Next type of question is information versus data. These questions are inordinately long and very frustrating for students. You'll find these types of questions commonly on standardized tests such as the MCAT, the dat, the L set, etc. They take a bit of time to write as an exam question writer and so instructors sometimes will shy away from this type of questions because it involves a bit of work on their part, or they may recycle them from year to year. And so if you're reviewing previous year's tests, you may have a significant leg up on the competition so to speak, in terms of trying to answer these questions appropriately. The gist of it is the next slide here.
The gist of it is that there's a vast, vast amount of information in the stem. These stems are usually four or 567. I've seen up to 10 lines long worth of information in the stem. A lot of that is irrelevant. It's fluff. Just think back to the story problems you you answered in grade school math, a lot of information presented there is irrelevant, not needed.
And so fortunately, at least in the US education system, we've been indoctrinated into that line of thinking where if we really focus and think about it, we do have some skill in chopping out in and avoiding focusing on the relevant information. The critical pieces of information and data are buried deep within the stem, you'll have to share these out, and it takes a bit of practice in this contextual manner. Practice Questions are immensely helpful, particularly if you can get some practice questions from old tests or if your instructor or professor offers some practice or mock test capitalize on that because of a pretty good idea about how they structure these types of questions. obvious answer choices are rare. The Talented exam writers often will go out of their way to avoid this and it just it makes this type of question exponentially more difficult to answer.
And it takes time. It's easy to get frustrated and bogged down. And so the key here is focus, patience and persistence. The little diagram, there just is just an outline of the gems are very deep within the stem. And so you just need to take time, and I'm confident you'll be able to find the key pieces of data to give you the answer, and get the extra few points you need on this type of question. So the approach, determine which facts are important, highlight those or circle them whatever you like, ignore the red herrings, the fluff foils the extra ancillary data there that really has very little to do with answering the question appropriately.
The best approach for these types of questions I've found in working with students is to do a quick read through the stem. And if there's something that's glaringly not important, cross it out, and go on read through the answers, and then come back to the stem you'll have a pretty good idea based on the choices provided, what the instructor what the question writer is truly after. So just take your time dig through the camouflage of the stem. Be patient Don't rush through these don't get frustrated and I know you'll have a lot of success answering these types of questions.