In just one hour, learn how to obtain valuable publicity for your local business, non-profit, activist project, or yourself. Use the sample materials included as models and for additional inspiration.
When your customer base lives within a defined geographical area, it’s relatively straightforward to get talked about and written about in that area. In this practical, no-nonsense video course you learn to get coverage from both traditional media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV) and new media (local blogs, other social media, and "influencers").
Although it’s simple to get no-cost local publicity, the procedures involved are not obvious and not common knowledge. Discover exactly what to do and what not do to become visible, respected, and familiar to potential customers and clients in your region.
The course instructor, Marcia Yudkin, has authored two books on publicity, one of them going through three editions. She has earned both local and national publicity for herself, interviewed well over 1,000 publicity seekers during her career, and helped scores of business owners, small companies and nonprofits get into the news.
Among the supplementary materials are a sample press release, a sample pitch letter, sample simple publicity plan, and more than 100 proven ideas for becoming newsworthy.
One of the course’s key ideas is that local media actually need you to fill their pages and broadcasts. So get ready to help both them and yourself, at the conclusion of the course, you’ll be able to create and implement a realistic plan for local publicity.