Those wings have stretched, you’re standing on the edge, you’re about to leave the nest. It’s just minor moments before the great leap of faith. Just one more step before the plunge… Deep breathes...
You are into your last and final lesson and perhaps one of the most exciting.
Today we will be looking at how you work a room, perhaps one of human beings most anxiety ridden moments.
The last lesson looked at your behaviour on social media, now sticking with the ‘social’ topic, we are going to look at how to socialise around a business event.
You will learn the soon-to-be very easy art of networking. Why do we actually need to know how to network though? People are often confused by the point of networking. ‘Do we just stand around trying to make awkward conversations with people?’
No! It’s quite simply this, business success comes down to the law of numbers. The more people you speak to, the greater the chance of actually finding a great opportunity. The more people you talk to, the more people they can put you in contact with and the more business you can attract.
Once you have finished this chapter you are going to feel excited to attend your next event and try out all these super cool skills. Not only that but you’re going to realize how easy it really is to shine at any event.
Why is this lesson important for you?
So here’s what you will actually learn:
Here we go big bird, it’s almost the big moment.