Hello guys welcome to the success no of the ba da da to tourists for beginner. In this session we will learn about the excellent da parameter access specify the accent taken by the or application. In other term it is nothing tester tests that we will pass along with the our intent data. This will be useful by the our application to perform the axon. Let's switch to the browser and use the accent. I am opening the system entity demo that we created in the previous lesson.
And within the accent section, write the name poriyal action. I'm going to use the Add reminder name for and save it. Let us the command for this intent Remind me on today. Here you can see that the we got the our x and M here. Luckily on the soldiers and button here is a JSON data that will send to the our application which include the parameter as well as the action and the result worry that user will say, we will see more about these in the later. Now we will understood about the parameter parameters pass the data from intent to the your application, whether it was retrieved from the user says or add via strategically.
For this I'm going to create the new intent with the name parameter demo. Here, we made it through the years some numbers from The user, it can be a two or more number parameter demo number one, number two or numbers we need to use the number entity for these three numbers. So select it and search for the number. If you are notice that the parameter table is present in the US as a section, as well as the accent section, however, they reflect the SM values parameter table in the users is contained the parameter details about only the one user say, which is read only in very in the excellent section, which contains the all of the parameter details that are using this intent. And we can also make the changes in this parameter name and Do resolve I lose I'm making big pleat a bit confusing.
For the number one resolve value is number one and the parameter is and number four number two resolve value is number two and the parameter name is number one. For all numbers, parameter name is number two. What if you want to use the parameter name same as the result value, scroll down to the accent section and the change the name of the number to the all numbers number one to the number two and number two, the number one now you can see that there's all value and the parameter name are the same. Let is the parameter demo. Save it and write the parameter demo. And 20 and 30.
Here we got the 10 in the number 120 number 213 D all numbers, let's send the only one number four for two other numbers, we got the null. But what if you want to deter the number one as well as the number two always. For this, just stick the required checkbox in the parameter table and save the intent. And now send the same request again. You can see that we got the message what is the number two? Let's send the 20 and we got the 10 in the number one and the 20 number two we You can also assign the default value to those parameter.
I'm going to set the year zero for the all numbers, save it and send the then right again t 20. You can say that this time we got the zero in the all number instead of the another. Till now we are handled the three always values. But what if you want to retrieve the n number of values, that's why I am use the all numbers name for the third parameter. Let's send the more values as per the current setting right the parameter name 1234 and five. Here it took the first three parameters and ending Or the other lead take the list checkbox of the oil number parameter and save it and the send the same request again.
Here we got the multiple values in the all number as an array. Those all parameter I created from the users is along with these you can also add the any extra parameter that contained the static value. For these, click on the and type the parameter name and value. I'm going to send the version number along with this and its value would be 1.0. Let's save it Send the same request again. Here we got the value 1.0 in the version parameter.
Let's see what we learned in this lesson. Excellent specify the or present to be performed by the your application. x and name field present in the action section. Add the name that you want to use, parameter or use of Sandia any data from the intent to the application. It will either retrieve from the user or use the aesthetically parameter table present in the user section as well as the excellent section in the user says it contained the read only parameter It is the only one user says Adding the accent it contained the all of the parameter using these intent, and we can modify it. We can create a parameter from user says by using the entities.
For accent section we can change the parameter name type, require default value and make it as at least. Thanks for watching. Have a nice day. If you have any doubt feel free to contact me