In this class you learned about the JavaScript methods push, pop on shift, shift and splice. Specifically, you'll learn that the push method adds an element to the end of a JavaScript array, and it always returns the new length of the array. The pop method removes the last element from the end of the array, and it returns the element that was removed. The unshipped method adds an element to the beginning of a JavaScript array and returns the new length of the array. The shift method removes the first element from the beginning of a JavaScript array and returns the removed element. And the splice method removes end or adds one or more elements at any position in a JavaScript array, and it always returns an array.
From a syntax standpoint, the push method always takes one argument the element you'd like to add to the end of the array, and the method returns a new length of the array. The pop method takes no arguments and just returns the element meant that it removed from the end of the array. The unshipped method takes one argument, the element you'd like to add to the beginning of a JavaScript array and returns the new length of the array. The shift method takes no arguments and removes the first element from a JavaScript array and returns the removed element. The splice method takes a number of arguments. The first one is the position in which you'd like to start working.
The second argument is the number of elements you'd like to remove. And the third element. The third argument is any elements that you'd optionally like to add to the array, and the splice method always returns an array. Thank you very much for enrolling in this class. I hope it was helpful towards your understanding of how to work with arrays in JavaScript. And I wish you the best of luck with your continued journey into the world of JavaScript.