Hello guys, welcome to the 14th session of the APA Dotty a tutorial for beginner. In this lesson we will see how to integrate your API at a vote on Facebook Messenger. What is we need to open the developers.facebook.com I am already logged in with my facebook account. From the navigation you need to click on the add new web and the given name that you want to use. I'm going to use my app and change Milady if you want to. I am going to use the SMS my facebook account so click on the Create button and write the captcha code to verify that you are a human or IPS is created.
We can create a Facebook app for various services. As Facebook login messenger we payment Instagram we create for the Facebook Messenger so click on the Setup button on the messenger. From this page, we need to setting up the editor for the messenger bot. We must need to select the page for which this bot will be used. If you already have then you can select it from this drop down. Otherwise you can create a new page for this.
I want to use the new page so click on the Create New page. I will use the company or the organism. Select the community or the organism and the right DNA that you Want to use I will use the my app. Click on the Get Started button. Here is our page that we are created. Now switch back to the developers dot Facebook and refresh the page and select a page from the drop down that you are created.
It will bring up a new window. Click on the continue as button and allow the access to the application. Here is a beige accent token. Click on it to the copy that open the api.da India integration page click on the setting of the Facebook Messenger. First of all, anybody integration and paste the token. In verify token field, we need to specify the decks that you want to use.
I'm going to write the my token and copy it. But I suggest to use the strong token and click on the start button. Our bodies are started. Let's switch to the developer site. Then we need to setting up the book. For this click on the setup ebooks.
And paste the token that you are created on the da da da. And also copy the callback URL from the api.da and paste it here. And then subscribe the fields on whichever board will be able to perform the operation. I just want to perform the operation on the messages so click click on the messages checkbox. If you want to listen on the 31 then you can select it and press on the verify and the sale button. Here is a way book is created successfully.
Under score down, we need to submit this board on the Facebook for verification and click on the Add to submission button because of I am created a new page, so it does not contain the editor. First of all I need to fully after this you need to make the payment. Right now I am not doing it. I will just add the user in the data. So we can use these aborting the messenger for these open the rules from the navigation Click on the additional button and write the username that you want to add. I want to add it in the my another physical console ID and Name or feet and click on the submit button.
Here is the detail of the user that we are reading. I am copying the physical page URL that we created and open it with the my another physical account. It will automatically bring the checkbox for that book. If you're not get then click on the Send Message button. Click on the Get Started. And we can hear right the sum of 10 and 20.
And we got the right answer some of 10 2030 That's it. Let's see what we are learning in this session. We need to enable the Facebook integration in the API Dotty I copy the webhook URL and write the index for the verify token field. And we are copy the page token from the physical. It's a stepping load First of all, we need to log into the developers.facebook.com. Then create a new app ID for that.
Because we need to use the messengers like the messenger and click on the setup it then select the base for which you want to create this board. I was created a new page for him. Then it will ask for the permission and allow it and copy the page token and paste it to the APA Dotty a dialog box. Then we need to add the detail for the array click on the Setup button. Paste the callback URL here and also write the verify token that you are specifying the api.da. Now you can test it by adding the test users Beretta, you can also publish it.
Thanks for watching. Have a nice day. If you have any doubt feel free to contact me