Lesson 4 Video

Introduction to Biblical Life Coaching Course Basic Biblical Life Coaching Class 4
1 hour 26 minutes
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All right, we want to welcome you to dream mentors. This is the PowerPoints for class number four. And so we're going to open up with prayer. And then we're going to begin to talk about what is transformational life coaching? And what are the core coach training standards that dream enters requires. So let's just bow our heads and pray.

Father, we thank you for this time that you've given us tonight. And we asked for wisdom revelation and knowledge from heaven. Father, we ask you to open up our hearts that we might be able to tap into the wisdom of heaven, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, Lord and just speak to each one of us individually. And we thank you for the transformation of our hearts. We thank you that you came to transform us and so we just open ourselves up to you who would speak tonight in Jesus name, amen. All right, we're gonna start off with what is transformational life coach.

If you remember, dreaming nerves is about basic biblical life coaching and also about Trent also about transformational life coaching and there is a difference between the two of them. So transformational life coaching is really a greater study of the holistic perspective of spirit, soul and body, how God really transforms our spirit, how he transforms our soul, and our body. It's necessary today because it encourages those that are being discipled or coached to have a greater understanding of who they are in Christ and who God is. It teaches how God transforms the soul through the power of the Holy Spirit, the soul and the body. Now, next week, we're going to go through some special diagrams of that actual transformation. We're not going to get into those tonight, but next week, I will go over them specifically so you can see the unregenerate man, the regenerate man, we'll get into some terms and things of that.

Stories that will help you understand a little bit more about what happened to you when you became born again. But this study of transformational Christian coaching is understanding the depths of that we offer the greater teaching in dream mentors 201 that is our advanced transformational life coaching course. It's the one that comes after this one. And so be considering taking that when you're finished with one on one because that really gives a very strong, holistic perspective. This of course, is very important for people who need to understand more about who they are who they are in Christ. But as a people helper, you want to be able to help others understand who they are in Christ and exactly what happens in the transformation of the soul.

So transformational Christian life coaching is another discipline other than biblical life coaching, but a very, very important discipline. Okay, so there are spiritual disciplines that we learn that help us to enhance the formation of the spirit that is inside of us. inside us. And understanding the spiritual disciplines is another component of transformational Christian life coaching. We're going to talk about this spiritual disciplines in later classes. When you learn the disciplines, you're positioning yourself for God to make transformation on the inside of you.

It is the 12 spiritual disciplines that literally position us in God's presence. And he takes the opportunity when we do these various disciplines not as a law but simply as a desire to be with him. And he takes that and he cultivates an NF and he helps bring about the renewal of the mind the transformation of our spirit and our soul. Now, there are hindrances that happened in our journey toward wholeness, and there are experts that God has in this area, and those are Christian transformational life coaches. Those are the ones who are experts in what happens when you get stuck. When you get yourself an obstacle when there's a hindrance in the process.

They can help analyze very well what is going on in spirit, soul and body motivational theories. They like the motivational theory that you learned last week provision protection and acceptance is a basic theory. It helps us be able to look at life and assess what are some of the reasons we do what we do. And how does the enemy setup block Hades so that we do not receive provision, protection and acceptance. Where are we looking for it in all the wrong places? Where do we need to put our eyes on Jesus?

How do we put our eyes on Jesus so we know that he meets those needs for for what motivates us so that we can truly have a handle on the hindrances that come against the transformational process. The more you practice the spiritual disciplines, the more you come to realize, because you're being transformed how the enemy operates in your life and how he grabs a hold of shaking things at you to draw you away and distract you from relationship with God and help you put your eyes on stuff that will provide for provision protection and acceptance. transformational life coaches, they understand this. They understand what hopes went what the enemy uses to draw on the soul and how you can be empowered to stand faithfully against those things. Now, to be in the process of moving toward being a transformational Christian life coach. Obviously, the first thing is knowing what happened to you when you became born again.

So let's go to Romans chapter six. We went over this last week, I believe we'll go over it again. briefly what happened to on the cross when you died with Christ? The word says when that when Christ died, you died. So when he died, you died with him when he was buried. You were buried with him when he was resurrected.

You were resurrected. With him or in him, Well what died if you're still sitting here, then what actually died? The real you? Well, who's the real you the real you is the spirit person on the inside of you. That's the real you. The real you is the spirit that has a soul that lives in a body.

The soul is made up of three things, the mind, the will and the emotions. But the real you is the spirit man on the inside that is connected to the soul which is connected to your flesh, or your body. Now, the Word tells us in Romans chapter six, verse four, that we were buried with Him through baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised in the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live in a new life. So in other words, the old died Well, what was the old the old was the old man on the inside of you the old spirit man okay. It was dead it It could not listen to spiritual things. It was an antagonist against God and it was focused on the things of the world.

And that was because of the fall of man. So the unregenerate man or the man that you were before you got born again, is the man that needs to die. So that's the man that goes on the cross with Jesus Christ. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That's what dies. Maybe another way to you know, make sure we're understanding this is that old part of us that was dead was like a receiver that was wasn't working.

And so when you're born again, Jesus said, you have to be born again to receive the new spirit, the new Ma, and it's new. And now you have inside of you a spirit that is receiving and it's receiving. The challenge is, will we allow that receiver and what's being received to guide us, or are we going to listen to our mind will and emotions that are the soul that aren't that isn't regenerate and isn't adapted to the spiritual things. That's the thing. That's the part where we have to learn to submit. Our mind will and emotions are soul to the spirit, and it takes time.

Just like when a newborn baby is born in the natural, it takes time to mature and grow and it has to learn things. Some of those things are very painful. Mainly because they choose we choose not to listen. Think about a child when it's that's hot, Honey, don't touch that. Oh, that's hot. Yeah, I told ya.

But we do it anyway. So those are some of the ways to understand what's going on with us. And like I said, next week, we'll go through a whole set of diagrams that have gi a visual of what we're explaining now, audibly. You will see more visually next week. So make sure you come next week. But basically, the word Paul is telling us in Romans, he's saying, Listen, if you've been united with Him in His death, you'll also be united with Him in His resurrection.

So, when the old man dies, or the old spirit goes on the cross with Jesus and then is buried, there is a new spirit that is then born again. You are now born again with a new spirit, that spirit is now connected to the Holy Spirit. See, Holy Spirit cannot connect to the old man, because the old man is programmed for yourself, for the things of the world and for enemy, the enemy for Death and for strongholds, okay? Because we're born into death before we are born into life in Christ, okay? So before you come to know Jesus, Everything about you is prone to the earth and prone to the world. And when you come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior now that change on the inside habits, it is made permanent.

Now the Holy Spirit can come and live in that permanent container, because now you are permanently a new person. And as a new person, now you have been given now the spirit of life, which is the resurrection power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to live on the inside of you. Now everything is for him. Now you've been united with Him in the resurrection. This is why you cannot lose your salvation. Because God doesn't turn your container from old to new and then it goes back to old again.

That doesn't happen with your old because you're born into the flesh and you're born into the earth. When you get new now you are new. And when you receive Jesus, His Holy Spirit comes to drop on the inside of you. Now you are permanently his. Now the difference may be that your, your your soul, your mind, your will, and your emotions is still very carnal. In other words, it hasn't caught up to the new man or woman on the inside.

It is still programmed for things of the flesh, it is still easily alert by the enemy and the things of the world. It is still involved in definitely activity, but it feels very uncomfortable now, because there's a new person on the inside and the spirit is on the inside the Holy Spirit's on the inside that is always saying Why are you going over there? Why are you choosing that? Why are you doing that and you begin to feel this conviction upon yourself because you really are changed on the inside. So now the struggle begins. And that's the struggle Other Paul talks about in Romans 567 and eight when he says he struggled with sin.

It wasn't because he thought he was going to lose his salvation. It's because he was struggling with the carnality of a flash or a soul that has not been trained or programmed properly yet. And there's other things that aggravate the law aggravates that there's there's a whole other lessons in Romans 567 and eight which we will talk more about it another time. But basically, the Word tells us the old self was crucified. This is Romans six, verse six, the old self was crucified that's what went on the cross so that the body of sin, this sin on the inside would be done away with that you should no longer be a slave to sin, so that your soul your mind, your will and your emotions and your body would no longer be a slave. See now you can overcome being a slave to the things of the world and to the enemy.

Why? Because the Power of being a new person is greater than the temptation that you're receiving from the world, in your soul. And in your flesh. Does anybody understand what I'm saying in here? See, anybody who has died with Christ to die on the cross is Christ in your buried, the word says you are free from sin, which means sin has no more power over you. You have all the power.

The problem is the cardinality of the flesh, the carnality of the soul, the old habits, the trainings of your old ways, the old addictions, these kinds of things pull at you. But the Word says, You've been freed from that, how are you free to you were killed from it. You are buried from it. And now you are resurrected in a state of freedom and all you have to do now by choice is to say no to the desires of the flesh. See, now you've given been given power to say no to things that are alerting you away before you fell victim to that very easily. But now you've been given everything you need to say no, I don't need to go over there and more.

So I have the power of the Holy Spirit on the inside of me. So I can for sure say no, because I'm not doing this by myself. I'm doing this because I've united with Him, and He doesn't want to do this. You see, you got to change your thinking here. When you go and engage in activities that are not holy, then you are taking Jesus with you to the unholy place that quite often makes us pull back and say, timeout, stop. I'm not gonna go there.

I'm not taking Jesus with me to that bar. I'm not taking Jesus with me to strip club. I'm not taking Jesus with me to pornography. I'm not taking Jesus with me to these places of death. He is not going with me there. I'm going to say no to that and I'm going to stand firm, and I'm going to walk in the power that he's given me and I in Listen, the more you want to Stay on this the more you can say no to your soul.

Your soul is only a mind a will and an emotion. That's all that it is. That's all that it is, is your mind your will and your emotions. So all we need to do is say no to your mind, your mind your emotions, you've been given a freewill choice, freewill choice to live or free will choice to sit. So we have to stand firm and we have to say no, I died with Christ. So therefore I will live with him, and I will go where he goes.

Now, when you really understand these truths and these concepts, you then learn to be victorious in Christ. That's what the true victory is. People talk, oh, I'm going to be victorious in Christ. I'm an overcomer. I hear people say that and I want to say them to them. That's awesome.

Profess that out of your mouth. But do you really understand the power of being Toria. This teaches Romans 567 and eight teaches the power of being victorious. You have the word now to back everything that you're doing. Now let's go to our happy little diagram here that you guys saw last week, kind of a weak looking diagram, which you see next week's diagram, so a little bit better. But, but now nonetheless, it's you and champ.

That's why the cross is so powerful is because when we talk about him resurrecting, He resurrected, he went through all of that he died for you. But you also died with him. He was buried, but you were also buried with him, he rose, but you were also risen with him. The power comes in the fact that he went through all of that to defeat what holds us in bondage so that we would be set free. And so every day of your life, you can be victorious in everything. Kingdom culture, is about learning to be victorious and live the kingdom of God on earth lives the kingdom of heaven on earth.

We can do that when we walk victoriously through what Jesus Christ is done for us, because then we've been given all the power to make that happen. One of the things to help us, I think, to remind us about living a life of faith. And it's impossible to please God without faith is that as we see here, we died with him. So there, there has to be some kind of acknowledgment of every one of us that something died. There has to be a death. And, and what I found with a lot of us is, is when our we seem to waver in our faith, it is likely because we've had quite an emotional experience.

But we haven't associated that with a death, a real event of something dying. And when I've been around people that are able to identify that there was this death there, faith Seems to be extremely prominent and bold, compared to those who don't that usually claim they had an emotional experience. But they don't associate anything dying. And that's a challenge for us all. Because if you don't have a death experience, like Jesus died in the natural, and something in us dies, and is resurrected, I see our I see people's faith wavering a lot. And usually when I talk to them about it, there'll be able to explain, well, I had such an emotional high.

When I receive Jesus or I had such an emotional high when I had my baptism, or things like that. And then when the going gets tough, they forget. Because somehow they've only thought good things are gonna happen. And that is not what Christianity talks about. So I just share that with us. Because you see tonight we're kind of emphasizing we died with him, we, we were buried with him, and we resurrected with him.

And we need to get beyond that death experience, but not forget that death experience, but live in the now that we are resurrected. And we are new in our spirit. So I just share that with us because I find there's a direct correlation with so many of us. And I find it's very prevalent among young, young, the youth and our obsession in our culture for many of us over the last 3040 years with youth and be excited about the youth. But what we've failed to teach us when we were young and a lot of our youth today is there has to be some kind of death experience to increase your faith to embolden your face. So I just share that with us here.

So therefore, you died with them. You're buried with him your resurrection him the old man in Adam is dead. And the new man in Christ is alive. Christ is the second item first Adam put to death. Second, Adam rules and reigns. We go into more of their scriptures later in the course.

So it's a trustworthy saying if we dine with him, we will also live with him. In Colossians chapter two. The word is speaks to us specifically about the fact that not only were we raised with him, but we actually receive his very own righteousness, that the gift that you get, not only is the resurrection, having a new man, a new spirit on the inside the Holy Spirit deposited inside of you, but you also received Christ's very own righteousness. This means you are a saint, and you are seated with Christ on his lap. The Word tells us in Colossians chapter two verse nine. For him, Christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in Christ.

Is the head over every power and authority. In Him you also were circumcised in the putting off of the sinful nature that means circumcised in death, okay? There was a cutting of the flesh there was blood that was shed, not with circumcision done by the hands of men, but with circumcision done by Christ, having been buried with them in baptism, and raised with them through your faith in the power of God who raised him from the dead, when you were done in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature. See, you were that way. But then God had mercy, right. He had mercy on us and He made us alive with Christ.

He forgave us all our sins, he cancelled the written code with its regulations that was against us, that opposed us. He took it away and he nailed it on the cross. In other words, he made a way not only for you to be you know, on the inside his spirit to be deposited on the inside of you you to be in union with him, but to him, but for him to see you on his lap in the heavenlies with his righteousness. canceling the codes canceling all the things that were against you, now you are completely free and forgiven. And now you've been asked to live as such. See, this is the power of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

When we understand that God has given us everything in him. He's only asking us to live it out. And I'm telling you, it is way hard for us to try and live it out. The church has a very difficult time transforming itself. See, church culture has its own soul. It has its own mind it has its own will it has its own emotions.

And so the church has been in his body has negative ways of thinking negative ways of operating the churches and entity itself just like this, just like an individual as an entity. And so when when you bring us all together, there are many in the church body that will keep us stuck in a certain place because certain people can't graduate even though graduation already took place. You wear your cap and your gown but you still act like a kindergartener when you're supposed to be a graduate student. And this, this is the part where many what pastor Candice is is hitting on here is many a church will make people feel extremely guilty. And that is not the overcoming understanding. We are to repent, but overcome if you stay in that attitude of repentance and then guilt many people don't understand what transformation is to live the abundant life.

And that's what we're we're touching on here. That's what freedom destiny really touches on touches on. We want you to understand to not be afraid of admitting your mistake, but going boldly to dad and go Dad I made a mistake and Dad's going to say what are you going to do about it? Are you going to are you going to overcome it like Get up and go do something now follow me. And let's do something with what you have but many a church and many an individual will stay put and not be able to do anything with what gifts they have, because they feel unworthy even though they've received salvation. I hope this is making sense.

Amen. Okay, so, if seasons chapter two also shares the same truths, the word says that you are dead in your transgressions and sins in which he used to live when you follow the ways of this world, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, you following after the enemy dead people follow after the enemy, the Spirit who is now in at work in those who are disobedient. All of us lived among them at one time, Pastor Adam and I, everybody here everybody online used to live like that until God had mercy on us. gratifying we used to gratify the cravings of our sinful nature and we followed desires and thoughts. We were by nature, objects of wrath, but because of his great love for us and God who was rich and his mercy made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead and transgressions, it is by grace, you have been saved, did not by work, she didn't do anything for this.

It's everything that Jesus did and we just accept it. So God then raised us up with Christ and He seeded us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus in advance for us to do in order that in the coming ages, he might show the in comparable Rich's of His grace expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. Again, the word says, For it is by grace you have been saved through faith not from yourselves it is a gift of God, not by work so that no man can can boast your we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. So transformation comes by The Holy Spirit to the soul and then it flows into the body. Pastor Adams favorite scripture Romans chapter 12 verse two, do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world because you don't have to anymore.

You have a brand new spirit in here that's not tied to the world anymore. You have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you that is not tied to the world. Okay, so now your mind has to catch up to that. And you need to now begin the transformation process renewing your mind then you will be able to test approve what God's will is his good, pleasing and perfect Well, during this process, you became a new creature. Second Corinthians chapter five. Verse 17, says if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature.

The old is gone, the newest come, the spirit man became new, but the soul is being transformed. Now the soul is the center of carnality. So when you have Christians that do all kinds of crazy ridiculous things, but they're still Christians, it's just because their soul hasn't caught up yet to where their spirit is. That's why you all are here today. And that's why people are learning through this material is you want your mind your will and your emotions to catch up to the change that was already made on the inside of you. It's like God gave you a million dollars.

And now you need to learn how to spend it properly. Now you need to learn how to work with all of the grace and blessing that has been given. Well, I would even say, God's giving you a million dollars and many of us don't realize he's giving you a million dollars. Let alone know how to spend it but many of you don't even know you got it. You've already received the inheritance and you don't realize it. I hope that makes sense.

And that's what understanding about trends. And that's why these disciplines have some of these topics. We're going to talk about fasting, praying, serving, giving, that's why we need to train ourselves. To start get in line Jesus says I didn't come to be served Come to serve. That's why there's such an emphasis here at freedom destiny, to get you involved in a group using the gifts God gave you to benefit the rest of society. And we do that here.

And so we really push and try to encourage, you know, please get involved. Yes, I know you've been hurt. Yes, I know. You might not like people, I get it. But you have gifts that God wants you to use to benefit people. So just just share, we're going to get into more of that.

All right, let's take a few questions right now. Questions or comments. We'll take a few moments of those. If anybody has a question or comment you'd like to come to the mic and share anything that we said that may have given you an aha experience or something that is causing you to, to take a look at yourself. We're going to now get into the mind all right. Then what you're going to what you're talking about now because this morning felt different to me.

I know there's a lot happening this weekend a lot of different things but it felt like everything caught up with what I had to let go of. And today I felt I don't know I just felt different it felt you know, I felt fair more peace I don't know how to explain it, but it's you know, all the all the data is gone, you know, I can feel the life changing. So, this is what you're going through, etc. It struck me because it just it just felt I could feel it the whole change, you know, and even like, I'm a loud person at work. I'm a loud person everywhere, but today I was not. I could just state him own head today.

I just, I couldn't be the last person I know man. So it was different from Sir. Amen. So your soul is changing. You had a spirit man change and now the soul is starting to adjust to the spirit man and all the things that have been happening to you recently, your soul is changing and that's what transformation is all about our soul continues to change throughout a lifetime until we become glorified with him when we physically pass on. Anybody else want to share anything?

Boring before? Okay. All right, we'll keep going. Okay, so let's talk a little bit more about how being a people helper to others, transformational life coach, they those that understand these processes, God use uses these people, people like pastor Adam and I people like you all who are being trained to help others understand that transformation is a process as much as as your So your spirit is immediately transformed when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The rest of it is a process. This is what the Word of God would call sanctification.

Salvation is a one time event that happens immediately. And it's forever. But the remainder of our time would be what the Word of God calls sanctification. That's what we're talking about. transformational Christian coaching also encourages dependency upon God. Anytime we talk about transformation, it's not done from an island mentality, like God's transformed you and he's left you out there and now you're in union with Christ now.

And now you start your journey of forever being dependent upon him. Now that's counter culture, to how we as Americans, raise our children. We raised them immediately to be independent of us and to go out and do anything they could away from us. But got our God is an interdependent God and He wants us to be dependent upon him not make choices and decisions apart from him, to enjoy him, he enjoys us. So where we are born into sin and out completely independent of everybody in everything to with extreme selfishness extreme self focus, we then become born again. And now we're in a process of learning to be dependent upon God, to now being somebody who loves other people, somebody who's giving of themselves all the time, somebody who's now involved in relationships and wants to make those relationships healthy.

Everything that you were before changes radically and anything that's held on to is something that God will loosen and, and shake off of you. Sometimes transformational Christian coaches are called in some denominations, spiritual directors, they can be lay leaders, you know, like any of you you don't do you don't have to be a pastor or fivefold ministry gift Anybody qualifies to be a transformational Christian coach if they understand the processes of transformation, and they can communicate that and help another person walk through a pathway in a journey with God, a transformational coach should have sensitivity to God's heart for people and want to see them become more Christ like you want to help them achieve their goals, but you also want to challenge them in God's will for their life. That's that's a difference between going to a secular coach or going to a secular counselor, somebody who is focused on Christian calling themselves a Christian coach, a Christian counselor, wants to make sure that the client always comes back to what is God's will for your life.

We set certain paths we have certain goals and you want to help encourage people in that but you also want to make them aware of the fact that they need to understand well what is God's plan for you because you can't Get off that pathway and so so a transformational Christian coaches spiritual director will be leaning people to to look for God's goals for their life. Right now, hearing dream mentors, we don't believe in people just doing coaching like in other words, you would sit in front of somebody and you'd want to coach them through a process. We believe in you being transformed to such a degree that you exemplify somebody who has changed and therefore you walk in the authority to help assist another person to be changed. There's a lot of people out there doing discipling or doing coaching, but really all all they are is people that want to tell somebody else what to do.

They don't want to be changed themselves and then help somebody else come alongside where they're out or they don't really want to work with them. They just want to overpower them. We don't want to have those kind of coaches and dreamers, we want this material to transform you in such a way that you become somebody who's gone to the deep and you want to take somebody else to the deep to see, if you haven't gone there. You can't take somebody else there. You can, you can feed them a bunch of lines and you can feed them a bunch of scriptures, but until you've been changed by Christ until you've been changed by the scriptures yourself, you're not going to really be able to walk somebody through that. Psalm 42.

Seven says, deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls, all your wave waves and breakers have swept over me if you choose to just live in the shallow end, and you never go into the deep yourself. You're not going to change. There comes a time that you need to walk to that place and then God's going to ask you to help walk somebody else to that place. Those are good transformational life coaches. So with transformational life coaching, you always have To start your heart, you need to know what makes you tick, and what makes other people tick. And you need to have a willingness to want to go there with them, and help to encourage them with the compassion of Jesus.

One of the things that sets Jesus apart is that he always had compassion on the people. His heart was always broken for people. And he would make choices and decisions to do certain things publicly or privately. But they were always driven by the fact that he had a love for people. And so we all have to look at ourselves and we need to ask that question. You know, how much do I really love people?

And if you come up low on the deficit scale for that, that's okay. That's just an area you got to work out. Right. People who love themselves more, can love others more. And when you love yourself more, you don't love yourself because you have great vanity. You love yourself.

Because you know how much God loves you. I am many, many years ago used to walk in incredible self hatred. I would I, I had severe anxiety, severe depression, and severe self hatred. If cutting was something that was done at the time I was a kid, I probably would have been one of those one of those that did it. And it was just something that I couldn't seem to get rid of demonic forces, just overwhelming pain. And when the Holy Spirit got ahold of me and I began to sit in God's presence, I became born again and began to sit in God's presence.

And I began to realize how much he loved me when I didn't love myself. And I would force myself to stay in his presence for hours, struggling with my hatred for myself, until I eventually crossed over to where I believed who I was that he really loved the person that he really chose. And he continued to work with me there, he would work with me it was therapy. Being in the presence of God was therapy for me, I could not get enough I would sit in his presence for hours and hours and hours a day, just so I could be healed. And the more he healed me, the more I began to love who I was, but it was not vanity, it was simply because I couldn't help but love myself because I found out how much he loved me. And then I began to grab ahold of that love, and then I could give it out to people.

See, this is not when I was in ministry, because you're not in ministry until you can learn to give it out. So I was in a place of healing. I was in a place where I needed to consume all of God till I got to the place where I could then pour it out to other people, but the change happened and it can knew to happen and more and more happened. And then the more and more that I loved people, the more and more I loved myself then there was a reflection back and it continued and it continued, and it continued. And then it became a very, very healthy and very, very strong. But if God could take me from a place of self doubt, self hatred, to a place of loving myself wholly and completely because he loves me, God, he could do it for anybody.

He can do it for anybody, but you have to stay disciplined and remain, believing that something is greater and better than what you have. And you have to be willing to go to his feet all the time, kneel at his feet, be humble to receive letting him come and minister to you directly where you're at. All right, we have a few minutes here before we continue on with the remainder of these slides. Would anyone like to comment or or bring up anything that they've learned so far? That is eye opening to them. I love the way you realized and took time to realize that it was God's forgiveness that set you free.

God the father did pay for our sin. But if we don't accept that forgiveness, we are never free. And even being a woman of God, it took you hours and hours of being with him to fully evolve that love and forgiveness. And until that time that we accept forgiveness, we are not able to give it so that is part of the life changing, also. Thank you. Thank you.

Anybody else Okay, all right. Now, let's see here as a transformational life coach, biblical life coach, spiritual director, you need to confront yourself. So you're going to have to take a good look like I was saying, I had to take good looks at who I was in every respect. And you have to allow God to get in your business. You have to say, God, you got to get getting my business, you have to welcome him getting in your business. And that never stops.

No matter if you ever get to a place where you're not asking God to get your business, you got something wrong with you. Because it's transformation as a process and God's gonna continually be transforming you but you have to be open for him to get in your business. So coaches have to be really good at letting God get in their business so then they can help coach Somebody else, hey, it's okay, relax, let God get into your stuff. Because when he gets in there, he's going to bring healing. Now, another aspect of being a good Christian life coach is to record processes, share them with others, be one who has a testimony that can share a testimony. Everyone's been through something and God has touched each one of you individually.

It also means that the people that God brings you, to minister to and help will also be conducive to the change that has happened to you throughout your lifetime. There will be people that God brings you and you would have experienced things God will bring divine connection so you can be the one that can be that parent, clean that servant and help walk them through that process. So all of your experiences are important, record them because they're part of how your mind you're willing, your emotions were transformed and they're useful. For someone else. Now, here at dream matters, we have certain coaching, training standards. And these help us be really good people helpers, they're broken down into three components.

One of those is that we have to have a right attitude. So we have to know, Coach skills that deal with our attitudes, Coach skills that deal with transformation and coach skills that help us work with certain clients. When it comes to attitude, we have to have an attitude of confidence, you have to be able to be confident in helping another person. And so that's why we provide this training so that you're able to have some good skills training to help another person more than just your testimony. That's only one element of it. It's being able to help walk another person through and their skills that you need for that.

You have to be good at relationship building. We also talked about contracts, sometimes relationships, people require contracts so that you're able to get in there stuff without them getting offended when people write contracts and they agree, hey, I'm gonna let you work with me. Sometimes it's good to have that contract, the clients goals written down and you being able to talk with him about that on a very even keel without a lot of emotion involved. And we have ethical guidelines here at dream intercept do line up with the international coaching Federation. Although that's a secular organization, we've designed our whole set of ethical standards that are for Christians, that also are a part of the coaching network. So let's talk a little bit about coach confidence.

How do you handle yourself in the coaching session? Do you meet clients where they're at with proper language, something that they can understand? Do you have internal listening skills know when to speak and know when to encourage the client on appropriately? I have some good CDs that I've done on confidence. Those might help you be a good disciple and you can find those on our website at dream mentors.org we Have a whole set. It's called our destiny mp3 set.

And it talks specifically about some of these various things, righteousness in Christ and passion and purpose and all of those kinds of things. Now, one of the other skills is client relationship building. It's understanding the client's position and moving in line with their goals. When you be a coach and don't do coaching, this is easy. People who do coaching, they run all over you when you're trying to talk, they cannot listen. They want to make sure that they're the ones that are being heard.

Instead of hearing you good coaches hear what someone has to say. And then they bring about certain nuggets that are going to help them nuggets of wisdom and knowledge using our spiritual gifts to help take them to the next place. It's developing a trustworthy and personal relationship that has mutual respect. It's done in a safe and effective environment, where the client feels that they can move toward their goals entering into A contract is one of the other elements where the coach can enter into an agreement with the client based on goals you can discuss, what are the fees, things of that sort, if any of that is a part of it, or if you're discipling people, this is all relevant to discipling he maybe there's no fees involved at all. But to be a good disciple, er, you need to know where somebody wants to go, and you need to be willing to help take them there.

You need to be making an environment where both parties feel they're entering into an agreement that is best for the client, not best for you, as a people helper, you set yourself aside to help another person. Then in regards to ethics, we'll talk about some of these ethics but what they what they do is they enable you to be accountable to respond professionally. Dream manners, also connects itself to a lot of the same standards as the American Association of Christian counselors to as well. Okay, now, let's talk about coaching. Transformation skills. These consist of four components.

When you're helping someone be transformed. You have four main skills, active listening, effective questioning, clarification and appropriate feedback. Now, for those of you who are thinking, Well, I'm not sure how much I'm going to really help other people, no, you will help other people. But maybe you just need to help your spouse. Okay, so these are good for spousal relationships. These are good for Parent Child relationships.

When you become a good active listener, effective questioner you can clarify and give appropriate feedback, you become a good communicator, you stop becoming a teller and you become one that can really listen and feel what somebody is going through. So an active listening is when the coach listens to the client and helps the client reach their goals. Through exploring clients feelings and emotional states. emotional states, always affirm The person, whatever they're saying, affirm them where they're at affirmation, it's their feeling is their thought it's their emotion, affirm them where they're at before you guide them to make the change, okay? It's very difficult to be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't affirm you where you're at, even if you're in the worst place possible, right? You at least want somebody to agree with you, you're in a bad way right now.

Now, let me help you get out of that. Okay. So agree with them where they're at, with the desire to help them move forward. So we do know my asking effective questions in which we encourage client exploration. We encourage the client, the person you're helping to explore their thoughts and emotions, to talk about what is hindering them, you're going to look for the blockade and the hindrance, hindrance and you're going to ask questions so they find the answer themselves. See, again, prophetic people sometimes have a difficulty being good at active listening and effective questioning because they always want to tell you how you got to change everything.

Okay? So if you got the gift of prophecy or a prophetic, okay, I'm one of those people, Pastor Adams, one of those people too. We have to hold ourselves down so that everybody can get out what needs to be gotten out, they can be affirmed, then they can come to their own place of exploring and gaining an understanding about what's going on. Let me tell you what somebody can they can find their own realization will change faster than you telling them what it is that they need to do. And Jesus was a master at effective questioning. He was a master at active listening.

We're going to show that in later scriptures, how when he came into the presence of people how he was able to perform active listening, effective questioning, clarify, he wanted them to get it and he didn't care if he told them what it was or not. He wanted them to come to that realization because in that they were going to change So we choose effective questions to encourage the client and their goals and agendas, then we clarify, clarifying means we affectively answer the question and probe the depth beyond their responses. So as they, as as they, as we ask the question and they answer, then we say back to them what they said, We help them become more aware, the more the mind becomes aware, the greater the transformation that happens, everything is stuck in our mind, most of it's in your unconscious. So you're trying to bring it to the consciousness of the person that you're helping, because in doing so, then they're going to remember it, and they're going to come up with some thought process along with you on how to change that.

So help them become more aware. Now, appropriate feedback is where the coach the coach knows what language to use to then encourage the client toward the goals. So after you've clarified, then you choose language that is going to help them advance and go forward. You Talk about the goals Well, well, what should we do to make this change, always navigating so that the hindering process is minimized that obstacles are minimized so that they can take the land that God has given them. The last acts aspect of the skills approaches is the is the coach client centered approach. This involves four components Also, we're going to establish client goals, we're going to teach self awareness, we're going to encourage commitment to the process, because most the time people fall off in the midst of it.

And then we're going to apply continual self discovery to the relationship. So you're going to establish some, your some goals with the client, you're going to encourage the client to focus on the reasons why they want to go through the coaching process or the discipling process. You want them to see beyond the initial meeting and help them see resources for change so, so coaching relationship can be short term, you can say, you know what, I'm going to meet with you three times this month. And in this in this month, we're going to do X, Y, and Z. And you establish that with the client. But each time you're bringing about resources for change, solution, focus therapy, it's getting to the place of helping them find a solution, find it quickly, because here's the deal.

When a client finds a solution quickly, and they see that there's a success in one thing that's happened, there'll be so much more desire desirable and focused on making the next change that needs to take place. So you want them to have a mini victory, help them acquire and mini victory quickly, because that will keep them in the race. Otherwise, if you give them too hard of a goal to begin with, they'll they'll fall off too quickly and become discouraged. So give people bite sized things to say Hurrah over self awareness is called cultivated by teaching them consciousness. So they're challenged to go beyond the confines of their mind, meaning, get me on fear, get beyond shame. get beyond worry get beyond anxiety.

You can feel the blockade that comes up in the midst of helping people navigate that blockade, identify it and help them become aware this is a blockade. Now how are we going to get over it? How are we going to get over the wall? You know, I'm reminded of, you know, not maybe the Officer and a Gentleman where the female was trying to get over the wall. And she had all the guys on her team. It's so much harder to get over that wall.

And they just send them they kept hot. Come on, you get over the wall, get over the wall. You know, someone got up right next to her hollering at her does she get over the wall. And so sometimes that's just what we need is somebody to go with us to help us get beyond the confines of our minds. Our mind will be our greatest obstacle. If you can see beyond it, you can get beyond it.

But the enemy uses your mind to cause you to pull back and say I can't do it, I can't do it fear sets in fear of failure, whatever the thing is, you want to help them complete their goals. In the process, you want to help them commit to completion. They're going to see that there's some blockades, but they got to commit with you to get over it around it underneath it, whatever that looks like. Keeping them on track, walking them through the process, continuing to reframe their thinking, so they become accountable for their own choices and actions. And then the final one is self discovery. This is where you take them to the place where they're continually encouraged, not only by motivating them in new actions, but by them learning to motivate themselves.

You want people to get to a place where they can do this on their own. you explore new avenues with them, not only how to get over these blockades, but how to stay away from them how not to come back to them. And you and you assess the situation so that well what if this happens? Or what if that happens, you know, look at all the other alternatives so that you can help keep them away from the very thing that wants to snare them back again, that's part of self discovering. Now, we're going to stop at this point. Are there any questions, comments, anything we can take at this time is 730.

And we got through our stuff, but I wouldn't keep going into another session, which is fine. I want to make sure we use the time and we use it effectively. But if somebody has something that they would want to share, now would be the time to do it. Or if there's any revelation you've gotten in this meeting that you'd like to share with us. I just wanted to go back to what you're talking about both for when you Talking about realizing God's law. That was something that I, I had been walking with the Lord for a long time.

I know it my head. I thought I had it in my heart, you know, that did more than just book knowledge. And one night and a hotel. I traveled for work. And the Lord woke me up like at three o'clock in the morning with this dream. And in this dream, he he, it was kind of like Google Maps, where he just zero down through the heavens write to me in my spot in the hotel room, and had just said, I want you to know I love you.

And that was such an encounter. I mean, I just woke up bawling. I knew he loved me. But that was for him to reach out. Find me and then let me know No, that that was it. And that was something I just wanted to say.

You said you spent a lot of time in his presence. And that's something that in order to really encounter this, I feel that you do have to spend a lot of time in his presence. And it's not something because we can say it, we can repeat it back to ourselves and say, I know God loves me, God loves me. But that's kind of like just in your head. You need to experience this and to encounter it. Amen.

Thank you so much. You're right. I kept God was my therapy. I mean, you know, I, I could have gone to a psychologist, Skegness counselors, all kinds of people because I was really messed up. But by sitting in his presence, I was healed. I was changed and I was determined that I was stay there until a change happened.

I made a personal commitment, believing that he would take me to a place of being better than I was if I stay there, I had that much faith to believe that he would change me and I needed to be changed, that he would change me if I stayed. And you know, that's an element of part of being a good coach is making sure that we stay committed to the journey and I was committed and no matter the obstacle, I was gonna stay there until I was healed. And I was, praise God. Anybody else like to share anything? Or have a question? Does anyone have a question for pastor Adam and I, about the material.

I'm a little bit shy about talking about things. And when you're talking about transformation, and it was a thing that you know, when It doesn't happen all at once. Like, I recognize that and it's like, have I been transformed? Yes, I have, but I'm not done. I'm still being transformed and transformed. One thing I want to share with you too is yesterday, when we're singing about the Holy Spirit he struck me three times.

And he says, He put in my heart to say, you know, I love you, okay? God loves you. But I had the, the feeling of just telling everybody else, you know, God loves you. But just as importantly, look at yourself and say it. God loves me. Not that I didn't want to focus on me but everybody else.

They need them say God loves me and That, that was just something he threw at me and I just had to let it out. But just, you know, continually being transformed and always wanting to get to a higher place to know him more. It's very important. That's good. Thank you. You know, Bill's right, because we have to sometimes say it so we can hear ourselves say it, which is also part of the discipling process, part of the coaching process that would be having that clarification.

You know, it comes back he you have to, when you hear somebody speaking to you, you have it. They're speaking a clarification of something that you said to them, so you're clarifying it so they hear it again. So let's everybody say together. God loves me. To Say it again. God loves me.

Doesn't feel good to say it say one more time. God loves me. There you go. All right. Anybody else? Any Questions from last night?

All right, let's move on. Oh, just want to say I mean, I hope you see as we were going through these last slides and dialoguing, if you can apply this to our culture. I think everybody here would agree this really needs to be applied in our culture. So it's drastically missing within our culture and, and how, how we dialogue with each other, in every aspect of our culture, be it as couples, or as a family, or in the workplace, or just as a community out at, you know, the grocery store, or the park, or wherever, and we're in places like, you know, events where lots of people gather. I think at those times, many of us could see why we wouldn't need these this kind of an understanding? Because you see this breakdown rather rapidly?

You know, I'm pretty sure everyone would agree. So that in itself should help us to maybe understand I got some things I got to change. And and it's okay. But the first thing to be able to change thing is there has to be a realization that I need to change. And in that process, if you're grasping as we've mentioned a few times tonight that God really does love you and and to think differently of that just process that He created us. And if we don't like his creation, just process that.

If we say he that that would be implying that he did a bad work, but he said no, it's good. So you know, from From the creator's standpoint, he's got to be a little frustrated when we don't like what he created. So, and there's an enemy out there trying to convince us that he doesn't care for you that he didn't really want you to succeed or daddy, whatever we he's trying to the enemy is trying to deceive us through the way our mind works, and what people have told us, or what we've heard about things that aren't true, but we say Well, yeah, but but that's why we need to get in the word. And you need to know know what the word of God says to you. And you need to get in at over and over. And that's what we're talking about here.

I mean, we're, you know, we're, as a Christian, we need to grow in that areas so that we can articulate that to somebody else. But if you don't really understand it, about it, who you are, and continue to understand as we started tonight, that your old person died was buried and resurrected. You can't really articulate that to anybody else. And you'll probably agree with this. People will find out you're fake if you don't live what you say. And so many times, it's very effective if you use little words or no words, but use actions that articulate what the Word of God says about you.

Meaning why, serving, serving when somebody doesn't deserve it. That in itself is a whole sermon, when somebody wronged you, and you show an act of kindness to that person. So see, and that's what we're supposed to be doing in our culture. So I think I think you're at You're seeing the point that we just wrapped up that class for but I just wanted to share that with us because it's don't make this so hard and so so just spiritual, it's spiritual talking about, but it applies in the here and now. We apply it here and now to show the world what happened on the inside of us in this natural place, the spiritual side of component of us. Alright, last call for any any comments for I move on to class number five.

All right. Okay. So let's talk about class number five, then the path of a spiritual director, and also in this particular class is the ethics code for dream mentors. That's not till the end, so he probably won't quite make it to that at this point. But a spiritual director is very much like a transformational life coach or a biblical life coach. But in some denominations, spiritual director is the title.

The main focus of coaching is helping people reach their purpose, destiny and vision through developing a strategy to meet goals. You can be a spiritual director and you can be a coach together. And for those people are getting our certification or credentialing, actually, that they can work in both fields. It's where we teach about centering on Christ and knowing the will of God for the lives of the people in conjunction with understanding future vision and personal goals. So, the spiritual director path is kind of a combination of both. Some people will call spiritual directors, spiritual fathers and mothers as well.

And a good definition of that can be found in Thomas Martin's book, the spiritual spiritual direction and meditation where he says And Thomas Martin was a monk and he said, this is a continuous process of formation and guidance in which a Christian is LED and encouraged in his special vocation so that by faithful correspondence to the graces of the Holy Spirit, he may he may attain to the particular end of his vocation, and union with God. In other words, it's helping people understand the processes of soul transformation, but with an emphasis on understanding our union with God. And a spiritual director focuses a tremendous amount of time and energy on the union that we have with God. Now pastor Adam and I qualify as spiritual directors as we're always talking about being united with Christ. You're united with Him in His death united with them in life and that being united with them is where your power lies.

That's your whole power source is being in the depths of that relationship with God. spiritual director is concerned with the whole person and how the whole person glorifies God, a spiritual director moves and breathes from his or her own union in Christ. It's a spontaneous response from the Holy Spirit and his love for people. Be confident in Christ in you and what he is doing through you. The spiritual director is an example of prayer and discipline in the life and love of Jesus. spiritual direction is not mechanical, focused or focused on rules and regulations.

But the focus is on grace. It's not about hard, law driven answers, or being tyrannical. It's about the fact that the more you understand the grace and love of God, the more God will move you to make a change. You see here here at freedom destiny, or pastor Adam, and I believe, is that you don't have to be cleaned up to come to church because God cleans you up once you come to church. And so they There's no reason to have a hard list of rules about, you know what he's supposed to be, you know what he had to wear and you know this or that all kinds of things that are law driven. Once you fall in love with Jesus, you want to change these things about yourself.

And that's simply because his spirit is on the inside of you and transforming you. So it's taking the emphasis off of works, doing something, doing something to gain something, Vice, being motivated from that relationship, and God just simply does it in in three years. So as spiritual directors or as Christian life coaches, whatever you want to call yourself, and the reason we talked about spiritual direction here is like I said, some denominations, that's the title that they give the very same people do transformational life coaching, but it's a different language. that's involved with it, okay, but it's basically the same thing. Now, a spiritual director may also handle confession from clients. And so it's very important that they understand the grace of God.

Because as a spiritual mother or father, someone that is guiding a small group of people, you want to make sure that you're gentle with yourself and you're gentle with them because they're going to be confessing things. And when people confess things, they're at a weak and vulnerable place. They're telling you because they want you to lift them up into encourage them. It's not a time you don't do not be people down when they're in their place of weakness. It's not a time to come with a hard gavel and take another whack at them. They're already at that place.

What they need is somebody to reach down and lift them up. So the law kills but grace produces fruit. We know this for moments 567 and eight so we're to create an atmosphere of love, trust. acceptance. So the clients willing to move toward the goal, their goals and their God given goals. We want to be able to share with clients things that they're unable to see about themselves, but do it with grace and love.

Create an environment of openness and honesty which promotes authenticity. God loves each one of us authentically, he loves you right where you're at. He loves you and your masks. And so as spiritual directors, or transformational life coaches, our job is to love people where they're at, even if it if even if they're a mess, is really difficult to look at not only for them, but for us helping them through it. Because we know the outcome is that God is going to bring them through it. always see something better in somebody than they see in themselves.

And if you can't, then you go to God and ask him to give you his eyes for them so that you can see what he sees. So that you can help raise them up. See, our eyesight is limited. And if we feel limited ourselves as humans, then we're going to put that limit that there's limitations on other people, but God is limitless. And so he sees them as being unlimited with no boundaries. It's we have to take on God's eyesight for them and this can be a challenge.

But you have to continually ask God Lord, give me your eyes for these people. I mean, you could say that in all your relationship Lord, give me your eyes for my children so I can see what your hope plan and features Lord give me your eyes for my spouse Lord, give me your eyes for my my boss at work, Lord, give me your eyes so I can see so that I can raise them up where they're at. And so, when we do that, we are responding as spiritual mothers and fathers as people that want to see others go to that next place. The depth of a spiritual director is revealed in their own intimate union in love with God first real spiritual. Directors do not cater to the client's illusion of the false self identity. But with the help of God's strip the client of theirs and they do it with grace and love with openness with acceptance, not with beating them down.

It's a little different from secular coaching which is not concerned with purity and holiness. secular coaching is concerned with getting the job done meeting the goals, it doesn't really matter as long as you come out satisfied. That's the client. That's all the coach is trying to help you do. But when you look at spiritual direction, or transformational life coaching, our job is to intermingle what God's will is as well. Now, as good spiritual directors have to take care of their own spiritual disciplines.

In other words, you need to have a dynamic prayer life. You need to have time for silence for solitude for Christian meditation, for understanding the Word of God time spent with God, what makes you a good spiritual director? What makes you A transformational life coach is because you are giving your life to God continually. And so therefore you are being a spiritual director instead of doing spiritual direction. And one of one of the things you hear, hear a lot is us saying things like fill up, and then pour out, fill up and pour out. I mean, it's one of the things I was saying yesterday, I mean, yeah, you fill up and you pour out and it without that, it's going to get tiring and you're going to have a mask on and you it will be revealed and then people get hurt.

Unless you're honest and authentic, and admit it. You know, repent of it and overcome and learn from that and and understand that you were you were dry and you weren't coming from a place of spiritual This you are coming from a place of the flesh. And you kind of were going through the motions. And that will be revealed. It just will people, people will be able to figure it out. So it's just something that you learn.

And in order to learn it, you have to participate. And so one of the things you'll see here, we've talked about this, it's not like you can be doing whatever you want in life and be able to participate in things if you're doing things that are wrong, and unholy, and unrighteous. And you would come and say, Well, no, I get to do this, and I get to do that. I would go No, you're not. Because you're not representing you're you're boldly coming forth admitting you're doing wrong things. We need to dialogue about that before you'd have an opportunity to do something.

I mean, that would be enabling somebody and they would never change. Does that make sense? Okay. So, spiritual disciplines change your heart. So now you can be used of God to help others be changed but spiritual disciplines which we're going to Talk about in later. Classes are a key aspect in your own development which means you cannot give them up.

The spiritual director encourages authenticity so the client will learn themselves what is preventing them from reaching their goals. And the spiritual director helps the client see what's false and himself by the grace of God and helps the client let go of these hindrances. Spiritual directors help the client find love within himself and tap into God's love within him, which we talked about earlier saying, saying God loves me. Be sincere, simple, authentic, and if you can't be sincere, simple and authentic as a spiritual director, ask yourself why you need to be able to steer the client from perfection in their life. to grace the value of a director lies in in his his or her own spiritual discernment. You need to ask God for spiritual discernment having a discerning spirit and listening For God to speak to you, is key.

You can't find that out. Unless you spend time with God. You're not gonna have discerning of spirits, you're not gonna have spiritual discernment unless you spend time with God for yourself but also for your client. Then God will give you the director questions to advance the relationship with the client. be somebody that gives exhortations be somebody that gives encouragement. Again, it's about his grace, address questions and encourage them out of their bondage to show them their own gifts and God's graces to escape what they're in.

No your own limitations as spiritual director, you're not a psychotherapist. If your clients exhibiting behaviors that are too broad free, you need to refer them. I mean, you know, we can be lay leaders that help others we can be spiritual directors that are laying leaders that help others and if somebody is manifesting behavior that needs to be dealt with from a psychologist or a psychotherapist. No That you're not qualified to do that. You need to have a discussion with them about seeing somebody who can be able to handle their situation better than you. You have to know when to say, No, you're not qualified for this.

I can help you with this. But I can't help you with that. You're a coach and a spiritual director. You're not a counselor, and it would be unethical to do more than what you're qualified for. spiritual union and Christ is a combination of walking in relationship with God in intimacy. Are you intimate with God?

How can you lead somebody where you have not yet been? So again, it's the being component. This takes time what you're learning here, it might take you years before you actually feel comfortable to use this material with somebody else. It's okay just use it with yourself. Well, if you got to grasp this, this is exactly how we do things in the natural. That's why we do them in the natural that's why we have we grow and we Learn and we repeat.

And then we can advance once we have the foundation, I mean, you cannot get to a to multiplication unless you understand addition, you cannot get to trigonometry unless you understand that you cannot get to Calculus unless you understand. I mean, you can use any kind of science to understand that it's exactly a spiritual, you have to get a foundation, your your body when it's growing, might get a little uncoordinated because you grow fast, and your body's a little bigger or awkward to what and it takes some years. Well, that's the same thing with these things you're hearing. Give yourself a break, but practice them, practice them, practice them on yourself, share them in your families. When you start to learn this stuff and apply it then when you have aha moments like oh my gosh, this really works. Oh my gosh, it really helps them for me to be honest with myself before I talk to somebody else about their issues, that I haven't dealt with myself on these kinds of things.

They make, they really make sense. God gave us a mind to use it. And it really will make sense to you and you go to an end, you just got to go, you know what I got to keep on this track? Because this is working. Now, how else can I do this? Where else can I apply it?

Well, it's supposed to be applied everywhere. So as a spiritual director, you need to know them intimately and the processes that are involved with spiritual transformation. We only have a few more slides, we're going to get through them here. Luke chapter 10, verses 38 through 42 is the story of Mary and Martha. We all know the story, Mary, chose the good part, to sit at his feet more thought so busy with the preparations. And the Lord said to him, Martha, why are you so worried and upset about so many things, but only one thing is needed?

Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her. Now this is not to bust on people that are real busy serving others. That's not what this is about. This is just to simply to prove the fact That the Lord was speaking about the importance of being intimate with him. And as you get filled up, then go in serve well. And I would even say, Martha is the one who brought it up.

Martha complain that Mary wasn't helping. Come on now. Many of us, we'll do that. And then my response to you like Jesus would be like, why are you complaining? I thought this was your gifting. I mean, think about that.

Martha brings this up to Jesus, hey, how come Mary's not helping you? And Jesus is like, Well, why are you concerned about her? Why would you even care about her? I thought you were the one who wanted to be the hostess. I mean, just process that that way. And because she said it, Jesus got her.

And he does that with us. He'll prick us when we start to point the finger at somebody else. How come they're not doing this right now? Well, that's that's an issue for Why did you bring it up? Maybe they were supposed to maybe they're one of those people that say yes. things and can't fulfill it, God will deal with them.

But in this case, I would imagine that Mary never agreed to do this. And when Jesus showed up, she wanted to listen to the teacher and Martha's like, hey, how come you're not helping me get this place set in Jesus, like, hey, Martha, come and sit. You're busy all the time. You're constantly missing my presence. So don't Yeah, please don't get this confused if you're one of those people gifted with serving others and you're preparing things while other ministries going on because we've got a great group of people here that does that. And they sacrificed so that others can participate.

In Luke chapter 10, verse 41, we see in the Greek, that when Jesus is talking to Martha, he says, one thing is need for and Mary has chosen that good part which shall not be taken from her and needful into the Greek means one thing is demanded, one thing is required, one thing is necessary. Sorry. And Mary made a choice. That's the word chosen something that she would benefit from, and that will not be taken from her. So the better part that cannot be taken from you is the time you spend with Jesus. If this can be the focus, and you will have your provision, protection and acceptance in him, and you can teach your clients to have their provision, protection, acceptance in him also.

So the better part is not the doing. It's the being at Jesus's feet and spiritual directors understand, having a hunger for God, and, and to continue to go back to him. See, great leaders for God have one thing in common one thing, they all hunger for him. You can't feed the people, if you're not constantly being fed by him yourself. When the passion for God decreases and hunger decreases, this is when warning signs go up. And you need to watch yourself and maybe you don't need to be helping people at that point.

Maybe you just need to be helping yourself by getting more in into the presence of God. everyone on the planet wants more of him and they should. But a leader needs to know to receive more of him in order to pass on to others people can need it, but you have to also learn how to receive it. Spend time with him. Spiritual directors know how to tap into God and sit at his feet in the spiritual disciplines and how to teach others to do the same thing. And we will teach you how to do this last slide.

So Jeff, chapter five, verse eight said, I would seek into God and unto God would I commit my costs and that word seek in the Hebrew means I would specifically worship God. And I would commit in the Hebrew means that I would appoint that I would charge that I would determine my purpose, okay, that my purpose is to be with him. So causing the end is exactly what God wants us to do is he wants us to seek Him in the end. Okay, any last minute questions, comments, we have just a couple minutes here. We want to take them before we close here. Are you enjoying the class?

Are you learning quite a bit? Good. All right, so next week, we will get on to the remainder of class number five are the slides of five, but it will only be week four. So, let's just close down in prayer. And then we will see you all next week. Father, we thank you, Lord, for bringing us together in this place.

We thank you for all of this wisdom and knowledge and understanding. May it soak down deep in our spirit, May May you call us to that place where we hunger for you where we seek after you where we take the time to spend with you that we might be transformed and help be change agents to transform others. We thank You Lord Jesus. for training us, equipping us, building us up encouraging us, teaching us about your grace and love for us, Father, we want to be used of you. You came to serve father and we want to come to serve others. Help us to be who you called us to be.

In Jesus name, amen.

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