In our last lesson, we talked about the elements that give people resilience. People who are purpose driven, passionate about their interests, hopeful in their aspirations, and work toward mastery effectively are the most resilient. In this lesson, let's explore the last element a little bit more, because that is how we move the needle through deliberate practice. Duckworth says, Those with executive presence, know how to perform deliberate practice, until what was once a struggle is now fluent and flawless. Not only can they do this in themselves, but they can inspire this approach in others through leadership, coaching and mentoring. Notice how she explicitly ties the idea of resilience to your own executive presence.
It's important not only in your own career development, but in those that you lead. The science behind deliberate practice suggests that you need to practice something deliberately for 10,000 hours before You will master it. deliberate practice is intense. It involves setting a clearly defined stretch goal, as we did earlier, doing it with full concentration and effort, getting immediate and informative feedback to reflect on performance. And then trying again, with refinements Incorporated. elite athletes can only do deliberate practice for three to five hours a day.
So the key to success is to establish positive daily rituals that have you practicing living your personal values or addressing competency gaps in your executive development. Amy Cuddy, the author of presence talks about the idea of nudging, which is a psychological extension of deliberate practice, nudging forward is recognizing that by achieving small wins over long periods of time, we can go a great distance. In fact, this idea of nudging has been adopted by large organizations. The US Government commissioned the nudge unit. All this unit did was remind taxpayers when to pay their taxes. As a result, 210 million additional pounds of tax revenue were collected.
Oh power addressed electricity reduction by putting energy consumption comparisons of the neighbors on the bills of consumers. This tiny intervention led to a 1.5 to 3.5% reduction in electricity consumption in 75% of households. In the past, and informational approach that discussed replacing appliances to reduce energy had little effect because of the cost of replacing appliances, which people felt was unrealistic. It was akin to setting our new year's resolutions and seeing them fall by the wayside A few weeks later. nudging is an effective way of building resilience because it requires a minimal psychological and physical commitment. It works because it uses psychological short Cuts such as peer pressure, instead of using informational approaches, which rely on telling people what to do when we start seeing small incremental improvements, this positive reinforcement creates momentum and allows for continuous improvement to continue.
Nudging is a technique that focuses on the process, not the outcome. When we focus on executing a process, we are encouraged to keep ongoing regardless of whether it's working yet or not. We problem solve challenges and see these as opportunities for improvement and not as an obstacle or failure. When we nudge we focus ourselves on the how, and we worry less about the what. So as you move forward in your quest for executive presence, recognize that you won't achieve it all in one day, or after having taken our course, although that will help a lot. It's a process composed of many many small, achievable steps by aligning these steps.
By setting a personal philosophy and asking ourselves questions that challenge us to live our personal values every day, we nudge our way towards our career goals.