Welcome aboard Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for taking this class where you can learn how to design a mobile application for booking tickets using various UI, and UX techniques. This class assumes that you have previous knowledge of a design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, or Adobe Experience design. If you don't have previous knowledge, don't worry, you can still follow along. This class is aimed towards people who want to learn UI and UX design and mobile design. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or even a pro, I might have a trigger to up my sleeve that can increase your knowledge. Learning is never enough.
You will learn what is user persona and why is it important in user experience design. You will learn what is user flow And what's the purpose of it. And finally, you'll learn how to design the actual application. The software that we're going to use throughout this series is called figma. And you can download it for free@figma.com. figma is among the most popular software's for UI and UX design, and you can either use it in the browser, however, I recommend that you download the desktop application.
Now, if you don't want to use figma, because you're using another software like Photoshop or sketch, maybe that's fine, because you can still follow this class. Each video will have its own assets panel. Here you will find various images and icons required for you to complete the videos. Since our class doesn't teach topics like icon design, or Photography will use these assets, they are free to use. And you can see the links where you can download other assets if you like. Finally, you will require positive attitude to complete this class.
And remember, learning is never enough. Thank you for joining my class and let's get started.