Let's take a look at the data entry now. I'm filling out all those forms, tapping buttons, amazing processes. Alright, so whether tapping interface elements or using the keyboard, inputting information can be a tedious process. When an app slows down the process by asking for lots of input before doing anything useful, people can get discouraged quickly, and may even abandon the app entirely. So my personal advice, minimize the data entry. Now let's go over the guidelines from Apple.
First, when possible, present choices and not input fields. Make data entry as efficient as possible. Consider using a beaker or table instead of a text field for example, because it's easier to choose from a list of predefined options than to type a response. get information from the system whenever possible. Don't force people to provide information that can be gathered automatically or with the user's permission, such as contact a calendar information, or location. provide reasonable default values, to the extent possible prefilled fields with the most likely values, providing good defaults minimizes decision making and speeds up the process.
Enable advancement only after collecting the required values, before enabling a next or continue button. Make sure all the required fields have values. Use the enablement of the button as a visual cue that it's time to proceed. dynamically validated field values is frustrating when you have to go back and correct mistakes after filling out the lengthy form. Whenever possible, check field values immediately after entry, so users can correct them right away. required field values only when necessary.
Use required fields only for information that is truly necessary to proceed. Ease navigation through the value lists, especially in tables and beakers, it should be easy to pick a value. Consider storing value list alphabetically or another logical manner that facilitates speedy scanning and selection. Also, our widespread practice is to put the most probable choices on top. For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg get usually put on the top of the cities in Russian market apps, because they're the most often selected ones. show a hint in text field to help communicate purpose.
A text field can contain placeholder text, your email password, when there is no other text in the field. 20 users labeled to describe a text field when placeholder text is sufficient