Okay, how we do the agglomeration clustering ah. So, we can do something like this data to any ami data that I select the first four variables. So, any army means that I remove any of the rows we are missing values and I can compute at this time using something that is the TA, meta equal UCD then I can do hierarchical clustering or I go Mauritian clustering the meta equal concrete Okay, then I can put the dendrogram LSA I want to select forecaster I can do something like this So the top one Ctrl A and I run so I get a dendrogram here. So I use I see you tree here is to get a forecaster so I cut around here. Now I have all the forecaster. So this is the first row, cluster one second row cluster two, and then fit a three row cluster to second row cluster one with a three row cluster cluster two.
So, this is the aggro moderation clustering