Quick Shape: Your Best Friend

9 minutes
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So now that we've talked a little bit about brushes, let's talk about quick sheet, your best friend when it comes to drawing straight lines and shapes. As we've seen in procreate, you can really go about drawing on the canvas, all sorts of strokes into very, very natural lines. However, say that you actually want to draw a straight line or even draw a shape, such as circle, a square or a triangle. You could go on to the tools at turn on drawing guide in try to use the drawing guides to try to achieve a straight line as straight as possible. But that still isn't a very, very straight line like a vector line. So procreate, even though it's an application a pixel based application.

It allows us to draw variants Straight lines and shapes. So to get that going, all you have to do is to draw your line. And then once you're at the end of the line, keep holding the tip of your pen onto the canvas and procreate snaps that stroke into a straight line that you're able to reposition anywhere you want on your canvas. And if you hold one finger onto the canvas, you then turn on the ability to draw that line or to reposition the line at a 15 degrees angle. Then another thing you can do once you let go off the tip of your pen onto the canvas, is that you see an option here at the very top that says Edit shape. And once you click on it, you now see two Bezier controls, which allow you to further edit that line and you can click on the Bezier to reposition that line.

Or you can click anywhere on the screen that is not on top of the line and you can reposition that line around the canvas as well. So once again, you can move the behaviors, or you can click outside and reposition the line. Once you click away, you then convert this vector shape per se line into back into a pixel based line. So right now, there was no way to further edit that line once you step out of the quick shape controls. Now let's create a new layer. And let's make some shapes.

The first one we can do is a circle. You just go around with a circular motion, make sure to end at the point where you started. And you can regulate the size of the shape you want. And you just let go. As you can see, of course, this looks like an ellipse and not as a circle. But once you click Edit shape, you can keep further editing the ellipse In case that is the actual shape you want.

And now as we know we have four busier controls. Or you can just click circle, and the shape snaps back into a circle shape. Then of course, you're still able to reposition anywhere you want on the canvas. The only thing here to bear in mind is that the ability to snap as a circle, circle or ellipse, procreate really respects the radius where you set that shape in the first place. So what I'm trying to say here is that let's just say that you want now to convert this into a really, really big circle. And you were just tweaking all of the busier points, even though they're looking like an ellipse so that you can click circle and make this a really big circle to your canvas.

Once you do that, as you can see, procreate only got that information about the size of the circle in the first place in the first moment that you drew so it snaps back into its original size but Just one thing to keep in mind. And then finally, using options such as colon drag, you can fill in that shape and become a filled circle. So, what other kind of shapes can we make in procreate? We can make squares. Once again in letting go and you have a few options actually once you draw square shaped, you can be a quadrilateral shape, which is basically respecting the boundaries of a quadrilateral shape. You can be a rectangle, now allowing you to scale on the x axis and y axis.

It can be a square. So, you see once they really drag on the x axis, it already turns off the square and it becomes a quadrilateral shape again Or it can be a polyline. And polyline really doesn't respect any sort of, you know, parallel lines, like all of a sudden this can be Angular, it can be an open shape, it can be a closed shape. So I'm just going to go back into square. Now one thing that I do want to show you is that while I was drawing that square shape, I actually couldn't fully close the shape perfectly. As you can see, there's a little gap here at the top left corner, which is where I started drawing my square.

So once you're doing the same trick and say that you want to fill this square with a color, procreate isn't able to understand the boundaries to compute the boundaries where that square is, and to fill that color only inside the square. So in fact, is filling in the whole canvas. But procreate has included a color drop threshold, which allows us to tell progress rate to look for open space shapes that you actually want to fill in with color. So let's try that. So I'm going to drag the color onto the canvas. And you see once again, it paints the whole canvas.

But at the very top, if you keep holding the tip of the panel to the canvas, you'll see a color drop threshold that is now set at 54%. If I keep now scrubbing the pen onto the canvas without letting it go, you see them now by dropping to about 42% it's able to find the boundaries of the square, therefore filling in the square. Finally, the other shape we can do is a triangle. And the triangle has some similar options on Edit shape, such as the square in terms that you can have full on triangle with its boundary limitations. It can be a quadrilateral shape, and then all of a sudden you get a few more busier points. can be a polyline, which then allows you to fully open that triangle or close it.

And back to its original triangle shape. Again, bear in mind that the first boundaries that you drew for that triangle will be then respected whenever you're snapping any of these options for your shake. So I can't make a bigger triangle and expect that once they hit any of these options, it's going to respect that expansion. Finally, I do have one quick pro tip for you guys, which actually goes back into the ability to not be able to undo actions on quick shape. So let's just say that you drew this straight line here, and then clicking on Edit shape. You can move it around, and let's just say you set it about here, and then you click on the arrow, but that's not really where you want it to be.

Now unfortunately, you've already clicked away, and you don't have the option to edit that shape anymore. However, I'm going to show you how we can achieve an undo free undo action for that quick shape. In my case, if I just press this little square here between the brush size in the opacity, I now have the attitude back again, and if I click on it, I am back into being able to edit that line. If I click away, and if I do that, again, click on the little square. You see the Edit shape is back on. So how can we achieve that you just have to go into tools.

Go into preferences, gesture controls, and then heading to quick shape. And here a quick shape. You can choose the activation method that works for your best. In my case, I'm using the first one, which is tapping the little square will make a shape from your Lest stroke, and that's why this undo option is then available. If I didn't have that on, I would not be able to go back into my quick shape menu. You may also prefer to use any of these other options.

But in the further class here in this course, I'm going to talk about gesture controls, and how to set up what I believe is to be the best gesture controls library. So, in fact, we're going to be using this like tap on the little square, we're going to be using the two finger tap, the three finger swipe and many others. So that about covers quick shape and procreate. For the next lesson. Let's dive in to the power of grids.

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