Working with your manager. So you've got your PDP. And you now want to partner with people who are going to help you accelerate your career development. It might not be your direct manager, I want to be upfront about this. You don't choose sometimes who you work for, and they might not be your best supporter and your strongest contributor in career development. That's okay.
That's okay. Learn how to work with those people, because your manager remains your manager. And the more you can align with your manager, and make him a supporter view, the better, you're going to have chances to be promoted in the future, but also look beyond connect with other managers. maybe think about the next role you want to get who is the manager of that division or that team? And how can you approach this person? And how can you work on your PDP with this manager as well?
Okay, so my point here is, when I say work with your manager, I actually mean, work with your managers, and make sure that you have sponsors. More than one. Definitely more. You work for someone today, and tomorrow, it will definitely be different. Okay. So how do you do?
Well, there's one thing Yeah. Giving you shall receive. And I think it really applies in the corporate world. And it really applies when you want to be successful. So the number one question that you want to have in your mind is, how can I make my manager shine? How can I make my manager successful?
I remember once sitting with appear, and we knew that our director was going through a difficult time, because many of our projects were not running as expected. And we knew that the CIO at the time news so our director was reporting into the CIO and the CIO. was very unhappy with the performance of the division. So we organized the session between peers. And the main topic of the session was, how can we help our manager? How can we make her successful?
And we brainstormed, and we took initiatives on using each other's skills to make sure that she would go through that hard period, and that we could support her and contribute so that the situation gets better. Guess what happened? We managed to fix some of the projects, we reassigned some resources and put in place a SWAT team that could contribute and reestablish the project back on track. Thanks to this, not only our director was recognized for turning around the situation, not only our CIO was satisfied with how the division responded to a difficult situation, but now this director A few months later got promoted as CIO, think about our position on doing everything we could to make her successful. And now she's the CIO, having more influence and more leverage, and how she's gonna make decisions about our future and our career. It definitely helped us.
So the point is, your one focus with your manager is how can you contribute in a way that makes your manager successful? If you keep this in mind all the time, remember lesson one, where I said, Look beyond and look for ways to do more than what you're expected. It's part of it. Look for ways that you can make your team, your peers and your manager highly successful. And through that, you're going to gain visibility, you're going to learn so you're going to grow and develop yourself, and you're going to be recognized. So always start by asking yourself how you can make your managers successful.