Want to know what you should be eating your your six month of pregnancy. Hi, my name is Melanie McBride and I'm a perinatal dietitian with a master's degree in nutrition and dietetics. In this video, we're going to chat about how your nutritional needs change throughout your six month of pregnancy. Stay tuned. By the six months of your pregnancy, your baby is now about the size of a coconut You really be starting to show now and it's your baby grows back pain will continue to worsen and happen can increase heartburn or poor gastro esophageal reflux because it's correctly titled is when ethic comes up into your food pipe and gives you that sharp burning pain in your throat and chest as caused by the pressure of your baby on your diaphragm and will continue to increase as your baby grows. Have you been on the scales lately?
Remember to weigh in every month to track your progress. If you're gaining too much weight, make an appointment with your dietitian now and identify some strategies to get back on track. To minimize the symptoms of heartburn, try eating small regular meals his big meals will make them much worse. If you haven't already given up smoking and alcohol. You should know that alcohol and smoking are also going to make your heart burn a lot worse too. And I recommend trying to apply lying down on a full stomach.
Instead, wait a couple of hours after eating before you go to bed at night, or lie down for a nap. You might like to prop yourself up in bed with a few extra pillows as your symptoms get worse to. A few other tips for minimizing heartburn include, avoid eating very hot and very cold foods such as ice cream or hot soup. Milk is often soothing as it helps to settle the acid in your stomach. So try drinking a small glass of skim milk after dinner when heartburn is usually at its worst. During month six, you need to have your glucose tolerance test to check the gestational diabetes.
This is another reason to be eating small regular meals throughout the day instead of three large meals or regular meals help to spread your carbohydrate load across the day, which assists in regulating your production of insulin and decreasing the risk of diabetes. Ideally, you should be eating every three to five hours. Remember to include protein and vegetables with each meal rather than scaling up on big bowls of pasta or rice, which need loads of insulin to break down the carbohydrates in them. It's important to include whole grain foods in your diet, but you don't want to eat a large amount of them all at once. The good guy is to limit yourself to two sets of carbohydrate containing meals at each meal or snack and a maximum of three at breakfast after you've been fasting all night. carbohydrate containing foods include dairy foods, fruit, starchy vegetables, like potatoes, sweet potatoes of corn, whole grains, and also treat foods.
So an example might be a sandwich with two slices of bread, which is two servings of carbohydrate, and then some tuna and salad which don't contain any carbohydrates for lunch. And then first snack maybe a piece of fruit and a tub of yogurt which provide one set of carbohydrate eight for morning tea. Exercise is also essential for your blood glucose levels. So make the most of your increased energy levels and undertake at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This is not a time for exercising to improve your performance, but more so to get in touch with your body. As your baby impacts your lung capacity, you may not be able to exercise at the same intensity that you were before.
But don't give up. something is better than nothing. Ideally, aim for more insurance exercise, a long slow relaxing swim rather than a quick dash in the pool. Now as you're walking or swimming, or cycling or dancing, use this time to meditate and help you prepare for labor. notice your breathing and exercise at a pace where you can control it. Notice your temperature, your heartbeat and tension in any muscles.
Control your stress levels and focus on positive things such as the feeling of the wind in your head. stiffness, slowly working your way out of your body and your ability to control your breathing. If you're lifting any weights, you might find that you need to drop the weight of them around this time. White the great for tightening, but as your joints loosen, you need to be aware of any potential injuries. take extra care with your technique and strap any joints that trouble you, particularly joints. We've had previous injuries.
To help you eat a healthier diet during your pregnancy. I've put together a seven day pregnancy meal plan. It's got a range of options that you can mix and match to suit your likes and dislikes. To download it now all you have to do is click on the link below. I look forward to chatting to you again soon. Bye for now MOOC is often really soothing as it tends to settle, settle, settle exercise