About Me

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Hello, and welcome. That will take you on a short journey of myself. I am basically a programmer, the computer programmer. However, over the years of writing computer programs, I view everything in life as programming, whether it is playing a game of cricket or billiards or whether it is running a department or a company. everything for me is programming. I like to look for patterns and I normally find patterns and then I make those patterns repeatable, so that it can make a winning formula in whatever the situation is.

So appropriately, I say, I am just a programmer. My name is Pato Majumdar. I'm a Bengali and so we pronounce the last a as Oh, so it is part for Majumdar. I'm basically from Calcutta. However, I've been living in Bangalore or Bengaluru for the last 10 years. So I can say I'm from Bengaluru.

Recently. I've been spending at A lot of time in react. So react has become a second home for the time being for me. I've been working in computer software industry for close to 30 years now. I started from the time when we used to use eight inch floppy disks. The Winchester disk of 3.5 inches was a major innovation at our time.

Now we have progressed a lot, and we are in the age of iPhones and iPads. This journey has been very exciting. And I have thoroughly enjoyed the same. I still continue to enjoy as I'm learning every day as there is so much to learn as there is so much development going on in the industry at all points of time. So this is a very good industry which has been for me and I have been fortunate to be part of it. I haven't even realized how time has just flown by.

In all these years. Everything seems like it just happened yesterday. My programming journey began in 1989 when a cricket tournament was held in India called the Jawaharlal Nehru centenary cricket cup, this tournament was played by six nations and it was hosted across 19 locations in India. Now, this tournament was to a marriage through computers as emphasized by the then Prime Minister, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. So, we studied the computerization that had been done for this year on bass and on the same lines, we try to automate or computerized tournament management for this tournament. This for this job I was contracted by center for development of telematics of C dot and worked on a very big names, we use clipper novel NetWare and IBM storyteller etc to develop the software in this total of 22, the first time when electronic scoreboard was used in India, and that scoreboard was installed in Eden gardens in Calcutta.

So my carry on at a good start, and subsequently I got the opportunity to work in which exciting projects between 90 to 1996. I worked on many projects, which were of different industries. Sometimes it is for the army, sometimes it is for national cooperation or for hospital or for tea gardens, etc. Now, this enabled me to learn a number of domains. Over these years of my information. I got an opportunity to go abroad for the first time when I was sent to Thailand to develop a MRP two solution for a company called computer integrated manufacturing company or tsimko.

Thereafter, I worked with government of Thailand project, and then Unocal and then got sent to euro for the first time in Belgium, where I was part of the euro conversion project in 1996, as assigned to total access communications, Thailand to develop into and telecom billing system. This was a huge project and its aim was to replace a very popular telecom billing system from Kingston. Now this software took us three years to develop. And we had more than 125 people in the team. We used PowerBuilder Informix, tuxedo Crystal Reports, etc. For the first time in this project, the project was awarded the best search software in Southeast Asia.

Ever since 1996, I've been purely working in telecom domain or other telecom billing domain, and I have provided solutions to over 40 telcos around the world. Now here are a list of few telcos where I have given solutions. And these include very, very number of solutions, including mobile money, etc. I also helped many telcos to startup like get go, for example. For the first time I was part of a telecom operator when I joined mobili in Saudi Arabia in 2019. Though I am still associated with some telecom operators for giving solutions are mainly working on government projects in Saudi Arabia.

So I've been working with customs are mcitp or Ministry of communication Information Technology, Ministry of planning etc. And these are all big data solutions. I've been fortunate to work in the companies they said here reaches the companies I got opportunity to develop number of software, number of software products and a be involved in very many projects. And I learned a lot during my stay in each of these companies. In 2014, I started my own company modular consultancy Private Limited. Now, this was driven by circumstances, personal needs ambitions, etc.

And a lot of luck ever since I have partnered with a Dubai based businessman to form si solutions. And now I have also partnered with a company in Saudi Arabia tools and solutions to work as a director in that company. My work has taken me to many countries in the world. Besides, I've got the opportunity to visit many other countries for pleasure. Now, during all my interactions, I have been able to work with people of very many number of countries much more than I visited, and each of them have been a very enriching learning experience. On the education front, I'm still studying.

I'm enrolled in Master of Science for artificial intelligence. I recently completed Postgraduate Diploma in business analytics, and I love milk. I have over 300 certificates from milk and I continuously study from milk. It helps me to refresh my knowledge and also enhance my knowledge. I highly recommend MOOC for everyone. My current hobbies include Share trading.

I've been trading and share since 1996. And now I've been applying AI. I love to look for patterns and I've been successful in forming patterns, which is giving me results of about 77% accuracy. I love blogging, and I love traveling. I have ambition to travel to almost all the countries in the world. So for me, it's a formula of earn, spend and share experience and earn again through the experiences shared.

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