Tibetan Buddhist meditations

Meditation Made Easy Tibetan Buddhist meditations
18 minutes
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So we coming to the last technique that I wanted to explain to you a little bit more into details. And that's the Tibetan Buddhist meditation of introspection. So, as I explained earlier, the point of meditation in our life and why we really seek it, and is, is basically, when we feel that this is not enough for us, it's not working, you're not peaceful. we're stressed out we anxious, we are worrying and we're not happy. And that's really the moment when we invite meditation. I never met anyone was inviting meditation in their lives, if they weren't at that point.

And remind yourself if this is the case. Then just being mindful for in the present moment, we'll come down But it wouldn't give me answers to how to deal with difficulties in my life and the difficulties man in my life is what brought me into the meditation practice. And therefore, I find the Tibetan Buddhist meditation and the Tibetan Buddhist psychology and philosophy, very practical, very grounded, very noble ship technique to start becoming a kind of person to ourselves and a kind of person to others, and to suffer less so to overcome depression, anxiety, and sadness, jealousy, disappointment, anger being the biggest one people are so angry resentments that we hold judgments. It's tiring, we tie it and we are not well, it is not a package of well being. So in those introspective Tibetan Buddhism and meditation, we look deeper into, okay, what's going on here for me.

And you can use these meditations as the first meditation in the morning, or wherever you want. I find it really beneficial to use that meditation when there's a situation that triggers me that pushes my buttons. And so for example, when I'm receiving an email from a person that I have difficulties with, with, I kind of prepare myself that I will read something that I most likely won't like, and I don't want to react to that email with negative emotion. I don't want to be angry anymore. I'm tired of being angry. That person doesn't deserve me to be angry, and I need to resolve this in a better way.

For myself, I then meditate, I read the email. And before I start screaming and shouting or being sad, or whatever your emotion is, I go to my room. And I don't do any introduction, I just sit down and I close my eyes. And I invite anger into my meditation into my space and start peeling the onion and see what's beyond anger. And so I would ask myself questions. It's like being my own therapist.

Okay, I know you're angry. And I know you don't want to be angry. So what's going on here? Why are you so angry? And then I will reply, I'm angry because she said this, this and this and this. Okay?

Why does it upset you? what's the what's the feeling? With your anger, and then I would analyze that. And I would say, I'm fearful that she might hurt x y Zed. If she does this. Okay, so actually you're feeling this fear, right?

You're fearful. If you would eliminate that fear, you would eliminate the anger, right? And then I would say, Yes, that's right. Okay. Now let's deal with the fear then. Yeah, anger is gone.

Let's deal with the fear. And then I will deal with the fear. Okay. If that really happens, what's the worst case scenario? Like, what? What's the deeper fear of that fear?

Well, if she does this, then I'm going to end usually, guess what? It's ridiculous what I find there. It's unlikely to happen. I figured out in those meditations that I have high levels of anxiety, that I also have paranoia for certain things, and that are creating stories that are apps Totally not relevant to my, to my life. I guarantee you guys, like for years, none of those answers need the fear or realistic. It's me talking to myself about the worst case scenario and I figured out that I'm very prone to pessimism and depression.

And without these meditations, I would have not figured it out. And I would pay a lot of money to my therapist, and God knows what I will do, to try to, you know, to stop that mess and noise. But in this meditation, I'm examining my mind and examining my own emotions, talking to myself about that emotion. And then I realized, Oh, I actually have to deal with my anxiety not that person. Further when I learned Buddhism, and you can learn this in the little school of Buddhism, too, is we learn about karma and we learn about difficult people, and we learn about what we can learn from those people. I learned that person with any challenge is a lesson for me.

It's nothing to do with them. It's my perspective on how I see things. And with that in mind, when I have this painful emotion, I don't scream at people anymore in my head, I actually go and retreat because I want to sit in my mindfulness moment. And with that wisdom of that moment, and that detachment from the heated anger, become like an electric, you know, like a wise grandma and say to myself, Okay, come down, because the only question is, who's suffering is you? And this is not about them. So this is about you.

I know they're not nice, but it's their business, their karma? It's, they have to deal with that. It's not your responsibility. What is your responsibility to them? What's going on here? Yeah.

What what what is this person showing you about you, you and then I would come to awarenesses Maybe the person is show me where don't want to be. Which brings me to another question, why am I so afraid of that? Well, maybe I have those traits too. And I don't like them. And I kind of suffer when I behave like that too. And then I start thinking, who do I behave towards, with those same attitudes and behaviors and emotions?

And I start digging a little bit deeper into what kind of person I am. And do I have those virtues so that I can overcome first my suffering in this moment, and secondly, to become a better person? So these meditations are here to invite our thoughts, and to work with those thoughts. They're not here to push the thoughts away something bad because we have to sit in a blissful silence position. All right. This is how you start doing the inner work.

There also meditations from the Tibetan Tradition, and two of my favorites, and they're so simple and they transform your life really quickly are those two, one is tonglen. And the other one is bodhichitta. bodhichitta means an awakened mind, but I'll come to that later. tonglen is really simple. And it helps us to develop compassion and connectedness with other people, including our enemies, enemies. And you can see your enemies as your teachers as much as you dislike them.

They are your teachers. And you do it by connecting to them via your pain. So you, let's say, you struggle with anger, I would recommend that you, you sit down and you imagine the entire world. You can start with certain people, but you can also Stop blaming your family friends, and then just imagine everybody you can even include Donald Trump in in that, I think he needs that. So you close your eyes. And imagine everybody in this world suffers from anger and take it from me.

Everybody does, right? You are not having a big issue here. We all have a big issue here. You're not the only one. And that's also quite a relief, right? So close your eyes.

Bring yourself to the present moment with just few breaths. And then when your next breath in. Inhale, the entire anger and the pain of that anger, the suffering of the anger of all the people in this world because you know what it feels like. And then with your breath out You send them the strength, the inner peace, the calmness, the resilience. You have them with the warmth of your hand to release them from that pain. You can do it also with suffering like sadness, loneliness.

If you suffer from depression, you know what it feels like. invite those people in your mind. And then with that breath in, take all that pain in as if you want to help them with taking eating. And then you breathe out the strength to overcome it. You know, it's okay. Then there are ways to overcome it.

And you send them the strength and unconditional love Now this meditation connects you to other people. Secondly, you don't think about other things you think at all just about these, these inhale and exhale. So taking their pain in giving them all the strength and love. But it also does for you is that it reminds you how much strength you actually have to give. Yeah. And that's really powerful.

And it also develops compassion. and compassion is what you need. When somebody makes you angry. You need patience and compassion, to react. And you also need passion, patience and compassion for yourself. Because you screw up, work 20 times a day minimum.

So the more you become aware of your screw ups, the more compassion you need to forgive yourself and move on with your new awareness of becoming a better person. So baby steps are diligently practicing it. The book The Cheetah meditation is a meditation awakened mind. That means not enlightened, awakened, becoming aware and awakened that beyond this appearance of this conventional world that we live in, and all the happenings and events in our lives that we live, we, we actually perceive this as reality. But really what's going on? is a lot of things happening behind the curtains beyond the appearance.

And those are energies and emotions. Yeah. And they all live here. And they all brought it to this meditation. So let's start developing compassion and patience and loving kindness to be the dominant emotions in here. So how do we do that?

We we do a meditation on realizing that we suffer also asking ourselves our mind and wishing, wishing is a better word than asking, wishing for us to stop suffering. And then we move on to another person. So it starts with you. And then you move to the last one. And then you wish it for your neighbor was quite neutral to you, you don't have any big emotions there. And then gradually, you can also move to the person who brings a lot of pain.

Now I'm not saying you should become a doormat and allow people to treat you badly. I'm totally against that there's boundaries to put in place which you can put only when you have loving kindness and compassion for yourself. However, in your heart, you can develop compassion for that person because everybody unhappy making you Unhappy is like their unhappiness spilling into spilling over into your territory. They're so unhappy that it just spills over everywhere. Yeah, and it goes in makes everybody unhappy because a happy person cannot make somebody unhappy. That's a fact.

So with this wish for that person to stop suffering, you develop a kind of heart. But also, you realize that you equal to that person. We are all equal here, that person has the same right to be happy, like you, no matter what you think of that person, no matter of your judgment of that person. You have your own karma. They have their own karma. You have your own path, they have your own path.

We do not know what's going on for that person. But as long as we keep on holding on to that anger, resentment towards that person, we are stuck in our suffering, but it doesn't do anything good. for that person, okay? And so when once you do that you will feel huge benefits physical, mental, emotional, spiritual benefits. And then you can spread that wish of being free from suffering like anger and attachment and jealousy and whatever that negative emotion is to the entire world for all sentient beings, that includes animals as well and I would say plants. So it goes like this.

You close your eyes and you just repeat simple sentences. May I be free from suffering and the root of suffering. May my husband be free from suffering the root of suffering made the lady at the tail in the supermarket. Be free from suffering and the root of suffering. Main my enemy, be free from suffering and the root of suffering. May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the root of suffering.

May I find happiness and the root of happiness. May my husband find happiness and the root happiness. May the lady at the tail end supermarkets find happiness and the root of happiness May my enemy find happiness and the root of happiness. May all sentient beings find happiness and the root of happiness. If you have difficulties to wish and of suffering and happiness your enemy or the world your motivation should be this. The quicker she becomes she'll he becomes happy.

They will not inflict any suffering onto others. And if you imagine that this world is full of happy people, full of happy politicians, full of happy leaders, full of happy influences, full of happy couples, husbands wives, what would the world look like? And if that's not enough, what would your life look like?

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