know how much value they have, regardless of what crap they've been told and what stuff they're in. It's no different than this stuff you and I were in. Let's help them. Amen. So we need to use our spiritual gifts in Second Timothy chapter one, verse six and seven.

The Word tells us that Timothy was Paul was talking to Timothy and he said listen fanning the flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of hands. God did not give us A spirit of timidity. But as a spirit of power, love and self discipline, we need to live that out God's gift to you to be a good coach. He's equipped you with various spiritual gifts Tommy's called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, whatever he's called you to. It's for the work of service so that the body of Christ might be built up until we all reach to the unity and the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and we become mature. We need to become mature Christians.

And so we need coaches and good disciples that can help make the church mature. Remember, I've been talking about the fact that God gave the church the authority to bring the kingdom of heaven on earth and to operate in the kingdom of heaven. If the church is so carnal and so fleshy, how are we going to lead anybody and how are we preparing the earth for the Return of the King? We're not we better start acting like we have an inheritance and living off the fact that the of Christ, the death, burial and resurrection in our death, burial and resurrection in em has properly positioned us. When we believe like that, then we are preparing this place for his return. opposition's gonna come for you if you call yourself a coach, if you call yourself a disciple, or when Paul was going in to new territories, this is what First Corinthians chapter 16 verse nine says, He says, Paul saying specifically a great door for effective work has opened to me.

And there are many who oppose me. And in other words, he's saying listen, when God opens the door for your purpose and destiny, you will get opposition. A long time ago I taught a whole teaching on the gates and how there's different gates that we walked through in our life and at the top of those gates, rests an enemy that is ready to eat you alive as you come in, you enter into those gates and so there will be a battle for your purpose and destiny and you have To be strong enough to go through it and then to help another person go through it. So Joshua chapter one tells us what to be strong and courageous, to be careful. This is the directions that God gave Joshua, listen, be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

And then he tells him to be strong and courageous. So we want you to be confident as coaches in Philippians chapter one, verse six, we have confidence. Why? Because we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus. That's Hebrews chapter 10, verse 19, and of course, Philippians one six being confident of this, that the good work that God began in you he is going to carry it out. So we need to understand that God has us properly placed his disciples and good coaches to help another person if you've been through something you have Have an anointing to help someone else get out of it.

So take this material and run with it, learn, grow, stretch yourself, be challenged, but do not quit because God is using you in a mighty way. And his return is dependent upon you understanding these things about yourself and being willing to be the example of heaven on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven has arrived, and it has arrived in you. Alright, let's take one more comment or question from someone we have just a few more minutes here. Maybe we can get to in there if someone has quick comment or question for us before concluding. I just wanted to share about the three different provision the protection of acceptance and acceptance, okay.

So an example of each one of those that might help somebody. Several years ago, Bill and I were faced with, I had started a business and that business wasn't doing well. And we were faced with losing our home. And so I kept telling bill, I said, don't worry about it. God's got this. Boy, it came down to three days before they were going to officially start foreclosure.

And we received the check that we were checked out was like months that was coming. And so it came. And obviously, we didn't lose our house. So then, a few months ago, I was laid off from work, and that same situation was facing us. But this time Our house was on the market. And then we're like, Are we going to be able to sell the house in time In order to not go through this again, and this time it was because I had seen God do this before.

And I've seen him do it many times. But this time, it just brought back up what he had done a couple years ago, and I thought, you know, this, this isn't going to happen because I know God's got this. And right at the time, our house closed, and it was when we moved here. So, you know, we know that we know that God's provision is there. And at this point, there's not much that can shake that for us because we've seen it demonstrated over and over. And then when it came to relationship.

I had a broken relationship with my dad. And I hadn't talked with him really in a couple of years. And I get a phone call from My siblings that my dad was in the hospital and I'm the only one in Florida. So they're like, go to the hospital and check it out. I haven't talked to him. But the moment I got to that hotel room and I saw him, it was it was just like God removed everything.

And and that forgiveness, that compassion for my dad at that point and it has forever changed our relationship. And when it comes to protection, I was I had a bad report on on what they saw in a mammogram. And so I went in they said that you know that I needed a sonogram and all Other kind of stuff. So each one of those tests kept showing a bad report. And the day I was there, they took another sonogram that morning, and I was in the lobby waiting for the results. And praying and going, No, I know.

He is my healer. And I know that. And when I went back in for this other sonogram, they're like, we don't understand what happened. But there is totally nothing there. Amen. Amen.

Well, let's close down. That's wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. I think that that gives us a good grasp of how those tests of provision protection and acceptance Well, we'll hit each one of our lives. All right, let's pray together as we close out tonight, Lord, we just thank you so much, Father, for just the revelation wisdom and knowledge you brought into this house lord, and we thank you Father for this revelation activating and The hearts and the minds of those that are here and those that are watching the tapes. Father, we thank You Lord Jesus for your spirit presence to make this a reality in our life God and begin to reveal where we are subconsciously in need of these three areas God and where you have come to meet every single one of those needs.

We thank you that you've equipped us through our death, burial and resurrection in you and we are going to walk out the overcoming power of Jesus Christ, the overcoming power of your Holy Spirit on the inside of us. We thank you, Lord, for the opportunities that you are giving us to help others to be a blessing to others and to carry out our purpose and destiny. We stand together we unite as a church as the Church of Jesus Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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