Ivan illich, the Austrian philosopher was once asked, What's the most powerful way to change society? He said, not revolution, not reformation, rather tell the world the story so persuasive, that it sweeps away the old myths and becomes the preferred story to change the world telling a better story. Now, if a story can do that for our country, imagine what it can do for our relationships and businesses. But most of us, we barely thought about storytelling since we were 12 years old. We're still trying to influence people with the sophisticated way of PowerPoints and bullet points. We wonder, wonder how I can build trust a little bit faster with clients or how can I connect deeply with people?
We don't realize that the answer is under our 12 year old nose all along. Tell a powerful personal story. Nike, all the senior executives are designated corporate storytellers of Procter and Gamble. They've hired Hollywood producers to come and teach their executives how to tell stories. At leading business schools, they've even added storytelling into the curriculum. So what does Nike know that we don't know?
They know that storytelling is a hack to trust, to truth and to profit. And it may just be the most powerful tool in our leadership toolbox that we've never used. So how do you tell a 22nd business story? Follow the one to one story formula 1.2 halves, one unforgettable detail. It's the simplest way to tell a business or personal story. Welcome to your brand new storytelling life.