Just gently and comfortably, pay attention to your breathing for a moment. Notice the air moving in and out of your body. And let's appreciate that as we take three deep breaths slowly and deeply. three big deep breaths slowly and deeply as you begin to release, and let go and just allow and imagine a kind of gentle swirling light that moves around the crown of your head so that as your normal, natural rhythm of breathing occurs, with every breath, this beautiful light and sensation of comfort continues to move all around your body. As you relax and breathe, this light becomes brighter around the crown, over the forehead and eyes, the mouth and jaw muscles, the facial muscles releasing and letting go. each breath, taking you deeper, letting the light dance across the back of your head and down into the neck muscles.
All releasing and letting go. each breath, taking you deeper in through the shoulders, the muscles in your arms relaxing, taking you deeper and deeper into comfort and serenity. And just let all the thoughts that you've been thinking float from one side of your mind to the other and out like watching clouds passing by the sky and just let your mind go to a clear Bass as this comfort and light continues to move down from your arms to the hands and fingers, releasing, allowing this comfort and light to move through the chest in a warm, nurturing way, down the back and lower back. Every breath continually taking you deeper. your solar plexus releasing in the belly follows this comfort moving down throughout the hips and around the thighs, into the knees, down through the casts the ankles, through the feet, and out through the toes. This light has touched all parts of you.
Atoms, molecules, cells, neurons, the structures of your brain, mind The whole body wrapped in this luminous light. Inhale, the light becomes brighter and more expansive. Exhale, the light particles, the photons move out throughout your brain and body, filling your heart. Inhale again it becomes brighter, more expansive, richer. It is a loving light, exhale, these particles, these parts of loving, living light, move through through you now your whole body your entire being. You find yourself in a vast sea of light.
You are there in the unmeasurable depths of that oneness with the light and the light that is embedded in you burns deeper and brighter because you are now in the field of light. You are In the field, the quantum field which banishes all the negatives, all the old things that you no longer need. You are in that quantum field for all new possibilities exist. And from this moment forth, you can access this place of light whenever you so wish. You are also the light that moves the sun and all the stars. Remind yourself that I am illuminated, sustained and supported by the light and I support and sustain the light.
The light and I are of the same essence as you see yourself in this great sea of light, which is you which is the quantum field of all possibilities which is love. This is a natural state Hear You feel calm, serene, centered, illuminated, sustained and sustaining the universe always there, although it may be that before this moment, we never knew it was there. And now, you are discovering a sense of your own possibilities emerging from the light. You may see or feel, what is emerging of these possibilities, these new ways of being, but also placing there some intention you have for your life, some dream or desire, placing it now in this field in which your dream desire or intention is taken up in the inter dependent co arising so that your attention is made clear It may grow or change as you feel and observe it in this immense sea of creative light.
Observe it now as it begins to take on the qualities. The very form that you intend is partnership and creation, your desire, your intention, and the cosmic response. Watch now feel now as it grows and clarity and manifestation as it is improved in the quantum field. Take a moment now to let all of these ideas, integrate and process. Always remember that you are made of light. You are of the same essence as the quantum field of light.
A planet Were through intention, all of your thoughts and all dreams can become a reality.