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And welcome. one letter from a friend of mine told me that he got some 50 lakh rupees from one of the projects, and he did not know what to do with that money. His goal was that he wanted to get a monthly return from this money so that he could take care of his expenses at home. Now, I told him, what are the solutions for him could be that he could invest in mutual funds. However, he told me that he had no idea regarding what was which funds. So I started on the process of guiding him regarding what is mutual funds and how to go about investing, how to buy, how to sell, etc.

I took me nearly one year of consulting with him so that he could understand what his mutual funds all about. This person is now making about 14% returns from these mutual funds for the last two years. Another incident happened when my cousin in the mom told me that is retiring from Saudi airlines in another one year He would be getting a lot of money from his retirement as his retirement benefits. He asked me, What did you do with that money? I told him that part of the money he could invest in mutual funds and the remaining equal invest in other instruments. He again told me that he had been investing in mutual funds.

However, he was not very happy with his investments in mutual fund. I asked him, How does he go about investing in mutual funds? He told me that he has no idea basically, he asked some advisors and based on the advice he does it, and it has not been giving good results. So I created a portfolio for my cousin and gave it to him based on which he could invest. And also I told him, what is mutual funds all about? What are the different kind of mutual funds and how you should go about doing the investment in mutual fund.

Now, he has just about started yet to know how his results will be, but I'm sure he will get good returns for the mutual funds what he's investing in. So these incidents made me realize that there are a lot of people in this world who do not have any idea regarding what our mutual funds now this is very important to know about mutual funds basically, because in this world where inflation is raising and interest rates are falling on a daily basis, it is very important that we invest in mutual funds to the share market in general, so that we have a decent return from our investment. While it is important to invest in mutual funds. It is more important that we know about mutual funds before we invest in mutual funds. Otherwise investment may not yield what we are expecting it to eat. That's why I created this course, where I take you on a journey from the very basics to the very advanced topics of mutual funds.

Now, knowing this topics and then applying them to invest in mutual funds is all more or less guarantee for you to be earning a good amount of money from which upon investments. After I created this course, I requested my wife to review the course for me. But once you reviewed he told me that the courses become too And it will be difficult for people to concentrate for such a long time on this course, she suggested that I break the code into three parts, so that people could have concentrated view of what they were learning. So, I broke the code into three parts each part containing of topics of a particular theme. So, this is a three part course, which takes you on a journey from the very basics of mutual funds to very advanced topics of mutual fund investment. This is the first part of the three part series mastering mutual fund investments.

My name is Partha Majumdar and I am an Indian. I come from Kolkata, Kolkata was earlier known as Calcutta. Calcutta was famous for many things, but nothing more than it is a city of Mother Teresa. I live in Bengaluru, with my wife and two daughters. I have been investing in mutual funds since 1997. All my investments in mutual funds have been in India.

Currently there are 30 people across the globe who seek advice from me regarding investments, including mutual fund investment, though I do not do this work professionally, as I do not charge them any money for these advices. Now, let's take a look at the contents of this post in this particular course, which is the part four of the three part series, we discuss the basics of mutual fund investments, we will introduce the different terms and terminologies one needs to be aware of or investing in mutual funds. So, the course will cover why we should invest in mutual funds, what are the mutual funds actually and what are the different types of mutual funds? What are the plans and options available for investing in mutual funds and then we will discuss separately thorah of essential terms what needs to know for investing in mutual funds. In the second part of the course we will discuss indicators and metrics.

Now from here onwards The course will get into a technical knowledge of Excel and knowledge of some basic statistics etc will be required. The second We will discuss how to find information regarding mutual funds, what are expected returns standard deviations and terms of this nature, what is beta alpha r squared etc What are ratios like Sharpe ratio ratio sortino ratio etc how to calculate these ratios we will see in detail in the third and last part of this particular course, we will discuss how to create portfolios of mutual funds, we will discuss some advanced topics like value stocks, growth stocks, and from there we will move on to value funds growth bonds, contra funds, arbitrage funds etc. We will look at how to calculate the essential metric for a portfolio. Then we will discuss in details regarding how what is Petrovsky f score or mondas g score etc.

Then we will round up with allocation of funds to a mutual fund portfolio and how to optimize the same I hope you'll enjoy the course. If you find There are some contents which you are still requiring beyond the contents that is discussed in the course please write to me and I will try to add those material in the course as well. Or you can ask me questions which I can answer you on a one to one basis or in a group. Thank you for listening. Enjoy the course. Happy learning, happy investing

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