Hello, and welcome to the fifth tutorial in the c++ programming series. And in this part, we're going to be looking at overloading operator. operator overloading provides you with the functionality to basically override the default functionality of a operator, or I should say add additional functionality, aka, you can't add two class objects together by default, but by overloading an operator, such as the addition operator, you can specify what you want to happen. Even though you may put a plus sign or try and add two objects together, the functionality that you implement may be something totally unrelated to addition, but again, that's totally up to you. I recommend that you try and keep it consistent, but I can totally up to you and show you how to implement operator overloading. So let's go ahead and open up our project and what We're going to do is create a class and call us vehicle.
I'm going to create two constructors. One is going to be the default one, I want it to be overloaded, what's up, be turned into age 10. I'm going to be in a cage. So now what we're going to do is just implement our constructor. So the default one will just set the speed by itself. And, and the age to a default values of speed will equal 60.
And a equal one. Probably won't be in the default constructor, but implemented anyway and it's good practice to implement it. As we got we need to just get these variable names into Yeah. And then here, we're simply going to be equals the temp, age equals age 10. And now we're going to actually before we actually overload an operator, we'll show you what happens when we try to add two objects together. So we're going to create an object called vehicle B and to view the value 560 critten.
No, sorry about that. Just a little email notification beam to be true. And this will add value on port four and 10. What we're going to do is create a new vehicle and we're going to do is gonna go to BMW and assign this w BMW club BMW two. And if you were to On this video build failed invalid operands to binary expression vehicle. And basically, the compiler doesn't know how to add these two objects together because at the end of the day, we're creating our own custom classes, we're not just providing two numbers, it doesn't know what to do, we didn't know how to do it or what we want.
So we have to overload an operator. So, every time you want to use an operator here plus division, so what have you, you have to overload it, but this tutorial will serve as a good basis for actually how to overload operator. So to overload an operator, put the name of your class or vehicle, you put the keyword operator, and you put the operator that you want to overload. So plus, and then in here, you do const the name of your will come in name of your class, and then you just assign a name to this cylindrical parameter. This can be wherever you want Now what I'm gonna do is just copy and paste this and implemented birthday notification on low the different devices. So we're gonna do vehicle and as you can see returns a vehicle object.
So we go to vehicle operator and with a simply going to in here do vehicle temp and what we'll do is 10 dot b equals b plus parameter of speed 10 dot age equals age plus parameter dot age and improvement and return 10. So what we do is tempo is the object passed in and the we get the speed and the age values from the original object. So basically we add these two together here into a temporary nickel object which is return and now as you can see if we run this works, he succeeds. So let's just print the value this so cm, super BMW dot speed TD and line two lowercase E and we're just gonna change speed to paid after copy and paste. And now if you run this, we should get a value of five or four please added 570 3060 and 10.
And like I said, you can easily manipulate this to only modify to support other operator overloading. So to avoid minus and what have you, you can get a full list of options. phrases that can be overload if you just simply google this as simple as that. That's it for this part in this series. In the next part, we'll be looking at this keyword. If you have any questions feel free to message us or support us on our systems.
Clearly, KB email will be in the description. You can comment on this video with us directly messages via YouTube. All the require links for source code will also be in the description. And as usual, thanks for watching and I hope you have a great day.