Welcome back guys. Now what we need to do is import the database search and replace plugin. So here it is. Before importing what we can do is rename this folder to something simple. Let's right search. Yeah, CRC h search.
All right, now let's import this into our file manager into the into the public underscore HTML folder. Make sure to import it here only and nowhere else because this is a very powerful tool. Alright and the scan bigger website. Make sure that you import it here only and nowhere else. Okay. Now, just let me import it and upload and it is done.
What it is here it is search. Alright Now what we need to do is go to web hosts thing class.tk and type in search. Okay, so our whatever the name of the folder that you gave earlier. So our domain name, web hosting class.tk slash search, and click on Enter. Now, before moving forward, what we need to do is replace the local link with a link that is on our server. Alright, so let me open XAMPP again, I shouldn't have closed it.
But anyway. Yeah, so my website is stored in localhost slash Port folio. Here is my website, and they're stored in the local host. Alright. So what we need to do is we need to replace this in our database. So let me copy it and paste it here.
And let's remove everything that we don't need. Yeah, just the bare minimum. All right, and we need to replace it with this thing. I was doing last.tk. So copy and place pasted here and removed HTTP. Alright, that's enough.
And scroll down. Yeah, check the database name and the username whether it is correct or not password and everything. Okay. Now Scroll down. And the word dry run or dry run will do is it will check where all these changes have to be made. And it will tell you right.
Yeah. So there are 228 changes in this particular file, three changes in this particular file three changes in this particular file. All right now now just imagine if we had to do this individually, okay. Now what we can do is click on live run, and it will do it. It is asking you Are you absolutely sure are you that you need to make changes to your database? And yes, we are sure all because we already have a backup of our database.
All right, so, click on OK and 3210 and it is happening. This is the final step our website or website should work from now on. Three changes made three changes made to 28 changes made. And we are done to total 234 cells were changed. Let's scroll down and delete me. Now what this is asking you to do is delete the plugin, delete the source plugin, because it poses a high security risk to your website.
So let's just delete it and Okay. Now this will be gone from here. So as replace has been successfully replaced or removed from your server. Um, let me refresh this. Yeah, it is Now what we can do is just delete this and press enter and our website should be here. And yeah, it is Wallah.
Our website is live as you can see it here and it is fully functioning. Okay. And this is the end of this tutorial series, my friends and we can close this and let me close this and I will see you soon bye