Inkscape 01 Intro

2 minutes
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Hi everybody, and welcome to my first class about Inkscape. So Inkscape is a software of vector graphic design really similar to illustrator Adobe Illustrator, but it's free, and you can go on and freedom loaded. So in this first class for beginners, I teach you how to create a repeat pattern geometric like this one that you can see on my main monitor. And in this way, we will begin to be confident with the main tools of this program. So if you are a designer used to software like Photoshop or GIMP, it could be weird that the first time you open this kind of software of the vectorial graphic design because it is really another way to To work but trust me that I'll teach you and you'll be really happy of it. And with Inkscape but you can draw whatever you wish.

Not only geometric designs of course, and I highly recommend it if you don't have yet a tablet because I used to work very much with my tablet, but if you don't have it with Inkscape, really you can draw everything in an easy way just using the mouse. This is the lovely thing of vector graphic design of course, because you can control better the lines and the shapes. And to the designer. I added later textures but detectors were added with another softer with beam. I use usually many designs with Inkscape and then I add textures later with deep It's always a free software and if you are curious, I made some I already made some classes about, of course. So I hope you'll enjoy the first class.

And I wish you good job.

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